Kinematics fundamentals by Sunil Singh - HTML preview

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The numerator of the above is maximum when the angle is 90°.

We should note that the formula of maximum height for a projectile projected at certain angle

represents the maximum height of the projectile for the given angle of projection and spped. The

question here, however, refers to maximum height for any angle of projection at given speed of

projection. As such, we should consider an angle of projection for which projectile reaches the

greatest height. This point should be kept in mind.

Hence, option (b) is correct.

Range of projectile, R

The horizontal range is the displacement in horizontal direction. There is no acceleration involved

in this direction. Motion is an uniform motion. It follows that horizontal range is transversed with

the horizontal component of the projection velocity for the time of flight (T). Now,

Figure 4.17. Projectile motion

The range of a projectile

where “T” is the time of flight. Putting expression for the time of flight,


Horizontal range, like time of flight and maximum height, is greater for greater projection speed.




For projection above ground surface, the range of the angle of projection with respect to

horizontal direction, θ, is 0° ≤ θ ≤ 90° and the corresponding range of 2θ is 0° ≤ 2θ ≤ 180°. The

“sin 2θ”, as appearing in the numerator for the expression of the horizontal range, is an increasing

function for 0° ≤ θ ≤ 45° and a decreasing function for 45° ≤ θ ≤ 90° . For θ = 45°, sin 2θ = sin

90° = 1 (maximum).

In the nutshell, the range,R, increases with increasing angle of projection for 0° ≤ θ < 45°; the

range,R, is maximum when θ = 45°; the range,R, decreases with increasing angle of projection for

45° < θ ≤ 90°.

The maximum horizontal range for a given projection velocity is obtained for θ = 45° as :

There is an interesting aspect of “sin 2θ” function that its value repeats for component angle i.e

(90° – θ). For, any value of θ,

Figure 4.18. Horizontal range

Horizontal range is same for a pair of projection angle.

It means that the range of the projectile with a given initial velocity is same for a pair of

projection angles θ and 90° – θ. For example, if the range of the projectile with a given initial

velocity is 30 m for an angle of projection, θ = 15°, then the range for angle of projection, θ = 90°

- 15° = 75° is also 30m.

Equation of projectile motion and range of projectile

Equation of projectile motion renders to few additional forms in terms of characteristic features of

projectile motion. One such relation incorporates range of projectile (R) in the expression. The








equation of projectile motion is :

The range of projectile is :

Solving for u 2 ,

Substituting in the equation of motion, we have :

It is a relatively simplified form of equation of projectile motion. Further, we note that a new

variable “R” is introduced in place of “u”.

Exercise 13.

If points of projection and return are on same level and air resistance is neglected, which of the

following quantities will enable determination of the range of the projectile (R) :

(a) horizontal component of projection velocity

(b) projection speed and angle of projection

(c) vertical component of projection velocity

(d) speed at the highest point

The horizontal range is determined using formulae,

Hence, horizontal range of the projectile can be determined when projection speed and angle of

projection are given. The inputs required in this equation can not be made available with other

given quantities.

Hence, option (b) is correct.

Note : Horizontal range (R) unlike time of flight (T) and maximum height (H), depends on both







vertical and horizontal motion. This aspect is actually concealed in the term "sin2 θ ". The

formula of horizontal range (R) consists of both "u sin θ " (for vertical motion) and "u cos θ " (for horizontal motion) as shown here :

Exercise 14.

A projectile is thrown with a velocity

. Then, the range of the projectile (R) is :

We shall not use the standard formulae as it would be difficult to evaluate angle of projection

from the given data. Now, the range of the projectile (R) is given by :

R = ux T


We need to know the total time of flight, T. For motion in vertical direction, the vertical

displacement is zero. This consideration gives the time of flight as :

Hence, range of the flight is :

R = ux T = 6 X 4 = 24

Hence, option (c) is correct.

Impact of air resistance

We have so far neglected the effect of air resistance. It is imperative that if air resistance is

significant then the features of a projectile motion like time of flight, maximum height and range

are modified. As a matter of fact, this is the case in reality. The resulting motion is generally

adversely affected as far as time of flight, maximum height and the range of the projectile are


Air resistance is equivalent to friction force for solid (projectile) and fluid (air) interface. Like

friction, air resistance is self adjusting in certain ways. It adjusts to the relative speed of the


projectile. Generally, greater the speed greater is air resistance. Air resistance also adjusts to the

direction of motion such that its direction is opposite to the direction of relative velocity of two

entities. In the nutshell, air resistance opposes motion and is equivalent to introducing a variable

acceleration (resistance varies with the velocity in question) in the direction opposite to that of


For simplicity, if we consider that resistance is constant, then the vertical component of

acceleration ( a y ) due to resistance acts in downward direction during upward motion and adds to

the acceleration due to gravity. On the other hand, vertical component of air resistance acts in

upward direction during downward motion and negates to the acceleration due to gravity. Whereas

the horizontal component of acceleration due to air resistance ( a x )changes the otherwise uniform

motion in horizontal direction to a decelerated motion.

