Kinematics fundamentals by Sunil Singh - HTML preview

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The velocity to reach opposite point of the stream

The angle at which boat sails to reach the opposite point is :

This expression points to a certain limitation with respect to velocities of boat and stream. If

velocity of boat in still water is equal to the velocity of stream, then

θ = 900

It means that boat has to sail in the direction opposite to the stream to reach opposite point. This is


an impossibility from the point of physical reality. Hence, we can say that velocity of boat in still

water should be greater than the velocity of stream ( vAB > vB ) in order to reach a point opposite to the point of sailing.

In any case, if vAB < vB , then the boat can not reach the opposite point as sine function can not be greater than 1.

Shortest path

The magnitude of linear distance covered by the boat is given by :


It is evident from the equation that linear distance depends on the drift of the boat, “x”. Thus,

shortest path corresponds to shortest drift. Now, there are two situations depending on the relative

magnitudes of velocities of boat and stream.

We should be aware that though the perpendicular distance to stream (width of the river) is the

shortest path, but boat may not be capable to follow this shortest path in the first place.

1: vAB > vB

We have seen that when stream velocity ( vB ) is less than the velocity of boat in still water, the

boat is capable to reach the opposite point across the stream. For this condition, drift (x) is zero

and represents the minimum value. Accordingly, the shortest path is :


s min = d

The boat needs to sail upstream at the specified angle. In this case, the resultant velocity is

directed across the river in perpendicular direction and its magnitude is given by :






Figure 3.31. Resultant velocity

The boat moves perpendicular to stream.


The time taken to cross the river is :


2: vAB < vB

In this case, the boat is carried away from the opposite point in the direction of stream. Now, the

drift “x” is given as :

For minimum value of “x”, first time derivative of “x” is equal to zero,


We need to find minimum drift and corresponding minimum length of path, subject to this


Motion of an object in a medium

We have discussed the motion in the specific reference of boat in water stream. However, the

consideration is general and is applicable to the motion of a body in a medium. For example, the

discussion and analysis can be extended to the motion of an aircraft, whose velocity is modified

by the motion of the wind.




Example 3.22.

Problem : An aircraft flies with a wind velocity of 200√2 km/hr blowing from south. If the

relative velocity of aircraft with respect to wind is 1000 km/hr, then find the direction in

which aircraft should fly such that it reaches a destination in north – east direction.

Solution : The figure here shows the velocities. OP denotes the velocity of the aircraft in the

still air or equivalently it represents the relative velocity of aircraft with respect to air in

motion; PQ denotes the velocity of the wind and OQ denotes the resultant velocity of the

aircraft. It is clear that the aircraft should fly in the direction OP so that it is ultimately led to

follow the north-east direction.

We should understand here that one of the velocities is resultant velocity of the remaining two

velocities. It follows then that three velocity vectors are represented by the sides of a closed


Figure 3.32. Motion of an aircraft

The aircraft flies such a way that it keeps a north – east course.

We can get the direction of OP, if we can find the angle “θ”. The easiest technique to

determine the angle between vectors composing a triangle is to apply sine law,

Putting values, we have :

θ = sin – 1 ( 0.2 )

Hence the aircraft should steer in the direction, making an angle with east as given by :

θ ′ = 450 − sin − 1 ( 0.2 )

3.6. Resultant motion (application)*

Questions and their answers are presented here in the module text format as if it were an extension

of the treatment of the topic. The idea is to provide a verbose explanation, detailing the

application of theory. Solution presented is, therefore, treated as the part of the understanding

process – not merely a Q/A session. The emphasis is to enforce ideas and concepts, which can not

be completely absorbed unless they are put to real time situation.

Representative problems and their solutions

We discuss problems, which highlight certain aspects of the study leading to the resultant

velocity. The questions are categorized in terms of the characterizing features of the subject

matter :

Velocity of the object

Time to cross the stream

Multiple references

Minimum time, distance and speed

Velocity of the object

Example 3.23.

Problem : A person can swim at 1 m/s in still water. He swims to cross a river of width 200 m

to a point exactly opposite to his/her initial position. If the water stream in river flows at 2 m/s

in a linear direction, then find the time taken (in seconds) to reach the opposite point.

Solution : Let the direction of stream be x-direction and the direction across stream be y-

direction. Let us also denote person with “A” and water stream with “B”.

To reach the point across, the person has to swim upstream at an angle such that the velocity

of the person with respect to ground( v A ) is across the direction of water stream. The

situation is shown in the figure.




