A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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F = G

M1M2 r2

Telling this to your physics professor will have him shrug his shoulders dismissively as if it is not his problem and raising the issue is slightly out of place and rather a silly point to make. That is how they have been eluding the problem now for three hundred years. They put the mistake onto you for noting it.

The fact of the matter is that I don’t wish to be near when any of this lot hits the ground because the truck will cause a quarry and the dancer will be a splash of red fluid while the frog might not be that worse for wear if the truck or the dancer doesn’t land on the frog. The differentiation of having mass or having equality when falling and then not having mass and between individual differences in mass by each component that enters the equation when the objects touch the ground. Then every one gets the mass it has. Only when they touch the ground and land on the soil is mass as a factor awarded. While they fall they all fall equal and there is no distinction between the falling at all. What then is gravity? The gravity is the falling. The gravity is the motion. The tendency to move and apply gravity is the part that the mass restrains. The factor of weight only comes into play once the independent movement stops and the object becomes a part of the earth in all aspects of movement. When it moves with the earth it has mass. We know that when the three items are dropped next to one another sharing precisely the same conditions they will hit the earth at the same instant irrespective of size differentiation of any sorts.




M1 M2 r2

The instant the truck arrives with a destructive bang heard for miles the ballerina will land next to the truck in a shower of blood. That same instant the frog also will land but with a much better chance on survival. This differentiation in the falling carnage is a result of mass entering the scenario when the earth prevents further falling. Remember mass comes about when the earth prevents further falling. As soon as the object hits the ground the object stops falling with the mass that manifests as weight that then prevents the falling from continuing. It is the role of forming identifiable mass is to prevent further falling and independent motion to continue. Some might even still honestly believe it is mass that produces gravity due to the brainwashing as they were taught it is mass that produces gravity and never thought about the matter again afterwards. Take this issue up with your professor.

Ask him or her to say without doubt which object with most mass will land first or will the lot land at the same instant? If the cargo haul of the truck was empty, will it fall slower or will it fall faster when the cargo bay is full and there is more mass doing the pulling? Get some truth out of them because they are there to teach you the truth and not the truth Newtonians create. By telling you what they wish to tell and forcing you to repeat that in examination only forms brainwashing and that is the basis on which science forms the basis for centuries.

The following forms the backbone behind the brainwashing in teaching. If I come to you as a mentor with a proposal about something I wish to educate you about with you on condition that you pay me an amount to share my past and proven knowledge with you about what I am sure is everything I know, then I am an honest academic wishing to teach you. Now I tell you one part knowing that part is flawed and not telling you the rest because I know that is the flawed part then do you think I am trustworthy. Am I the honest person you can entrust with your future?

I as the tutor know the half I tell you is unproven and the other half I do not tell you about are telling you that the half I tell you is rubbish but because I know it is rubbish. I only tell you the first part that is not proven and leave out the second part that shows the first part is rubbish and still I wish you to pay for my services. Have you a name for such a person that will force another person to pay him brainwashed him by mind control because the tutor has absolute control over the life and death of the academic future of the brainwashed individual and therefore is willingly forcing this unfortunate creature in accepting what will never amount to form the truth? Those are called Physics professors and rule Universities as draconian authoritarian dictators bent on sadism.

Let’s investigate the falling as such and see what happens during the fall. The truck falls at the same pace empty or loaded and this falling is at the same pace in which the girl falls, which is the same pace as that which the frog falls. I don’t quite se the role mass has in this! If the truck falls at the same pace as the girl and as the frog there has to be a common denominator in this process and since the common denominator eliminates size form and shape we can eliminate mass. Mass brings distinction and the falling eliminates all forms of distinction. Something bigger must have more mass than something smaller.

Lets take this scenario to a waterfall. When I fall down a waterfall with a boat I travel the same pace, as does the boat. That could be because I am fixed to the boat by sitting in the boat. But my sitting in the boat has certain condition and one is that I can remain sitting because I fall the same pace as the boat is falling. This is like the truck’s empty cargo bay falling as fast as it will fall with the filled cargo bay. If I fall down in a boat with the boat and the boat and me forming a distinctive unit falls at the same pace as the water that forms the waterfall falls. Should I at the time of my falling hold an empty mug in my hand and I wish to fill the mug with water, and then I will have to move the mug against the flow of water streaming down the waterfall. I will have to thrust my mug upwards at a faster pace than my descending is casting the mug down and therefore I accompanying the mug down the waterfall. My mug will not automatically fill with water or if there was water in the mug my mug will not automatically empty with water just because the emptiness filling the mug will be at a different pace than the content that is otherwise the filling of the mug. The empty part is falling as fast as the filled part that holds the mass.

