A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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extending Π every time and since Π is the same part as


• • • •

the previous Π, only extending that billionth of a millimetre each time, the circle will be truly continuous without any signs of a break

Looking at the affect of gravity it shows the precise quality of no distinctive point, as gravity never seems to end at a point but flows all over affecting all that holds a position in its sphere of influence. The gravity coming from China meets the gravity coming from America at no particular spot but intermingles without distinction.

1800 The triangle, the half circle and the straight –line has 1800 two things in common, they share 1800 as a mutual Π Π2 1800=Π3 value and they are part of singularity.

Using the concept that gravity applies Π as the circle factor Π as well as Π2 replacing r2 the replacing by Π brings two values as Π and Π2. That I found is the case with gravity and will be apparent when explaining the sound barrier as well as the Four Cosmic Pillars.

In order to create a distinction I remained using r as the indicator of the cube or non-circle that has vacant space and by vacant space I refer to non-solid structures. In the solid structure I use Π as a value for reasons that will become apparent in due time.

The value of singularity stems directly from the law of Pythagoras or Pythagoras is the result of the average of singularity. With the shortest line being a dot, all lines must start from a position implicating Π. A circle is a square without corners implementing Π and a half circle is therefore a triangle without corners. The corners are the factor that confused every one in the past. When replacing the value we normally attach to circle being r with Π, the law of Pythagoras becomes quite meaningful and mathematical.

By placing a connecting circle on the sides of the triangle half a circle forms. By implicating Π as a relevancy and not the straight-line r, two values of Π applies to each circle, and the straight line is no longer r, but is Π2. This will bring about that each circle holds half the square value implicated to the allocated conditions applying to Π in that specific instance.

By adding the two half squares forming the two half circles and then calculating the square root of the total that then forms the average diameter, an average of Π in the connecting line will come about. As both lines are the straight line forming singularity coming from one line being Π, the connecting line then must be the average of the two lines as Π2. That is what the law of Pythagoras says.

In the sphere there are never only one direction implicated in movement. Movement are always in relation to the centre position because as a line goes up it also goes in or out. When a line goes north or south, it also comes towards the centre or going away from the centre.

There is always relevancy present in movement. As this moving indicates direction it also apply Π2 for indicating value forming the time factor.

In the sphere there are no radius but only the extending of Π from the centre Π in six opposing directions relating to one another by the square but remaining Π because of the unity the matter holds in relating to space. It is not possible to draw a precise line that would form a precise ring and not cut some atoms in parts.

Because there will always be an atom disallowing the precise positioning of the circle the circle continues on a solid basis holding Π as a positional reference and not r. In every sphere there then are the seven Π relating in precise dimensional and positional equality forming equilibrium to the centre Π as well as to

one another by 900 and 1800implicating the dimensional positioning. Therefore the sphere holds 7 Π and the cube holds 6 X r2

Because every moving line represents one quarter of the sphere in relation to the rest of the sphere and the line also indicate the relevant position between the point indicated and the point in the centre it is a relevancy of singularity in progress. By connecting the line, as Pythagoras will suggest the singularity within the sphere become a specific value indicated representing one half circle.

61r 1Π






2Π 73r 4r 5Π 3Π points4Π 6Π


5r 7Π



Where space comes into contact with the sphere the cube loses one of the six dimensions it has to the more dominating seven dimension of the sphere whereby the seven dimension in equilibrium will dominate the six dimension loosely connected by r bringing about that the cube then has 5 sides to the seven of the cube.

This means that in the cube the “bottom falls out” and without a “bottom” to support objects they fall to earth. Remember that a body “floats” in space, but at one specific point it starts to “fall” to the earth. That is gravity and it is a dimension change much more than any force. I shall explain this last remark later on.

2r 1r 1Π 5 sides in the• 2Π

• 3Π

3r • • 4Π cube vs. 7 sides 4r • 5Π in the sphere

5r 7Π
That too is the Lagrangian system with five cosmic structures holding relevancy to the centre structure where the centre structure stands in for seven positions diverting from singularity and the orbiting structures standing in for five positions in space.

Space-time is a four dimensional position of the universe where the position of an object is specified by three

⇑ Π0 Π


coordinates in space and one position in time.


Π⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑Π0 ⇑ ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑

With singularity placed in infinity within the centre of every rotating object every atom and its relation to its surroundings including other atoms form space-time diverting from the point holding singularity as far as rotation goes because every object holds three relative positions in as far as where it was, where it is and where it will be in relation to singularity providing time. I elaborate on this else where.