Figure 4.19. Projectile motion with air resistance

Acceleration due to air resistance

With air resistance, the net or resultant acceleration in y direction depends on the direction of

motion. During upward motion, the net or resultant vertical acceleration is " – g a y ". Evidently, greater vertical acceleration acting downward reduces speed of the particle at a greater rate. This,

in turn, reduces maximum height. During downward motion, the net or resultant vertical

acceleration is " – g + a y ". Evidently, lesser vertical acceleration acting downward increases speed of the particle at a slower rate. Clearly, accelerations of the projectile are not equal in

upward and downward motions. As a result, projection velocity and the velocity of return are not


On the other hand, the acceleration in x direction is " – a x ". Clearly, the introduction of

horizontal acceleration opposite to velocity reduces the range of the projectile (R).

Situations involving projectile motion


There are classic situations relating to the projectile motion, which needs to be handled with

appropriate analysis. We have quite a few ways to deal with a particular situation. It is actually the

nature of problem that would determine a specific approach from the following :

1. We may approach a situation analyzing as two mutually perpendicular linear motions. This is

the basic approach.

2. In certain cases, the equations obtained for the specific attributes of the projectile motion such

as range or maximum height can be applied directly.

3. In some cases, we would be required to apply the equation of path, which involves

displacements in two directions (x and y) simultaneously in one equation.

4. We always have the option to use composite vector form of equations for two dimensional

motion, where unit vectors are involved.

Besides, we may require combination of approached as listed above. In this section, we shall study

these classic situations involving projectile motion.

Clearing posts of equal height

A projectile can clear posts of equal height, as projectile retraces vertical displacement attained

during upward flight while going down. We can approach such situation in two alternative ways.

The equation of motion for displacement yields two values for time for a given vertical

displacement (height) : one corresponds to the time for upward flight and other for the downward

flight as shown in the figure below. Corresponding to these two time values, we determine two

values of horizontal displacement (x).

Figure 4.20. Projectile motion

The projectile retraces vertical displacement.

Alternatively, we may use equation of trajectory of the projectile. The y coordinate has a quadratic









equation in "x". it again gives two values of "x" for every value of "y".

Example 4.9.

Problem : A projectile is thrown with a velocity of

m/s and at an angle 45° with the

horizontal. The projectile just clears two posts of height 30 m each. Find (i) the position of

throw on the ground from the posts and (ii) separation between the posts.

Solution : Here, we first use the equation of displacement for the given height in the vertical

direction to find the values of time when projectile reaches the specified height. The equation

of displacement in vertical direction (y) under constant acceleration is a quadratic equation in

time (t). Its solution yields two values for time. Once two time instants are known, we apply

the equation of motion for uniform motion in horizontal direction to determine the horizontal

distances as required. Here,

Horizontal motion (refer the figure) :

Thus, projectile needs to be thrown from a position 50 m from the pole. Now,

Hence, separation, d, is :


Equation of vertical displacement (y) is a quadratic equation in horizontal displacement (x).

Solution of equation yields two values of "x" corresponding to two positions having same

elevation. Now, equation of projectile is given by :

Putting values,



Hitting a specified target

An archer aims a bull’s eye; a person throws a pebble to strike an object placed at height and so

on. The motion involved in these situations is a projectile motion – not a straight line motion. The

motion of the projectile (arrow or pebble) has an arched trajectory due to gravity. We need to aim

higher than line of sight to the object in order to negotiate the loss of height during flight.

Figure 4.21. Projectile motion

The projectile hits the wall at a given point.

Hitting a specified target refers to a target whose coordinates (x,y) are known. There are two

different settings of the situation. In one case, the angle of projection is fixed. We employ

equation of the projectile to determine the speed of projectile. In the second case, speed of the

projectile is given and we need to find the angle(s) of projection. The example here illustrates the

first case.

Example 4.10.

Problem : A projectile, thrown at an angle 45° from the horizontal, strikes a building 30 m

away at a point 15 above the ground. Find the velocity of projection.