The mug being empty falls as fast as the boat and I. If mass pulls the filled part what pulls the empty part? The empty space in the mug is falling as fast as the mug will fall when the mug is filled to the brim with what ever can fill a mug to the brim. Notwithstanding the content within the mug or the content within the boat or the content within the water being within the waterfall, the very lot is falling at a similar pace. By lifting the cup while falling the cup will fill with water. I am not putting the water into the cup but I am exchanging the space that the water holds with space that the empty cup holds and my action in truth has no bearing on the water filling the space, which I then transfer into the cup. I am filling the cup with space that at that point holds water but the holding of water has nothing to do with the transferring of space.

If I leaped from the boat and fell I would fall alongside the boat. The boat will be empty but will fall at the same pace and as the same space as I fall notwithstanding being empty. The mug being empty will fall at the same pace as the boat being empty which will fall at the same pace as the water in the waterfall and I would fall. The space in the boat, which is empty if I do not fill the space, will fall at the same pace as the empty space, which fills the mug, and the mug will fall at the same pace whether the space in the mug contains or doesn’t contain whatever can fill a mug.

The space filling the mug is falling the same as the water that would fill the space in the mug should the mug be filled with water. The space in the boat is falling at the same pace as I would fall whether I am filling the vacant space in the boat or otherwise filling the vacant space next to the boat. It is the space that falls and not the object filling the space that are falling. It is the space that is filled or not filled that is dropping down because the space being filled is in decline. If it was not the space that fell the space within the mug would fill first as the mug and the boat fell because the empty space would first fill before it could take anything down. But since the boat falls as fast as whether it is being filled or not we can assume that the space which the boat fills or does not fill is falling as fast as it would fall whether it is holding the boat or I or the boat and I. The space not filled by mass also moves just as fast as space filled by mass. If Newton’s idea of mass was valid the boat should only fall when it is full and when the emptiness was removed. But if you fill a hot air balloon with more air or with more emptiness it takes mass with it into the air removing the pulling. When the object such as the mug or the boat or I connect with the Earth the Earth disallow the object free motion by taking any more space the object claims through to the centre of the Earth.

The object now has to give up the space it claims and take on new space that the object claims to flow by contraction to the centre of the Earth. In forming a blocking it resists the flow or the gravity or space lining up with the centre of the Earth. The flowing of space by contraction is gravity but the object being in the space that flows becomes and obstacle through which the oncoming space must drag in order to flow to the centre of the Earth. It forms resisting of allowing space claimed to release to the normal flow when the object will not relent form in favour of gravity. This is only when the object touches the solid earth.

This resisting such relenting of form and consequently forming a frustrating barrier that blocks the free flow of space towards the centre is time displacement of space and this relenting of space-time flowing freely becomes the mass factor. The density and the resistance that the particles show forms the mass that implicate the degree of the frustrating or preventing or disabling of such free flow of space through time and the displacement of space during time is space-time notwithstanding what ever irrational connection Newtonians wish to add too space-time. Allowing space to displace through time to form time is space-time and that is gravity. All I ask is to read what I bring. Don’t be a coward and stop reading as soon as you reach the point where I condemn what is in place! Just move past that to the point where I show what is wrong and how it can be corrected! Just judge me not for condemning what now is so apparently incorrect but for showing why I condemn what now is so apparently incorrect and what I bring to the table and offer as a remedy. See what I have to offer and not only what I am taking away. Don’t set your sights on what there is to lose but take a view on what there is to gain! All you lose is the untruth. Do not reject me on merits you do not wish to instate because you have the fear you are going to lose what is instated. Do not judge me by using your double standards that is useless in the face of the truth.