Any point will be opposing itself within the rotating of 180o where it then change every aspect of its previous flowing characteristics it had or will once again have in 3600 from there. While in rotation from the view point of a bystander it all may seem static and never changing but to the object in spin every next instant in time will be diverting from every aspect it had every second passing, and the direction it held in relation to the direction it held the previous mille, mille second will totally be incompatible with the direction it holds the very next mille, mille second of rotation.

This is why we can use degrees measuring the circle by (62) (forming the square relating to matter through singularity) X 10 (square if space) = 3600 however it is always in motion. That proves no point can be static or constant, though it may seem that way to outsiders. Although matter is matter, matter can also be anti-matter and moreover form its own anti-matter at the same time. This degeneration of structure is very likely to occur with overheating.

Revaluing Π to Π2 will bring about a new contact point where Π meets r forming another relation in Π2Time is the changes in relation where Π contacts a different r not withstanding the many r points there may form because every r constitutes a different value to the universe through other ratios and relevancies brought about by heat and light.

Time is the duration it takes2Π to rotate between any two given points of r and therefore must always amount to a square (T ) moving from point to point through the cube of space (a3 ) in that duration of time (k). With that it proves Kepler’s a3 (space) =T2 k (time in the instant of motion) but motion must continue through a specific value in space where the space-time is maintaining relevant equilibriums throughout singularity connecting.

How do I see the entire Universe through something as small as an optical nerve? It is done by Mathematics and it shows there is a Universe all the brilliant Newtonians never even thought about notwithstanding their splendour ability to understand and associate with mathematics? One photon may represent one galactica, a constellation of stars numbering into the billions. It is all a question of Mathematics. 10 = 11 = 2560 = (123456789987654321)0 and that puts everything in the Universe in singularity. This proves that the entire star can be represented by one spot holding singularity as a photon and that spot can form light by which we would see the star.

This goes much further. This means that where 10 = 11 = 2560 = (123456789987654321)0 and that puts everything in the Universe in singularity not only in an equal basis but that one spot in singularity represents the entire Universe by which we can observe what there is to observe. .
By extending the dot Π0 to the value of the next Π, a continuing of Π will flow in all directions evenly. The form is a sphere, but when the sphere brake anywhere showing a flat surface Π will continue but will alter position to comply with the new standards set by shape. Every circle is a multitude of circles within a circle as Π0Π continues to produce circlers

In that manner Pythagoras becomes defined because the straight line andΠ the triangle holds equilibrium in the half circle. By extending the value of Π to


the next position Π maintain in the time position Π2 where the Π2 indicate



time and the square of the triangle indicate space developing will establish the square of time. This I prove using mathematical equating when I prove how the Universe started by implementing Pythagoras first when the law of

Π Pythagoras founded the beginning of mathematics…and this I do. From the governing singularity come the major singularity ΠΠ0Π providing Π3 space, which time claims Π2 + Π2 and space holds

time to control space
⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑Π space by the three sides a cube shows to one side of theΠ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑ Π2Π from where singularity influences
universe using r as a means of doing do. This entire concept
grows from Kepler’s formula of a3 = T2k.

From this (extending the dot Π0 to the value of the next Π) there is a value difference where the one singularity holds a factor of 1 in the 21.991 / 7 and the other has a value of .991. Where Π0 = 1 and Π= 3.1416 the 1416 x 7 = .991 and thus has to be smaller where it holds the value of .991 in some cases and other cases the value of .91. Closer than such an explanation I could not come with the limited space available in this website. I have to name the opposing linking singularity although to my mind humans use the naming of objects as a shield to cover their poor concept of understanding. The singularity Π0 I refer to at times as the governing singularity. In my books I shall show why light uses αΠ& by means to travel as a conductor. I mention that fact because the singularity from where everything came is still in our midst and used by all with vision. My dismay in naming is clear as through out the history of science there is clear evidence of how names had replaced recognising of various factors and through naming whatever differently; humans go at fault in recognising the name we use instead of what the product truly represents as space-time. The governing singularity is the unseen line that all matter refer to using the space provided by the governing singularity and I sometimes refer to that as the major singularity.

Our Brilliant mathematically inclined Masters-in-Newtonian-physics filled the entire Universe on the inside with nothing and even filled to the point where the nothing expands and becomes more nothing. “Nothing” can’t be filling the Universe because lines fill the Universe in forms of light flowing all over. The presence of a line does not present “nothing” nor does it prove no line at all because if there were nothing there would not be any possibility of a line ever being at that point, as nothing can hold “no line”.

