iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 19 | Into Space


Doctor Reynolds and the others all took their seats in a futuristic spacecraft. It was large and made of metallic tritium fiber, the strongest, lightest material to date. The ship was one hundred feet from stem to stern with four large engines and smaller stabilizing engines at the bottom.  The ship was positioned on a vertical launch platform pointing straight up into the sky.  Workmen had just finished loading supplies and fueling the ship.  A light amount of stream emitted from the engines as the pilot went through his pre-check flight list with the co-pilot.

The pilot called out the check-list, “Fuel level?”

The co-pilot replied, “Check. Tanks one through four full.”

Pilot, “Flight panel gauges?”

Co-pilot, “Check. All flight gauges functional.”

Pilot, “Cargo bay secure?”

Co-Pilot, “No, sir. We are still waiting for the passengers and cargo to be loaded.”

Pilot, “Rodger that. Advise when they’re loaded.”

The pilot made an announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen. My name is Captain Jeffers and I'll be your captain for this flight. This flight currently takes approximately six hours and twenty minutes. Please take your seats and fasten your seat belts.”

A flight steward walked the isles, checked everyone’s seat belts, and asked, “Please make sure your seatbelt is fastened tightly prior to launch.” They all fastened themselves in for the flight and moved around in their seats to get in a comfortable position.

Terrack said, “Steward, when we’re stabilized in flight, please make sure to bring me an Irish coffee.”

The steward replied, “Of course, sir. It will be at least thirty minutes.”

Peyton also wanted a drink, “Can you make mine a triple whiskey sour on the rocks?”

The steward replied, “Yes, ma’am.”

JT and Jennifer rushed to the launch pad with about five minutes to spare. The crew had just about finished loading the cargo. The last two workers had walked away from the bay into the building to get a large cargo container.

JT and Jennifer saw the cargo loaders walk out of view and knew this was would be their opportunity to enter the ship undetected.  JT said, “Move! This is our chance to get aboard.” Jennifer and JT ran to the cargo bay and crawled inbetween some cargo containers in the back of the spacecraft. The loading crew showed up a couple of minutes later and finished loading the cargo. A cargo worker advised the co-pilot, “The ship is loaded. Cargo bay is secure.”

Co-pilot, “Rodger. Thank you.”

Co-pilot asked the steward, “Passenger status?”

The steward replied, “Passengers and flight doors secure.”

Co-pilot, “Rodger.”

The pilot made his final announcement, “Ladies and gentlemen, please stay seated. We are about to take off. We will notify you when it’s safe to walk around.”

The ship rumbled and shook as it took off. A vapor trail followed the ship as it flew through the lower atmosphere until it entered space.

Jennifer and JT had strapped themselves into seats located in the cargo bay. JT instructed Cella, “Track our path.”

Cella replied, “Tracking JT. I'll update you with a projected destination and arrival time.”

Approximately one minute later, Cella said, “The calculated destination is Cybernotics alpha site located on the moon. At the current rate of speed, we should arrive in six hours and ten minutes. JT told Cella, “We’re going to rest. Wake us forty-five minutes from arrival.”

Grayson sat next to the Doctor during the trip and asked, “Doctor, you going to be able to help us upgrade our BMIs?”

Doctor replied, “Yes, I think I will be able to. Our advanced laboratories are located on the moon plant. We have complete control there. No police, no government. There, I can do whatever I want. It has given me the ability to make many advancements. Soon, you’ll understand.”

Grayson smiled and said, “Good news for a change. All we want is a fair shot at living. The current BMI units are all terminating due to lack of power. Thanks, Doc.”

As they flew to the moon port, Doctor Reynolds, the BMIs, and Slade all sat quietly in their seats.

Forty-five minutes until arrival, Cella informed JT, “JT, we are forty-five minutes from docking at the alpha site.”

JT said, “Thanks. Jennifer, wake up. We need to do a little recon before we dock.”

JT and Jennifer had worked their way up from the cargo bay to a cabin door near the restrooms. It had a spiral stairway that connected the cargo bay to the passenger level. They opened the door to watch the BMIs and the doctor converse.

Twenty minutes before landing, the android security guards had appeared from down the hallway and walked towards them. Grayson asked, “What's up?”

Doctor Reynolds replied, “Just stay seated.”

Grayson knew something was up and asked, “Doctor, why are there androids aboard?”

The androids approached the BMIs and Slade. A mist sprayed from above their seats, causing them to pass out.

JT, watching this happen said, “They just sprayed the BMIs.”

Jennifer asked, “With what?”

JT replied, “I don't know. I think they're just knocked out.”

JT pulled Jennifer back and closed the door. JT said, “We need to hide in the cargo bay and get off this ship undetected to find out what your father is up to.”