Figure 3.33. Relative velocity


From the ΔOAB,

It is clear from the denominator of the expression that for finite time, OB > AB. From the

values as given in the question, OB < AB and the denominator becomes square root of

negative number. The result is interpreted to mean that the physical event associated with the

expression is not possible.The swimmer, therefore, can not reach the point, which is exactly

opposite to his position. The speed of the swimmer should be greater than that of the stream to

reach the point lying exactly opposite.

Note that we had explained the same situation in the module on the subject with the help of

the value of "sinθ", which can not be greater than 1. We have taken a different approach here

to illustrate the same limitation of the swimmer's ability to cross the water stream, showing

that the interpretation is consistent and correct.

Example 3.24.

Problem : The direction of water stream in a river is along x – direction of the coordinate

system attached to the ground. A swimmer swims across the river with a velocity (

0.8 i + 1.4 j ) m/s, as seen from the ground. If the river is 70 m wide, how long (in seconds)

does he take to reach the river bank on the other side ?

Solution : We recognize here that the given velocity represents the resultant velocity ( v A ) of






the swimmer (A). The time to reach the river bank on the other side is a function of

component velocity in y-direction.

Figure 3.34. Relative velocity


Example 3.25.

Problem : A person can swim at a speed “u” in still water. He points across the direction of

water stream to cross a river. The water stream flows with a speed “v” in a linear direction.

Find the direction in which he actually swims with respect to the direction of stream.

Solution : Let the direction of stream be x-direction and the direction across stream be y-

direction. Let us also denote person with "A" and water stream with “B”.


Using equation, v AB = v A v B ,

From the figure,






Figure 3.35. Relative velocity

The direction in which he actually swims with respect to the direction of stream is

Time to cross the river

Example 3.26.

Problem : A person can swim at a speed 1 m/s in still water. He swims perpendicular to the

direction of water stream, flowing at the speed 2 m/s. If the linear distance covered during the

motion is 300 m, then find the time taken to cross the river.

Solution : Let the direction of stream be x-direction and the direction across stream be y-

direction. Let us also denote ground person with "A" and water stream with “B”. This is

clearly the situation corresponding to the least time for crossing the river.


We note here that the perpendicular linear distance i.e. the width of river is not given. Instead,

the linear distance covered during the motion is given. Hence, we need to find the resultant

speed in the direction of motion to find time. Using equation for the resultant velocity,

From the figure, we have :





Figure 3.36. Relative velocity

Example 3.27.

Problem : A person can swim at a speed of √3 m/s in still water. He swims at an angle of

120° from the stream direction while crossing a river. The water stream flows with a speed of

1 m/s. If the river width is 300 m, how long (in seconds) does he take to reach the river bank

on the other side ?

Solution : Let the direction of stream be x-direction and the direction across stream be y-

direction. Here, we need to know the component of the resultant velocity in the direction

perpendicular to the stream.

Figure 3.37. Relative velocity





This approach, however, would be tedious. We shall use the fact that the component of " v A "

in any one of the two mutually perpendicular directions is equal to the sum of the components

of v A B and v B in that direction.

Thus, time taken to cross the river is :

Multiple references

Example 3.28.

Problem : A boat, capable of sailing at 2 m/s, moves upstream in a river. The water stream

flows at 1 m/s. A person walks from the front end to the rear end of the boat at a speed of 1

m/s along the linear direction. What is the speed of the person (m/s) with respect to ground ?

Solution : Let the direction of stream be x-direction and the direction across stream be y-

direction. We further denote boat with “A”, stream with “B”, and person with “C”.

We shall work out this problem in two parts. In the first part, we shall find out the velocity of

boat (A) with respect to ground and then we shall find out the velocity of person (C) with

respect to ground.





Figure 3.38. Relative velocity

The velocity of boat with respect to ground is equal to the resultant velocity of the boat as

given by :

For the motion of person and boat, the velocity of the person with respect to ground is equal to

the resultant velocity of (i) velocity of the person (C) with respect to boat (A) and (ii) velocity

of the boat (A) with respect to ground. We note here that relative velocity of person with

respect to boat is given and that we have already determined the velocity of boat (A) with

respect to ground in the earlier step. Hence,

Figure 3.39. Relative velocity

Minimum time, distance and speed

Example 3.29.

Problem : A boy swims to reach a point “Q” on the opposite bank, such that line joining

initial and final position makes an angle of 45 with the direction perpendicular to the stream

of water. If the velocity of water stream is “u”, then find the minimum speed with which the

boy should swim to reach his target.




Figure 3.40. Crossing a river

The boy swims to reach point “Q”.

Solution : Let “A” and “B” denote the boy and the stream respectively. Here, we are required

to know the minimum speed of boy, vAB (say “v”) such that he reaches point “Q”. Now, he can

adjust his speed with the direction he swims. Let the boy swims at an angle “θ” with a speed


Figure 3.41. Crossing a river

The boy swims to reach point “Q”.

