iCer by Michael C. Brausam - HTML preview

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Chapter 18 | Get The Doc


At Cybernotics, Slade and the BMI' started to travel up the elevator to Doctor Reynold’s above ground penthouse. They stood quietly in the elevator as the floors passed by.  The upper numbers rolled by as they counted down to zero. Then, they started counting up until they stopped at the Penthouse. The door opened. They were met by two android security guards. Terrack shoved the first guard, knocking him back. , he kicked the other, knocking him into a wall. The first guard charged Terrack. Terrack kicked the first guard, grabbed the guard by his neck and twisted it quickly frying his circuits.  Sparks flew out of his neck and fired his circuits. The second guard pulled out an electric shock stick and a charge of electricity shot out about a foot from the tip. Slade then yelled to distract the guard, “Noo.”

The guard was confused. It was enough time for Terrack to move closer and snatch the guard’s shock stick. Terrack held it to the guard’s head, shocked him, and sparks flew out.

Slade shouted, “Follow me!”

Terrack held the shocking stick in front of him and followed behind Slade. Peyton and Grayson followed behind them. As they turned the corner, there was another guard. He drew his gun. Terrack moved fast and zapped him with the shock stick, knocking him out. They continued to walk down the hall as Grayson grabbed the downed guard’s gun.

They made their way to the penthouse library. The door opened. Doctor Reynolds stood there, staring at them. Slade walked in first and the others followed behind.  Slade said, “Doctor, don't panic. They're okay.”

Grayson also tried to reassure the doctor, “Sir, we’re not here to hurt you.”

Doctor Reynolds backed up and said, “Then why have you destroyed my body guards?”

Grayson answered the doctor, “It was necessary. Doctor, we're BMIs. Hear us out.”

Grayson wanted to buy more time, so he told Terrack, “Blow the gold casino cards. That will keep security distracted for a while.”

On the street below, a van's top blew off. Gold money-cards (stolen from the casino heist) flew into the air and all over the street. The people on the street went crazy. They started to grab the cards and fight over them. Security guards from inside Cybernotics exited the building onto the street to confront the crowd. People in the crowd got angry and started to fight with the android guards.

Doctor Reynolds spoke loudly to all in the room, “You all should understand! I never gave up when BMI technology was banned.  As a matter of fact, I have continued my work and made a lot of progress.”

Peyton asked, “Does this mean you'll help us?”

Doctor Reynolds replied, “Yes, but not here. We must go.”

Grayson didn’t trust him, but has no choice. He asked, “Where?”

Doctor Reynolds replied, “To the plant.”

Slade then asked, “Which plant?”

Doctor Reynolds walked towards his desk. He grabbed some paperwork and a tablet computer. He answered Slade, “Cybernotics moon plant alpha site.”

 Slade asked, “Why? Why the moon alpha plant?”

Doctor Reynolds walked out the door and told the group, “We need to leave now before the police arrive. We need to get to my spaceport on the roof immediately.”

Grayson didn’t think the distraction below would help them get away, “We’ll never make it.”

Doctor Reynolds pointed upwards in the direction of the roof and said, “Mr. Grayson, I have my own ship. There is no security check. We’re not leaving in a skycar. Now, can we go?”

Grayson motioned to the others in the group to follow him and said, “Let's go!”

The doctor and the others prepared to go to the roof.  Simultaneously Renlo had landed the skycab on the street just in front of Cybernotics.  Dirt and debris from the rioting crowds swirled in the air as the skycab parted the rioting crowd, which was focused on grabbing gold cards off the street. The distraction was successful. It allowed the BMIs to get away.  It was also the lucky break for JT and Jennifer. They needed to get into the facility during the lockdown. In the confusion, Jennifer was able to sneak JT into the elevator and up to the library.

When the elevator door opened, JT and Jennifer saw the charred security droids on the ground. Jennifer stated, “What the hell happened? We must see if my father’s okay.”

The library doors were closed and locked. JT kicked the doors open and entered through the library door with Jennifer only find the room empty. A large sign on the wall was counting down from 15 minutes. Jennifer looked at the clock and said, “They're taking off. We need to move quickly. My father has a spacecraft docked on the roof.”

JT said, “Clock says less than 15 minutes. Let’s get up there.”

They rushed out the door and headed to the roof.