iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 13 | JT Hooked Up


JT was at home. He was moving from his bedroom to the living room when the doorbell made a soft buzzing noise. He walked to the door and Jennifer stood there looking afraid. She was dressed in a long dress and a trench coat.

JT gazed at Jennifer; he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. He said, “Come in.”

Jennifer replied, “Thank you.”

They walked to the kitchen and JT had offered her a piece of strawberry shortcake, “Desert?”

Jennifer said, “Sure.”

JT replied, “So why you here?”

Jennifer made light of JT’s dry sense of humor, “Mr. Sunshine, you intrigue me. Your cloak and dagger life must a constant adrenaline rush.”

JT had become aroused. He thought she was hitting on him, so he answered, “Sometimes. You’re very beautiful.”

Jennifer teased JT by dipping a strawberry in whip cream. She ate it slowly and said, “Mmm. Strawberries. These are hard to find.”

JT picked up a strawberry for himself and told her, “Just have to know where to go to get ‘um. Here, sit. Have a glass of wine.”

Jennifer took a glass of red wine from JT and started to sip it. Jennifer stood up, leaned back against a granite counter top, and said, “Yum. The wine?”

JT replied, “Yes, one of my favorites.”

Jennifer had moved in close to JT's face. JT responded by moving in closer to her, gave her a kiss, and said, “Are you sure?” Wanting to know if it was okay to kiss her.

Jennifer answered him with, “Yes.  From day to day this world gets darker and darker. I don't know what tomorrow has to offer. I would prefer to live for the day than see what tomorrow has to offer.”

Jennifer and JT kissed slowly and JT pulled Jennifer tight into him. JT then lifted Jennifer up onto the counter and they become more fervent. They kissed faster and more passionately.  Their foreplay escalated. JT lifted Jennifer up and carried her to his bedroom where they made love.

After they had finished, Jennifer jumped into the shower.  Stream covered the shower door. Jennifer's naked outline could be seen behind it. Jennifer exited. She had put on a white robe and covered her lower body, but left her breasts showing until she finished putting on the robe. Jennifer talked to JT through the open bathroom door. She said, “I have to get going. Call me later.”

JT is looked out the window into the dark and dirty city outside. Cella announced, “JT.”

He replied, “Yes Cella?”

Cella said, “Incoming call.”

JT responded with the command, “Answer.”

Z was on the line. He said, “They hit Cybernotics.”

JT kept it short, “Details.”

Z then gave JT the run down on what happen, “About an hour ago a senior scientist was kidnapped from Cybernotics. We don't know the motive. There was a short pursuit involving the police, but they got away.”

JT then told Z, “Thanks. Got it. Bye,” and then asked Cella, “Show source information.”

Cella displayed the information visually in the air. Cella provided the requested information, “Yes JT. I scanned the records of the missing employee. His name is Tyler Slade. He spent 30 years with Cybernotics and is listed as the senior scientist.”

JT instructed Cella, “Scan credit usage, ID, and door entry records on Slade.”

Cella scanned the net and stated, “Scan complete. Last registered entry was on Slade's loft door 35 minutes ago. Door shows no exit record.” Cella went quiet.

JT turned his attention to Jennifer who was now dressed. Her hair was still wet; she looked very sexy. JT smiled at Jennifer and said, “Hey, meet me in New Hollywood later. We can talk more then.” Jennifer had begun to exit the door.  As she shut it behind, she told JT, “Okay. Bye.”

JT had Cella notify Renlo that he would be leaving shortly.