The line does not present or start with nothing or begin at nothing because there is a possibility of a line forming being the shortest line possible the line is infinitely small yet the possibility does not exclude the line totally as would zero do. Therefore the line is there, be it only in the possibility of a line being there.

0 Π From the possibility of the line being, the line may have theΠ Π
space of the premier singularity from which all of the universe arrived, but remains a possible factor and as such a factor. The

⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑Π line non-the less. In the case of zero the factor becomes aΠ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑fact that a line is not excluded as a possible factor presents a


defiant excluded factor whereas without zero in infinity the line


becomes a defiant included factor, as it would be most incorrect to surmise no line will ever form at such a point. Zero brings conclusive exclusion while infinity brings conclusive inclusion and as such the two values oppose the concept surrounding the line.

Π Π0 Π


It is moreover the individual singularity in maintaining the major singularity, which sustains the governing singularity providing equilibrium in space-time.1Π Π 4


Π Π Π Π22 Π3Π


Seeing our spinning top from the top, there are four quarters opposing each other and by that opposing one another.

Π ⇐⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇐⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑

Any object in rotation will have a middle point, a very specific centre point that does not spin. That point in the very centre is hypothetical s it is valid but none the less must be standing still because every line running from that pint in opposing directions are also in opposing directional spin to each other


From such a point every other point will be opposing any other point not pointing in the direction to which the first point is pointing, whereby it extends the direction it holds. No matter what the point is or where the point leads, such a point holding a specific direction will be unique in the direction it is rotating because at that or any other specific point wherever, it will be directing not in the direction it spins but in the direction flowing from the centre point outwards.

Any point will be it opposing itself within the rotating of 180o changing every aspect of its previous flowing characteristics it previously had or will once again have in 1800 from there. While in rotation from the point of an outside observer all may seem static and never changing but to the object in spin every next second will be a diverting from every aspect it was in very second passing, and the direction it held in relation to the direction it held the previous mille, mille second will totally be incompatible with the direction it holds the very next mille, mille second of rotation. That proves no point can be static or constant, all though it may seem that way to outsiders.

Because there is a space that may not be occupied by a particle does not exclude the possibility of a particle sometime to the future occupying that space. If the space was nothing all possibility of future occupation will become excluded by the presence of zero that is unable ever to include occupation

From the centre of the top runs the premier singularity and as the top starts rotating the top’s rotation bring about the sides to singularity, which too was present all the time but filled the being, they’re by the rotation of the top.
Since occupation may or may not be placing the factor in infinite, the space therefore holds the premier singularity of infinite from which all included in the universe has come. When the top starts spinning in a specific position the top merely executed the option to fill the premier singularity at that specific point. When it moves it may take the premier singularity with to the new location it moves through spin or it may fill yet another position in singularity as all is the same.

The sectors provide individual singularity a means in sustaining governing singularity by which provision comes through maintaining governing singularity the required spin in maintaining cooling. If this process did not apply, there would be no connecting individual singularity to major singularity

By claiming the position held by singularity premier as a vacant spot until the arrival of the top, the singularity of the top divides the point flowing from
singularity into four sectors holding two half circles

1 2


3 4


Any object in rotation will have a middle point, a very specific centre point that does not spin.

That point once again hypothetical but none the less must be standing still because every line running from that pint in opposing directions are also in opposing directional spin to each other
. Although the points had the same characteristics only seconds before, they oppose the characteristics it had just before and just after the very second in which they are and to which they relate by similar points also in rotation. Due to the spinning nature of such a point with all surrounding the point very varying second, the value to such a point can only be Π because of its constant changing. Using r would specifically oppose another r from every angle.

An object maintaining time will have Π confirming the next Π in the same positing in relation to r as the previous Π. By maintaining Π in relation to the same position Π had Π2 confirms time. By maintaining the value of Π in relation to singularity as Π0 it also confirms all other aspects of singularity in as much as ΠΠΠ and Π3. In that way singularity secure its relevancy to matter as much as matter secure its relevancy to Π0 as singularity.

By over heating and though that applying a time difference matter becomes its own anti matter with in one rotation.