Solution : As explained, the equation of projectile path suits the description of motion best.


x = 30 m, y = 15 m and θ = 45°. Now,




As pointed out earlier, we may need to determine the angle(s) for a given speed such that

projectile hits a specified target having known coordinates. This presents two possible angles with

which projectile can be thrown to hit the target. This aspect is clear from the figure shown here :

Figure 4.22. Projectile motion

Projectile motion

Clearly, we need to use appropriate form of equation of motion which yields two values of angle

of projection. This form is :

This equation, when simplified, form a quadratic equation in "tanθ". This in turn yields two values

of angle of projection. Smaller of the angles gives the projection for least time of flight.

Example 4.11.

Problem : A person standing 50 m from a vertical pole wants to hit the target kept on top of

the pole with a ball. If the height of the pole is 13 m and his projection speed is 10√g m/s,

then what should be the angle of projection of the ball so that it strikes the target in minimum


Solution : Equation of projectile having square of “tan θ” is :







Putting values,

⇒ 25 tan2 θ – 100 tan θ + 51 = 0

Taking the smaller angle of projection to hit the target,

Determining attributes of projectile trajectory

A projectile trajectory under gravity is completely determined by the initial speed and the angle of

projection or simply by the initial velocity (direction is implied). For the given velocity,

maximum height and the range are unique – notably independent of the mass of the projectile.

Thus, a projectile motion involving attributes such as maximum height and range is better

addressed in terms of the equations obtained for the specific attributes of the projectile motion.

Example 4.12.

Problem : Determine the angle of projection for which maximum height is equal to the range

of the projectile.

Solution : We equate the expressions of maximum height and range (H = R) as :


Exercise 15.

Which of the following is/ are independent of the angle of projection of a projectile :

(a) time of flight




(b) maximum height reached

(c) acceleration of projectile

(d) horizontal component of velocity

The time of flight is determined by considering vertical motion. It means that time of flight is

dependent on speed and the angle of projection.

Maximum height is also determined, considering vertical motion. As such, maximum height also

depends on the angle of projection.

Horizontal component, being component of velocity, depends on the angle of projection.

uy = u cos θ

It is only the acceleration of projectile, which is equal to acceleration due to gravity and is,

therefore, independent of the angle of projection. Hence, option (c) is correct.

Exercise 16.

Two particles are projected with same initial speeds at 30° and 60° with the horizontal. Then

(a) their maximum heights will be equal

(b) their ranges will be equal

(c) their time of flights will be equal

(d) their ranges will be different

The maximum heights, ranges and time of lights are compared, using respective formula as :

(i)Maximum Height





Thus, the maximum heights attained by two projectiles are unequal.

(ii) Range :

Thus, the ranges of two projectiles are equal.

(iii) Time of flight

Thus, the times of flight of two projectiles are unequal.

Hence, option (b) is correct.

Exercise 17.

The velocity of a projectile during its flight at an elevation of 8 m from the ground is 3 i - 5 j in

the coordinate system, where x and y directions represent horizontal and vertical directions

respectively. The maximum height attained (H) by the particle is :

We note that vertical component is negative, meaning that projectile is moving towards the

ground. The vertical component of velocity 8 m above the ground is

The vertical displacement (y) from the maximum height to the point 8 m above the ground as

shown in the figure can be obtained, using equation of motion.







Figure 4.22. Projectile motion

Projectile motion

v 2 y = u 2 y + 2 a y

Considering the point under consideration as origin and upward direction as positive direction.

⇒ ( – 5 )2 = 0 + 2 X – 10 X h

Thus, the maximum height, H, attained by the projectile is :

Hence, option (c) is correct.

Exercise 18.

A projectile is thrown with a given speed so as to cover maximum range (R). If "H" be the

maximum height attained during the throw, then the range "R" is equal to :

The projectile covers maximum range when angle of projection is equal to 45°. The maximum

range "R" is given by :

On the other hand, the maximum height attained by the projectile for angle of projection, 45°, is :

Comparing expressions of range and maximum height, we have :








R = 4 H

Hence, option (a) is correct.

Exercise 19.

The speed of a projectile at maximum height is half its speed of projection, "u". The horizontal

range of the projectile is :

The horizontal range of the projectile is given as :

In order to evaluate this expression, we need to know the angle of projection. Now, the initial part

of the question says that the speed of a projectile at maximum height is half its speed of

projection, "u". However, we know that speed of the projectile at the maximum height is equal to

the horizontal component of projection velocity,

θ = 300

The required range is :

Hence, option (b) is correct.

Exercise 20.

Let " T 1 ” and “ T 2 ” be the times of flights of a projectile for projections at two complimentary

angles for which horizontal range is "R". The product of times of flight, " T 1 T 2 ”, is equal to : Here, we are required to find the product of times of flight. Let " θ " and " 900 − θ " be two angles of projections. The times of flight are given as :

