A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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Dancer mass is 45 000 gram


F = GM1M2 suggests then by the time the truck hits the ground the ballerinar2

would have started to slowly gain speed feeling very bored while waiting for the process to begin and the frog would still be floating totally suspended on the spot as it would do for another few hours before hitting the ground. If the Brainy Bunch all too wise is correct the frog can fly to America and have a pizza in New York while the truck has a few micro seconds to get down if the girl is going to fall during the normal falling duration of a minute or so. Everyone has seen skydivers jump out of airplanes next to cars and trucks and bags. Every one has seen they all fall at the same rate as the big and small objects. They can hop in and out of cars while floating next to the downwards descending car and the bags that fall with them. The girl can do tap dancing around a jumping frog on top of the truck or below the truck and they can be inside the back of the truck galloping on fresh air inside the truck because the lot is falling at the exact same rate.

The academics wishes to brainwash you by mind control in accepting that it is the mass that the falling takes place and that mass is responsible for the gravity and by mass pulling you down it is gravity that makes you fall. Where is the proof of mass that according to them is that which is producing gravity. They tell you Galileo said all things fall equal and we can see from the TV monitors how all things fall equal. Where is the mass that makes the gravity to let you fall if all things fall equally? They tell you that the truck has a mass of 15 tons and that mass is making the gravity that is having the truck fall while the truck is falling at the same speed and distance than the frog does.

Then if you don’t repeat after them and echo every word test after test and exam after exam they will fail your papers and kick you from campus. You repeat after them and you live an academic life or you disagree and you go home to play with your toes. If mass is in the picture then mass must be represented by a factor of more than just one because if mass is not part of the overall picture then mass has a factor of one which proves that mass is not part of the equation since mass can’t change the results. With all the objects falling equal mass has no role and if mass has no role then for my money academics in physics can’t just go and put everything in as their hearts desire. If it is Galileo that is correct and if all things fall equal then mass has no part in gravity. If mass is the inspiration behind gravity the truck must fall a million times faster than the frog and in fact the frog should almost land in another country because that is how slow it falls.