Rather look at the double standards you employ and do not judge me by using your double standards on me. Rather use your mind to detect what is double about your standards and then investigate with me what needs to change. Don’t hide the truth. Don’t hide from the truth and don’t hide behind what you wish to portrait as the truth. Rather come out into the light for the first time in three hundred years and admit to the truth. Follow what I say and see for yourself what there is to gain by trying to detect what is wrong because we all know there is much wrong. The comet does not collide with the Sun and the Moon is not on its way to collide with the Earth in time to come.

Expand science and no the Universe for the Universe is the only aspect that has not the ability to expand. I challenge all of you Newtonians to prove F = GM1M2 and not just to declare it proven because it isr2

in use since the Dark ages. Expand your mind and double check the formula you all so vividly underwrite and support. Prove why you support the formula in a modern and a scientific way.

Explore the correctness that this formula FM1M2 underwrites. Be a true exploring scientist and= Gr2
journey with me through the following pages while we venture on the quest to find and vindicate my incorrectness by proving the truth vested in the formula F = GM1M2 that carries the entire physicsr2

everyone uses. Let us start where the lot should start and get two Masters together on one point of argument. Galileo said all things fall equal.


That says all things fall alike.

The first thing anyone brings in is the vacuum bit with the feather and the hammer and since we do not live in vacuum there is no chance of finding a feather that will fall as fast as a hammer. Since the feather does not fall as fat as the hammer we immediately jump to the conclusion that there are falling disparities because of the falling discrepancy we find between the hammer falling and the feather falling. Then what would give the feather the time to fall longer than the hammer does. Everyone concludes about mass coming into play and they are correct. But they are half correct while Newton still is completely incorrect by attaching mass to the entire idea of falling. Take away the resisting of the feather and replace it with something far less air resistant and one will come to a different conclusion. We have to dissect what factor consists of gravity and what factor represents mass. Then we have to dissect which part does mass play and what part does gravity play.

The falling object experienced no mass while falling therefore the falling or moving must be gravity’s contribution. While objects are in motion those moving objects is experiencing gravity. The object show mass when the object has a tendency to move but the motion towards the centre of the Earth no longer takes place. That means mass is the restraining of the motion or is that which prevents the motion or gravity taking place. On Earth, objects experiences mass by restricting gravity or motion with the Earth giving mass but taking away free motion. By giving mass the Earth forces the object to become one with the Earth and move with the Earth as a pat of the Earth.


Massiveness brings gravity and the bigger that star the stronger is the gravity. It is put forward that size brings about mass according to the HertzsprungRussell diagram of star classification. This shows big stars produce heavy mass and is as outdated as all Newtonian principles. If Betelgeuse the biggest star’s diameter of 875 x106miles was represented by 22miles then the sun’s 875 x 103 miles was 38 yards and then 1 foot would represent the white dwarfs 10 x103 miles. A Neutron star’s diameter would be 3 mm and a Black Hole would be .5 mm true size. On the earth 100 lb weight would be 1 ton on the sun and that weight would be 10 000 tons on a white dwarf, 10 billion tons on a neutron star and that would become 30 billion tons inside a Black hole. In the Universe there is no big or small and everything that is big is small and all that is small is big. A Black Hole is the smallest there is and the biggest too.

In a later stage I use Kepler to show why stars are big and small at the same time.
They were brainwashed by their tutors as their tutors were brainwashed before them. You are in a position where you can teach your tutors the truth about gravity if you read what is in the books. The truth is there and the truth is out and the truth will be because the truth is written for all that wishes to read. The academics on the other hand have ignored my work and my being on Earth for the past six years while I was writing them letters about gravity. They ignore me as if I am a rattlesnake because to them I am a rattlesnake. For that reason if no other they will rather go on lying to you and cover their corrupt fraud than face up to the truth and admit their work is lost. The truth will be whether it is recognised by them and they can become the first to admit and repent or they will be the last of the laughing stock that those in the future will refer to as the bunch that couldn’t see when things fall equal they cannot have mass and when things do not fall by mass then one can know mass has nothing to do with the falling and the gravity.

It is up to you as students to rattle their cages and make them admit they’ve been lied to as they are lying to you. If you do not accept the role as being zombies that is brainwashed then confront these academics that treat you with disgust and betray your trust. They might tell you the mistake is not that serious and the damage is small but then how will they know how big or small the damage is if they don’t even know what damage there is or what the damage is. My books will serve as the light switch that brings the light to you. I charge your young minds to confront those fraudsters about the truth. If you reach the need you may down load it because it is a fair bit of information. However it is not my views that are your enemy but the brainwashing you are victim of that holds your logical thinking captured behind the bars of a jail of corrupted ideology that forms a culture.