From such a point every other point will be opposing any other point not pointing in the direction to which the first point is pointing, whereby it extends the direction it holds. No matter what the point is or where the point leads, such a point holding a specific direction will be

unique in the direction it is rotating because at3 2 Π that or any other specific point wherever, it will be



directing not in the direction it spins but in the direction flowing from the centre point outwards

When Π crosses over from the one quarter to the next quarter and it does not maintain a constant position in Π2 forming a relation with0 the relevancy will change as Π
time no longer can apply a true value. When time diverts

⇒ ⇐Π

it will also affect density and the standing the particle has to surrounding matter. Behind this concept we find the cause of Supernovas expanding. When the rotation movement of the star is insufficient to cool the star the diameter would extend and this will result in even more overheating because an extended radius will bring on even slower rotation. This then becomes a progressive regression of expanding Π0Π and heat developing more until a total annihilation of the structure of the star takes place when all the compressed heat in a star becomes liquid and the star is alleviated.

By applying a different position Π becomes r in relation to the previous position Π held because the circle now have to introduce a line in support of the new circle. The loss to density through the application of a new time relation will be suspended matter forming in a heat release.


Around the earth we find several of layers of air that is compressed in ever more dense space. While it is impossible that “mass” can merely pull “air” into denser units, it is very plausible and mathematically correct to presume that the spin of the earth can redirect the space into more compact layers and in this we then have winds and other disturbances coming about from this turbulent spinning action. It is clear that the air flowing around the earth acts in


the same way as liquids do and has the same
characteristics as liquids have. Studying the
sun we find a higher concentration of liquid
around the sun, which proves the Newtonian
suggestion that the sun is a gaseous
formation completely misrepresentative. They
presume because the sun is mainly filled with
hydrogen and hydrogen on earth is a gas
therefore the hydrogen in the sun is also a
gas. Think of how an air-conditioner unit
functions when it reduces the heat on the inside of a room and then look at the sun. It repels heat to the outside to cool what is inside. Now we see the air conditioner from the outside blowing heat out and we say the conditioner is incredibly hot.
Same with the sun, it repels heat in a cold liquid form from the outside the freeze what is inside. Again Newtonian backward thinking is astonishingly stupid. If it is liquid squirting from the sun, then the hydrogen in the sun must be a liquid irrespective of what Newtonian culture demands to dictate. Gravity is the Titius Bode law applying in the limits of the Lagrangian points, adhering to the Roche limit and the lot culminates into the forming of the Coanda effect. The Coanda Effect has been discovered in1930 by the Romanian aerodynamicist Henri-Marie Coanda (1885-1972). He has observed that a steam of air (or a other fluid) emerging from a nozzle tends to follow a nearby curved surface, if the curvature of the surface or angle the surface makes with the stream is not too sharp. If a stream of water is flowing along a solid surface, which is curved slightly from the stream, the water will tend to follow the surface. Now, a very simple demonstration: If you approach gently a curved shaped surface (like the shape of the primary hull of the Repulsing) under a stream of water (see below):

00061.jpg00062.jpgThe water follows the surface of the curved shape, this is the Coanda Effect and the Coanda Effect works with any of our usual fluids, such as air at usual temperature, pressures and speeds. 00063.jpg

The picture above is about a
phenomenon called the Coanda
effect but this is never
mentioned in any physics
handbook because Newtonian
physics-religiosity is unable to
explain or to understand this
principle. When liquids flow past
a cylindrical object the liquid


clings to the surface of the object

rather than follow the “path of mass” and fall straight down to earth. Gravity is about the atmosphere that forms a liquid that is the same as the liquid running around the solid circle called the Coanda effect. Gravity is the movement of the air in relation to the movement of the earth. If an object moves within the parameters the earth set the liquid to move around the earth and the object has the ability to maintain the speed, it will be just more liquid floating around the earth at a specific height fore filing a specific circle or rotation requirement. If the speed drops the object will fall notwithstanding mass or the lack thereof. The entire idea vested in gravity focuses on speed-differences. So what the hell has mass got to do with the entire affair of gravity?


If the circle is as large as the sun is, then the compressing of space turns the air into squirting liquid precisely as the picture of the sun shows. Again I ask what has mass got to do with the entire idea. But remove mass from the equation and the Newtonian brilliance becomes idiotic stupidity because their entire mindset of playing God with mathematics becomes total invalid and their stupidity rings as load as a Cathedral tower bell. In front of your eyes you witness the sun freezing an atmosphere which the entire solar system shares and which is made up of condensed space that it freezes into squirting liquid that is the flow of heat, as pure as heat can be. This has noting to do with mass but those conspirers are so deliberately clinging onto their fictional Newtonian Universe that the truth passes them by and in total arrogant stupidity they refuse to use their eyes and see what the Universe shows it is.



00065.jpg1 Π