iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 16 | Upgrade Us


On the roof of Slade’s place, Slade and the BMIs went to the resident’s parking area and entered Slade’s personal flying car. They wanted to avoid detection because the skycab they ditched in the parking area was still probably on the police’s most wanted list.

Slade volunteered to fly them to Cybernotics. He sat in the pilot’s seat. Terrack still did not trust Slade, so he sat next to Slade so that he could keep an eye on him. Peyton and Grayson slid into the back seats and made themselves comfortable. They figured they could kick back until they arrived. They flew off to Cybernotics Corporation.

Normally, in order to enter Cybernotics roof top landing pad, you had to contact their control tower to get permission, but Slade used a side service vehicle pad, located on the bottom of the building. It was used by delivery vehicles and did not require clearance to land.

Grayson, Peyton, and Terrack entered the lobby with Slade at their side. They approached the security desk. No one else could be seen inside, it was dead quiet.

The human security guard sat behind the security desk dressed in a dark grey security jumpsuit with Cybernotics security patches on both shoulders. He was watching the riot activity in the city on his computer monitors. Armed Cybernotics security androids were guarding the elevator entrances. They were chrome- plated with black trim. They were impressive and intimidating; more advanced than the average security droids on the streets. Grayson did not want to have to fight his way through the complex, and preferred to get to the doctor without trouble, but was prepared to do whatever it took.

The human guard greeted the group, “Good afternoon, how may I help?” Slade answered him, “I have some visitors with me. I need security passes for the lower level lab.” The human guard replied, “I need to verify their IDs,” He had recognized Slade as a long-term, high profile employee.

Grayson used his BMI implant to manipulate the Cybernotics computer and told the guard, “Verification should have been sent to your computer.” The guard looked at his computer screen and replied, “Sure, let me check.”

Grayson had forged digital profiles for the group which now appeared on the guard’s screen. The guard looked at the screen, verified the information, and said, “Yes Mr. Slade. Here are your guest passes.”

Slade took the passes. He handed them to Terrack, Grayson, and Peyton. They clipped them on their shirts and walked to the elevators. When they entered the elevator area, they scanned their passes on a security podium. The podium was located in front of the android guard who verified that they were authorized to enter. The top of the podium turned light green as each pass was scanned and displayed the word “valid.”  The group headed down one hundred floors below Cybernotics to the low-level experimental laboratories. Grayson asked Slade, “Where you taking us?”

Slade responded, “My lab.”

Grayson wanted to know why and said, “We need to see the creator.”

The elevator continued its descent swiftly. The floor numbers flash by on the elevator floor counter. The descent was so rapid they almost felt weightless. Slade responded to Grayson’s question with, “Doctor Reynolds? In time. First, I want to show you something in my lab.”

Terrack, suspicious of Slade, warned him saying, “Don't cross us.”

Slade reassured him, “As said, I'm on your side.”

They finally arrived. One hundred floors below the ground. Peyton said, “Floor one hundred. Why is your lab located so far down?”

Slade answered, “Security. It’s the best way to protect against break-ins and thefts of our project details. Our lab and computer systems are the most advanced in the world. In fact, Cybernotics controls 75% of the world’s major networks and is aiming for 100%. We also have the most advanced android manufacturing facilities in the world and most of our ground-breaking technology comes either from this lab or our moon facility.”

Slade led the group into his section of the lab. Computer terminals and displays were located all over the room. There were human brains in clear glass cylinders, hooked to wires, with bubbling liquid inside.

Slade said, “Welcome home. This is where the BMI implants were developed.”

Grayson was amazed of the scale and magnitude of what he saw. He whispered, ‘”Incredible.”

There was electronic equipment everywhere. Technicians walked throughout the lab, conducting experiments and testing equipment. Slade continued to explain, “It is incredible! I have been lucky to be involved in the most ground breaking technology projects that mankind has ever seen. Most of them happened right here in this very lab.”

Slade picked up a square device about one inch wide and rotated it in-between his fingers.

Slade said, “This, my friends, is the type of device implanted in your brains. It's efficient, fast, and is what makes you better than the rest of us.”

Slade then picked up a smaller device about half it’s size and held it up for them to see. He said, “This was the future: the model 1600. Not only is it faster than your 1500 series implants, but it is powered by a miniature nuclear cell. That's what allows it to virtually run forever.”

Grayson took the 1600 BMI from Slade’s hand and said, “Upgrade our implants.”

Slade explained, “That's just it. I can't. This one is non-functional. Only Doctor Reynolds has the blueprints and authorization to create and activate new ones.”

Grayson said, “This lab looks active. We were told we were the last of the BMIs. Are there 1600 models out there?” 

Slade replied, “You’re the last of the 1500 series. When they became outlawed Doctor Reynolds had me cease further development and implantations”

Peyton jumped into the conversation and asked, “What about the 1600 series? How many were implanted?”

Slade replied, “Thousands, but not by me. Doctor Reynolds directly oversaw that program because it was illegal to continue our work.”

Grayson was surprised by Slade’s answer and said, “Thousands were implanted after the ban?”

Slade told them, “Yes, but in other countries where it was still legal. Since the ban every BMI that stayed here in the States was hunted down and eliminated.”

Grayson pleaded with Slade for help, “Slade, if we don't get upgraded soon, we’ll die. We have nothing to lose at this point.”

Slade replied, “I understand.” Slade had walked them around the lab and explained some of the developments that were accomplished before they stopped implanting the BMIs.

Slade told them, “You need Reynolds. We never designed your implants to be upgradable.”

Peyton thought there may be no chance of getting upgraded and asked, “Does this mean there's no hope?”

Slade answered her, “No, no. I think Reynolds can do it? It’s just that the Doctor hasn't installed a BMI in several years. He is bitter and cold hearted now. I’m not sure if he will help.”

Terrack walked up to Slade, grabbed him by the throat by one hand and reminded him, “You and Reynolds should know we have nothing to lose. If we can die, so can you.”

Grayson calmed Terrack down and said, “Terrack, simmer down. He then turned his attention to Slade and said, “Mr. Slade the choice is simple. We live or you both die. We’re not violent by nature, but you have the ability to help us. If you don’t, it would be no different than you murdering us.”

Slade gave a straight forward response, “Understood.”

Terrack released his grip on Slade’s throat.