A question they never ask or answer is what is starting where the cosmos according to their opinion ends because something else has to start behind where an end forms and that is the location of the start of something else. Or can they answer another question: What was in place of time at the time predating what is now in place during a time before what they say is there when they say the cosmos started and from what did it develop and why did it arrive at where we are now. Before what we now have, what was then in place and how did what we now have come into place? They present gravity as a magical force.

In this meagre presentation I provide a small part on an infinitive big answer about how everything called the Universe started but that is only after I annihilate every principle those in science so dearly protect and by doing so I uncover the corruption that they hide. The corruption and falsifying of facts are there for you to see. I show what they create to justify their correctness about what they claim they can prove. As can be seen by this little presentation forming an example, I prove that Newton’s principle was never been proven as long as it is in place. In short I would wish to have our scientists prove where mass is part of the planet formation as Newton so eagerly said it is. Use the planetary layout to prove Newton’s “Kepler’s laws” that has nothing to do with Kepler or with science and is completely fake. Then where I try to uncover this incorrectness they refuse to publish my work. You will find in this book I show what the response is when I sent an article in which I explain the Coanda effect and how that transcends to the operational functioning of the gyroscope ands then as a result why the gyroscope works. The entire article is published as The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity The Website. They never ever read the article never mind considered the content and this treatment has been going on for twelve years.

That there is a conspiracy in science there is no doubt about it. It runs as deep as it can go and involves every person that studied science worked with science teaches science and thought about

science. In short it touches every person that lives. Everyone works with fake science and conspires to promote science fiction passing it off as Newton’s science

Has any one ever presented a remote answer why there are rings forming around planets and why the planets as big as they are, don’t simply pull the dust onto the giant planet surface? Why would the rings circle the planet and not fall onto the planet? If Newton’s mass principle is correct, the mass of

the giant just has to pull the dust onto the surface. Firstly this book is free. I am not trying to exploit any person by extorting money with launching an unsupported wild scam. The truth is that Newtonian science is practising an unsupported scam for decades and they do it by mind manipulation and thought control. They force students to believe Newton is correct without proving it. Let them prove just what I claim is untrue in this book alone

The Big Bang shows expanding and Newtonian science still favours mass pulling mass into what? Whereto is mass pulling mass with the lot expanding. Gravity is the least understood concept this far in science. In truth no one in science anywhere remotely knows what brings gravity about and I used Kepler to unravel this mystery called gravity. Newtonian definition cannot even recognise any of the principles I


show in this book but only Newtonian science are taught to students. No student can have the fortune to disagree with Newton and remain a student at the institution the student is studying at notwithstanding that Newton’s ideas are baseless.

I have books explaining how Newton corrupted science and this would take too much space to explain that. There is a book for free http://www.sirnewtonsfraud.com/ I am not going into that at this venture.


Download http://www.sirnewtonsfraud.com/ to reveal the truth and find what the truth is. The revelation you download is for free.

Newtonians uphold their law of physics without showing mercy. The very first things the Newtonians use to beat us into submission are to blast us with incomprehensible mathematical formulas. Incomprehensible they are but it is to scare anyone with the mathematical equations to get everyone hiding. They bewilder you with equations that put the fear of God into you; used simply to make you feel inferior so that they can feel superior and frown down on your inferiority from a dizzy height. They are masters at manipulating anyone into a state of senselessness…but mostly they do it onto themselves. That they do because it forms the backbone of the fraud. They do not wish you to read closer and to find the fraud they hide to protect Newton. Ignore their mathematics because it only shows their incompetence to understand physics or Newton and see the fraud they propagate... They employ mathematics to bewilder and that is all. I am going to show what we can uncover underneath what they cover. Look at what the mathematics supposedly says and then wake up, they are using maths as a scare tactic for three centuries to scare the daylights out of you and all this while its been working! Looking at the formula shows just how little Newton understood physics.

Please allow me to show you how they scare you to become fooled and suckered. Don’t run and hide when you see the mathematics; it is meaningless although it was used as a scarecrow for more than three hundred years forming the backbone of the conspiracy.


