Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 Conservation of Momentum

simple accounting (bookkeeping) procedures. The case of momentum is complicated by the fact

that momentum has direction, but in this initial encounter with the conservation of momentum

you will deal with cases involving motion along a straight line. When all the motion is along one

and the same line, there are only two possible directions for the momentum and we can use

algebraic signs (plus and minus) to distinguish between the two. The principle of Conservation

of Momentum applies in general. At this stage in the course however, we will consider only the

special case in which there is no net transfer of momentum to (or from) the system from outside

the system.

Conservation of Momentum in One Dimension for the Special Case in

which there is No Transfer of Momentum to or from the System from

Outside the System

In any process involving a system of objects which all move along one and the same line, as long

as none of the objects are pushed or pulled along the line by anything outside the system of

objects (it’s okay if they push and pull on each other), the total momentum before, during, and

after the process remains the same.

The total momentum of a system of objects is just the algebraic sum of the momenta of the

individual objects. That adjective "algebraic" means you have to pay careful attention to the plus

and minus signs. If you define "to the right" as your positive direction and your system of

objects consists of two objects, one moving to the right with a momentum of 12 kg⋅m/s and the

other moving to the left with momentum 5 kg⋅m/s, then the total momentum is (+12 kg⋅m/s) +

(−5 kg⋅m/s) which is +7 kg⋅m/s. The plus sign in the final answer means that the total

momentum is directed to the right.

Upon reading this selection you'll be expected to be able to apply conservation of momentum to

two different kinds of processes. In each of these two classes of processes, the system of objects

will consist of only two objects. In one class, called collisions, the two objects bump into each

other. In the other class, anti-collisions the two objects start out together, and spring apart.

Some further breakdown of the collisions class is pertinent before we get into examples. The

two extreme types of collisions are the completely inelastic collision, and the completely elastic


Upon a completely inelastic collision, the two objects stick together and move off as one. This is

the easy case since there is only one final velocity (because they are stuck together, the two

objects obviously move off at one and the same velocity). Some mechanical energy is converted

to other forms in the case of a completely inelastic collision. It would be a big mistake to apply

the principle of conservation of mechanical energy to a completely inelastic collision.

Mechanical energy is not conserved. The words "completely inelastic" tell you that both objects

have the same velocity (as each other) after the collision.

In a completely elastic collision (often referred to simply as an elastic collision), the objects

bounce off each other in such a manner that no mechanical energy is converted into other forms

in the collision. Since the two objects move off independently after the collision there are two

final velocities. If the masses and the initial velocities are given, conservation of momentum

yields one equation with two unknowns—namely, the two final velocities. Such an equation