A Science Conspiracy Network by Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte - HTML preview

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7(3Π2) x 5Π0••7(3Π2) x 4Π0 •• •
7(3Π2) x 3Π0
• •
7(3Π2) x 2Π0
7(3Π2) x Π0 0to 4Π07ΠΠ2x Π

Moving with the earth has gravity at 7ΠΠ2xΠ0. When going faster than the singularity that the earth provides puts the space in relation to movement or space-time displacement at 7ΠΠ2x1.1Π0 or at 7ΠΠ2x1.5Π0 then when the space required is more because of excessive movement in relation to the earth’s gravity 7ΠΠ2x1.5Π0 it requires more space in relation to time. Whether the displacement is in relation to the height of the circle that holds ΠΠ2or whether the movement is forced to maintain 7ΠΠ2x Π0 at the height the movement through which the object goes will take on 1 or two or three spots per displacement

Because of the limit the Lagrangian law places on space the object moving is firstly capped by the limit at Π2 /2 and then later at Π2/ 4, but this gets very technical and I have books explaining this very broadly and much better too.

I show why gravity is there, how gravity forms and what role stars play in forming gravity. There is no difference between how gravity and electricity forms and that I prove mathematically by decoding the cosmos. I prove mathematically when atoms spin they establish Π that forms the Universe. Whatever forms gravity has to link closely to Π since everything that has anything to do with gravity forms a circle that is Π by the value of the square radius. If mass has anything to do with generating gravity, then mass has to apply Π or otherwise mass has nothing to do with the forming of gravity. Everything using gravity forms a circle of sorts, which forms the curvature of space-time, which is Π and which curves light. The way the planets orbit the Sun and how stars spin has all to do with Π. In spinning in a circle, Π forms gravity as a centrifugal force that condenses space.





Π T.B.2







00095.jpg00095.jpg7(3Π2) (Π2 / 2 )


FROM MACH 1 TO MACH3 7(3Π2) (Π2 / 2 ) (Π2 /4 )



Can anything be more basic than that!
Can anything be simpler than this?
This proves how little the Newtonian mind understands physics!



00096.jpg7(3Π2) x Π0 - 2Π0

Titius Bode law stage 1



00096.jpg7(3Π2) x 3Π0 - 4Π0

Titius Bode law stage 2



00096.jpg7(3Π2) x 4Π0 - 4.5Π0

Titius Bode law stage 3



00096.jpg7(3Π2) (Π2 / 2 )


7(3Π2) x Π2/ 2

Titius Bode law stage 4



FROM MACH 1 TO MACH3 7(3Π2) (Π2 / 2 ) (Π2 / 4 )



Titius Bode law stage 5

ABOVE MACH 3 WILL THE HEAT NOT ONLY COVER THE WING, BUT THE WING STRUCTURE WILL REVALUATE ITS COMPOSITION TO MATCH THE NEW VALUE OF HEAT THAT ARISE FROM WITHIN THE WINGS ATOMS AS THEY HAVE TO RELATE TO THE NEW SPACE-TIME VALUES. The wing structure will occupy less space in accordance with the higher time value to which the wing submits. This will lead to a shrinking of the structure that will bring about uncontrollable vibrations and a lack of space-time support.
Gravity applies by way of the Coanda effect. The Coanda effect employs the Titius Bode law and the Lagrangian points interweave one part of the Titius Bode law. The limit the Titius Bode law can arrive at before crossing the Lagrangian points the Roche limit limits it. All of this makes no sense and yet what I minion here is what forms gravity. It is not as simple as awarding mass but only the Newtonian science mind is as simple as awarding mass in order to fine all the solutions unlocking the Universe.

At Mach 3 + the craft will tend to form its own value to the second half of the Roche limit as if it is an outside separate cosmic structure. The problem about this is that it still is within the earths circular displacement and on top of that problem, it has not sufficient displacement value to stand its ground as it is not part of the balance, but part of a force. The force is by no means any match to the balance and therefore the earth’s balance will discard the craft as it does to all strange objects.


