iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 12 | Slade’s Loft


Tosha landed the stolen skycab at Slades’s loft. The group escorted Slade inside the building and down the hallway to his loft. The halls were lined with marble floors and low glow fancy lights with brass casings. The hallway floor and ceiling trim had carved designs with a white shiny finish.  The group walked the hallways and pushed Slade every time he slowed down. Peyton asked, “Which one's yours?”

Slade pointed at unit 3015 and says, “Right there. 3015.”

They walked up to the door. There was a computer screen located on the wall. As it turned on, it displayed an older male’s face (the image was of an artificial digital butler). At the top of the screen, it read, "Mr. Reeves." The digital butler, Mr. Reeves, recognized Mr. Slade and said, “Mr. Slade. Welcome home. Shall I open the door?”

Slade replied, “Yes Reeves, open the door.” The door opened and they pushed Slade inside. Mr. Reeves spoke as they all walked into his loft, “Mr. Slade, you have three messages.”

Slade advised Mr. Reeves, “Hold, ‘um.” Mr. Reeves asked another question, “Would you like a

meal prepared?” Slade had turned to the group and asked, “Would you like anything?”

Grayson acknowledged Slade and answered for the group, “No thanks. Now, down to business. What's your position at the lab?”

Slade didn’t think it was a good idea to answer, but he was afraid not to, so he said, “Senior Scientist. You’re BMIs huh?”

Grayson looked directly at Slade and said, “We are. How'd ya’ know?”

Slade visually scanned the group, looked back and forth, and said, “I helped develop your BMI processors. You’re a 1520 (looking at Tosha), you’re a 1550 (looking at Terrack), you’re a 1575 (looking at Peyton), and you’re a 1580 (looking at Grayson.)”

Grayson tried to read Slade’s facial expressions and asked, “What do you think about us?” 

Slade smiled and replied, “You’re my life's work. You don't need to harm me. I'll help you.”

Grayson and Slade continued to talk in the living room. The other’s sat down in the room. Terrack grabbed fruit from a bowl on a table and started to eat it. Peyton talked to Mr. Jeeves and plopped herself on the couch. Peyton commanded, “Turn on the news.” The television turned on and displayed the local news.

Grayson and Slade continued to talk. Grayson told him, “Good. That's good. We could use your help.”

The other BMIs walked around the kitchen area, picked up, and ate food from the counter.

Grayson started to trust Slade and told him, “Slade, we don't want to die. Our implants are expiring. Can you help us?”

Slade replied, “I think so.”

Grayson then asked, “How? How can you help? We heard that the final design, the 1600 series, has no end life.”

Slade responded, “You’re right, it doesn't. But only Doctor Reynolds has the design.”

Grayson moved in closer and asked him, “Will you help us get into the Cybernotics Corporation?” 

Slade answered, “Yes. Yes I can do that.”

Grayson slid his hand down Slade's face and patted him on the top of his shoulder. Peyton stood next to Slade and hugged him. Grayson was pleased with his answer and told Slade, “You’re god-sent, brother.” Tosha and Terrack also thanked Slade for volunteering to help them.

Terrack walked back towards the bathroom and said, “I’m going to take a shower and get cleaned up.” Grayson then said, “Good idea. We will all get cleaned up and rest here before we make our next move.”

Slade said, “Of course. Make yourselves at home. Mr. Reeves, please assist my guests with whatever food they would like prepared.”

Reeves answered, “Yes, Mr. Slade.”

Back at JT’s loft it was about to heat up.