iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 17 | Time To Go


Back at the Chinese restaurant the rioting crowd outside the restaurant had started to break in the front door. A man charged through with a handgun and shot the Chinese owner in the shoulder. Everyone in the room screamed. JT drew his gun and fired. Boom! A blue flash emitted from the muzzle. He hit the man in the chest; flames flashed in the air as the energy from the weapon made contact. The man fell to the ground and lied there motionless. The crowd from outside continued to push themselves through the front door. JT and Jennifer headed up stairs to escape from the invading rioters.

JT yelled to Jennifer, “We need to get to the roof, now! We can barricade ourselves up on the roof until Renlo gets here.”

 Jennifer saw a man at the bottom of the steps and yelled, “Look out!” 

He aimed a gun at JT. JT fired at the man and hit him in the hand. Flames emitted from the guys hand as he dropped his gun. The room was filling below with people fighting, screaming and advancing on JT and Jennifer.

JT yelled to Jennifer, “Come on!”

Minutes later, Renlo responded from down the street. Rioters outside the restaurant were fighting, throwing rocks, breaking bus benches, and lighting trash cans on fire. The streets burned, flames and smoke were everywhere, cars were on fire, and many people laid injured or dead on the street. Someone shot at Renlo’s skycab as he descended to land on Wong’s, but they missed. Many rioters were shooting at anything that moved. On the streets, in the sky, everywhere. Flashes of light could be seen all over the city as rioters discharged their energy weapons into the sky.

Renlo notified Cella, “Tell da boss I’m here.”

Cella let JT know and they entered the skycab from the rooftop. The skycab then climbed upward into sky traffic and zoomed over New Hollywood. The glim and glammer would return in a day or so, once the power was restored and the dead were hauled off to be incinerated.

Renlo looked at Jennifer as she entered his cab, and said, “Prevty woman boss.”

JT wanted to just get the hell out of there and said, “Just fly, and get us in the air.”

A wooshing noise was made as the skycab climbed rapidly, completely vertical.  Renlo joked, “Like suverman, up, up, and away.”

Renlo made it to the upper flight lanes. Skycars were driven erratically away. Renlo moved back and forth to avoid being hit. He was an old timer and crazy erratic flying didn’t faze him a bit.

Cella gave an update, “JT, my net scan shows three suspects matching the description of the BMIs obtained security passes at Cybernotics. Slade also shows an entry record”

JT replied, “Thanks Cella.”

Jennifer saw all the rioting below and told JT, “You can't get in Cybernotics during a riot.”

JT grabbed Jennifer’s arm and replied, “Haven't found a place I couldn't break into.”

Jennifer suggested, “I might be able to get us by the perimeter security if that helps.”

JT said, ‘It's a start. Renlo head for Cybernotics.”

Renlo acknowledged him, “Ya, boss.”

Their journey continued as Renlo continued flying and swerving in-between and dodging other skycars. They finished traveling over New Hollywood. Older blacked out parts of the city had some sporadic structure fires. It was very quiet as they traversed the city skies. They could see Cybernotics building in the distance. It was the only building in the city that was fully lit.