If “mass” did form gravity by a value that commits a force then the large
planets must be on the inside next to the sun
having the small planets way on the outside.
Instead because we have a random allocation, that destroys the idea of mass forming gravity to pull.

The smallest planets holding the least “mass” are at either end and the largest planets holding supposedly the most “mass” are in the centre. This disproves both arguments that the pulling force forming gravity by the value of “mass” to establish the orbit goes according to “mass” or that the locations of planets are adhering to Newton’s ideas of “mass forming gravity by pulling”.

Use this picture to show me where the planets are positioned according to mass or where the orbit going around the sun goes according to mass. The entire Newtonian idea of mass creating gravity by pulling is the complete misrepresentation of the truth. I show what principles are in place do give the reason why.


Mercury Venus

Asteroid Belt

Jupiter Saturn
Uranus Neptune

Supposed “Mass” where earth is taken as 1

0.055 times the earth
0.81 times the earth
0.107 times the earth

A Multitude of planetforming fragments

318 times the earth
95 times the earth
14.5 times the earth 17 times the earth
Average Orbit distance Biggest to Smallest

57.9 x 109
108.2 x 10
149.6 x 109
227.9 x 10

Notwithstanding size the lot orbit alike

9 778.3 x 10
1427 x 109
2871 x 109
4497 x 109
5th Smallest
3 rdSmallest

Debris orbiting in space at a specific distance that is not in relation to mass

2nd Biggest
3 rdBiggest
This is what there is and that is all there is. The measure of mass forming gravity clearly plays no role in

allocating the positions of planets as Newton declared it must do. The entire idea that gravity is a magical force created by the value of mass is as unbelievable as the dogma is of those presenting this idea. Please use what the solar system provides to confirm what Newton says is in place when he says mass forms gravity. Science would rather accept Newton where there is no proof of Newton ever being correct than to admit Newton’s incorrectness. Science would rather deny there is cosmic principles that is in place in the solar system, which are the Roche limit, the Lagrangian points, the Titius Bode law and the Coanda effect than to admit to Newton’s failings. They would not admit to Newton’s failings because then the entire world will see they know less about science than does a pig know about history. They would rather put the error on the solar system than they would commit to the blatant mathematical cheating that Newton committed. It is the Universe that is always at fault when Newton becomes incorrect because without Newton’s fabrication of science they have nothing to show for all the wisdom they try to pretend they have. Newton fabricated “Kepler’s laws” has some correctness mixed largely with a farce and blending the truth with total fabrication of reality hides the lie behind something presenting the truth.

Forget about the fanciful corrupt mathematics that proves nothing when the cosmos does not confirm Newton’s crooked mathematical arguments. Newton’s religiosity might corrupt science but who in science would cares about correctness when it simplifies the ongoing brainwashing of students studying science.

They confuse everyone about what weight is, what mass is and what gravity is because they wish to have everyone think of “mass” in terms of weight while they then deny weight and “mass” is the very same thing and then they confuse “mass” and gravity because they never distinguish between what “mass” does and what gravity does. This is only the tip of the iceberg and you will see when reading this book.

If you read on you are going to Read About The Biggest ConspiThe Biggest Conspiracy ever enlisted, it’s more than just the next conspiracy because it is A Science Conspiracy Network. IIII prove everything I say about the conspiracy I announce…read and be shocked. This Network which I denounce Engulfs the Entire Civil Human Race in Every Aspect and willing or not, you reading this are participating without knowing about what you support with every part of the mental intellect you have. It involves the most trusted members in the part of our civil

society and we are deceived by the ones EVERYBODY trust the most, the teachers and Professors teaching at academic institutions everywhere. For over a decade I have been knocking on doors with the information I present in this book and lots more evidence, just to be ignored and to be turned away. This behaviour of physicists ignoring me or even attacking me when I point out a very legitimate case of mistakes in science made me realise there is a conspiracy going on. Science has been getting away with this conspiracy since the Dark Ages. What you are about to read is not for the simple minded because science requires much intelligence and in that physicists get away with turning Creation into a joke. By turning the facts that form the conspiracy into what you think of and you accept as natural and as culture, man has been cheated and mislead for three hundred years because those teaching science consider everyone as representing stupidity. To them everyone else are simple-minde