Looking at the figure, it can be seen that we can make use of the given angle by taking

trigonometric ratio such as tangent, which will involve speed of boy in still water (v) and the

speed of water stream (u). This expression may then be used to get an expression for the

minimum speed as required.

The slope of resultant velocity, v A , is :

vAx = vAx




Now, the components of velocity in “x” and “y” directions are :

vAx = uv sin θ

vAy = v cos θ

Putting in the equation we have :

uv sin θ = v cos θ

Solving for “v”, we have :

The velocity is minimum for a maximum value of denominator. The denominator is

maximum for a particular value of the angle, θ; for which :

⇒ cos θ – sin θ = 0

⇒ tan θ = 1

θ = 450

It means that the boy swims with minimum speed if he swims in the direction making an

angle of 45 with y-direction. His speed with this angle is :

Example 3.30.

Problem : A boat crosses a river in minimum time, taking 10 minutes during which time the

it drifts by 120 m in the direction of stream. On the other hand, boat takes 12.5 minutes while

moving across the river. Find (i) width of the river (ii) velocity of boat in still water and (iii)

speed of the stream.

Solution : There are three pieces of information about "minimum time", "drift" and "time

along shortest path". Individually each of these values translate into three separate equations,

which can be solved to find the required values.

The boat takes minimum time, when it sails in the direction perpendicular to the stream

(current). The time to cross the river is given by dividing width with component of resultant

velocity ( vAy ). The boat, in this case, sails in the perpendicular direction. Hence, the

component of resultant velocity is equal to the velocity of boat in still water ( v AB ). The time

to cross the river in this case is :






Figure 3.42. Crossing a river

The swims towards “P”.

d = 10 vAB

The drift in this time is given by :

x = vB t min

Putting values,

Now we need to use the information on shortest path. It is given that the boat moves across

stream in 12.5 minutes. For this boat has to sail upstream at certain angle. The resultant speed

is given by :

Figure 3.43. Crossing a river

The swims towards “P”.





and the time taken is :

Substituting for “d” and “ v B ” and squaring on both sides, we have :

( v 2 AB − 122 ) 12.52 = d 2 = 102 v 2 AB

v 2 AB ( 12.52 − 102 ) = 122 x 12.52




Chapter 4. Accelerated motion in two dimensions

4.1. Projectile motion

Projectile motion*

Projectile motion is a special case of two dimensional motion with constant acceleration. Here,

force due to gravity moderates linear motion of an object thrown at certain angle to the vertical

direction. The resulting acceleration is a constant, which is always directed in vertically

downward direction.

The projectile motion emphasizes one important aspect of constant acceleration that even constant

acceleration, which is essentially unidirectional, is capable to produce two dimensional motion.

The basic reason is that force and initial velocity of the object are not along the same direction.

The linear motion of the projected object is continuously worked upon by the gravity, which

results in the change of both magnitude and direction of the velocity. A change in direction of the

velocity ensures that motion is not one dimensional.

The change in magnitude and direction of the velocity is beautifully managed so that time rate of

change in velocity is always directed in vertically downward direction i.e. in the direction of

gravity. This aspect is shown qualitatively for the motion in the figure below as velocity change

successively at the end of every second from v 1 to v 2 to v 3 and so on….. by exactly a vector, whose magnitude is equal to acceleration due to gravity “g”.

Figure 4.1. Projectile motion

Velocity of the projectile changes by acceleration vector in unit time.


Force(s) in projectile motion

Flight of base ball, golf ball etc. are examples of projectile motion. In these cases, the projectile is

projected with certain force at certain angle to vertical direction. The force that initiates motion is

a contact force. Once the motion of the ball is initiated, the role of contact force is over. It does

not subsequently affect or change the velocity of the ball as the contact is lost.

In order to emphasize, we restate three important facts about projectile motion. First, we need to

apply force at the time of projection. This force as applied by hand or by any other mechanical

device, accelerates projectile briefly till it is in contact with "thrower". The moment the projectile

is physically disconnected with the throwing device, it moves with a velocity, which it gained

during brief contact period. The role of force responsible for imparting motion is over. Second,

motion of projectile is maintained if there is no net external force (Newton's laws of motion). This

would be the case for projection in force free space. The projectile is initiated into the motion with

certain initial velocity, say u. Had there been no other force(s), then the ball would have moved

along the dotted straight line (as shown in figure below) and might have been lost in to the space.

Figure 4.2. Projectile motion

Path of a projectile projected at an angle with horizontal direction.

Third, the projectile, once out in the space, is acted upon by the force due to gravity and air

resistance. We, however, neglect the effect of air resistance for the time being and confine our

study of the motion which is affected by force d