The rings are in place because gravity holds the rings in place.
Gravity has the value of
Π and this has nothing to do with mass. This we see in every sphere and every circle that translate into objects spinning or objects orbiting or circles forming galactica far away. I prove that gravity is Π and the four cosmic phenomena forms gravity by producingΠ when objects move in relation to each other. The rings you see are in place because gravity is Π. The spherical planet you see is a spare because gravity is Π. The planet spin in relation to Π because gravity is Π

By using the above the four cosmic pillars, it enable me to present the proof where I now can explain what conditions bring on the sound barrier. By proving it is gravity that the individual structure generates motion above and beyond the gravity the Earth provide is what is producing individual motion that the independent object earned within the sphere of motion that the Earth’s gravity provides where the independent and individual motion put the relevance that gravity has beyond the conserving means gravity has where the space that is serving the independent object is independently in motion. The adding to the independence on top of the normal structural independence is creating more individualism by the independent motion of the individual structure being apart from the motion that the gravity of the Earth provides.

The rings around the planets are the remains of material that moved beyond the limit ration of 7(3Π22))))((((Π2/2))))((((Π2/4)))) where the structure disintegrated into a mesh of dust. Exceeding the movement limit of 7(3Π2)(Π2/2)(Π2/4) in relation to singularity Π0 the movement went beyond the

first limit of



0 but could not reach theLagrangian points limit of 5Π0
00 00
and then went into

the sonic boom limit of (Π2/2).

Furthermore the orbiting debris that became dust exceeded another Roche boundary limit at (Π2/4) where the structure overheated and was annihilated into tiny vapour fragments. To understand this concept better go to The Absolute Relevancy of Singularity: The Dissertation http://www.lulu.com/content/e-book/the-absolute-relevancy-of-singularity-the-dissertation/5994478]


That what comes out of a star must be that which is in a star and what comes out of the star in this picture is liquid heat…then why is it liquid heat? The best Newtonian wisdom can come up with is as senseless as a nursery rime explained to toddlers. What you see in this picture is the Roche limit being violated and compromised and by compromising one of the four limitations that singularity puts in place a collapse of order within material bounded structures such as star bring total destruction to a structure such as a star. Stars are spheres filled with heat, not mass. By turning it compresses what is in outer space into what is inner space and by compressing the space gravity increases the heat levels. The heat does not rise because heat cools by expanding while it remains heat and heat rises in levels by compressing the space. That is what gravity is. When you observe what happens when a star goes bust it is clear that the event is due to a lot of heat escaping.

The escaping necessarily involves expanding of compressed heat because the gravity was eons of accumulating compressing heat into the star. If gravity is about contracting and the expanding is about a release of heat then gravity must be a systematic reducing of heat. If the star was only material bursting we would observe billions of structural particles flying all around but this is clearly liquid heat going into gas. When the gravity that holds a star is insouciant to keep a star bonded then that would imply that gravity is about cooling the star which enables the star to maintain structural integrity and when the balance it heat goes beyond the control of gravity the star overheats and it explodes.

This is how simple the explanation is when studying the unfolding event of a star going supernova. Gravity can’t be mass infliction because what comes from a star when things go wrong is heat escaping. What comes out of a star must be that which is inside the star and what fills the star. But because we have a bunch of mathematical drones too lazy to contemplate other than to accept we have this prehistoric view Newton brought along as science departed from the Dark Ages about mass forming gravity. They can’t think and that is why they can’t read my work. They can only compute in terms of mathematical calculations and even in that they are completely incompetent in researching the truth.

