Calculus-Based Physics by Jeffrey W. Schnick - HTML preview

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Chapter 4 Conservation of Momentum

cannot be solved by itself. In such a case, one must apply the principle of conservation of

mechanical energy. It does apply here. The expression "completely elastic" tells you that

conservation of mechanical energy does apply.

In applying conservation of momentum one first sketches a before and an after picture in which

one defines symbols by labeling objects and arrows (indicating velocity), and defines which

direction is chosen as the positive direction. The first line in the solution is always a statement

that the total momentum in the before picture is the same as the total momentum in the after

picture. This is typically written by means an equation of the form:

∑ p = p′

∑ → (4-2)

The Σ in this expression is the upper case Greek letter “sigma” and is to be read “the sum of.”

Hence the equation reads: “The sum of the momenta to the right in the before picture is equal to

the sum of the momenta to the right in the after picture.” In doing the sum, a leftward

momentum counts as a negative rightward momentum. The arrow subscript is being used to

define the positive direction.


Now let's get down to some examples. We'll use the examples to clarify what is meant by

collisions and anti-collisions; to introduce one more concept, namely, relative velocity

(sometimes referred to as muzzle velocity); and of course, to show the reader how to apply

conservation of momentum.