The cowards (and I call them cowards because they dodge the bullet to purposely maintain the corruption of three hundred years) in academic positions ignore my work and therefore they never have to challenge my views and therefore they never have to dispute my position and therefore they never have defend Newton and therefore I die in silence while they never have to prove anything. …And the Science Conspiracy Network remains in place, undetected, erect like a mile long penis ready to screw the living


daylights out of a brainwashed human race for another 3-hundred years. Ask any person if he or she thinks they have mass and they will think the person asking the question is bonkers and yet show not weight show me mass.
Again I challenge any Newtonian physicist to show me any evidence of mass anywhere in the Universe.

Show me why the “mass” does not pull the rings into the planet?

The rings are a circle directional change of 70 at a point where gravity would be the strongest in forming a circle Π…and that would be at the equator where the value of Π will bring the strongest circular movement Π0Π2. Then the line follows a circle 70ΠΠ2and at every interval of Π0to 4Π0 a line is in place.

Looking at a sideways picture of the planet we can also see rings forming as 70ΠΠ forms a line with the axis and the axis is what keeps Π0Π and the entire integrity of the star in place.


Has any one ever presented a remote answer why there are rings forming around planets and why the planets as big as they are, don’t simply pull the dust onto the giant planet surface? Why would the rings circle the planet and not fall onto the planet? If Newton’s mass principle is correct, the mass of the giant just has to pull the dust onto the surface.

Those Ever-So-Wisely-Educated-Cosmic Super-Brains always calculate the power that drives a Super Nova. Let them use those brilliant minds then to calculate the precise date when the earth and moon will destruct all life on Earth! Those Brainy- Mathematical-Masters always customdesign in detail space –whirls they invent with applied cosmic imagination. Let them bring such terrific astonishing human abilities closer to home. The Mathematical-Geniuses that can calculate the inside of a Black Hole should bring their splendour to a much better use in terms of human future concerns.
Instead of painting a Universe fit for Alice in wonder-world, and sprinkling it with the best mathematical formula that they think must put them on par with God, rather apply the same formula and show when the solar system, as big as it is, will collapse into the Sun. This would be much more revealing!
Ask them to not search for imaginary undetectable, unexplainable dark matter they can’t even point out, but to find when the distance we have between the planets and the sun will dissolve and the pull of the planets will have all the planets go crashing into the sun. Those
Ever-So-Wisely-Educated cosmic Super-Brains best art form is to deceive everyone by conspiring to hide the truth about Newtonian science. Those Mathematical-Masters will never even hint in this direction of thought because it will reveal their fraud.

I have books explaining how Newton corrupted science and this would take too much space to explain that. There is a book for free http://www.sirnewtonsfraud.com/ I am not going into that at this venture. Download http://www.sirnewtonsfraud.com/ to reveal the truth and find what the truth is. The revelation you download is for free.

WELCOME ALL you and those that are DISBELEIVERS TO






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Newtonians uphold their law of physics without showing mercy. The very first things the Newtonians use to beat us into submission are to blast us with incomprehensible mathematical formulas.

Incomprehensible they are but it is to scare anyone with the mathematical equations to get everyone hiding. They bewilder you with equations that put the fear of God into you; used simply to make you feel inferior so that they can feel superior and frown down on your inferiority from a dizzy height.

They are masters at manipulating anyone into a state of senselessness…but mostly they do it onto themselves. That they do because it forms the backbone of the fraud. They do not wish you to read closer and to find the fraud they hide to protect Newton. Ignore their mathematics because it only shows their incompetence to understand physics or Newton and see the fraud they propagate...

They employ mathematics to bewilder and that is all. I am going to show what we can uncover underneath what they cover. Look at what the mathematics supposedly says and then wake up, they are using maths as a scare tactic for three centuries to scare the daylights out of you and all this while its been working! Looking at the formula shows just how little Newton understood physics.

Please allow me to show you how they scare you to become fooled and suckered. Don’t run and hide when you see the mathematics, it is meaningless although it was used as a scarecrow for


more than three hundred years forming the backbone of the conspiracy.
This is the manner in which Newtonian science presents the solar system. We have nine spherical structures orbiting one big structure in the centre of the orbiting planets and the picture shows all of them are nicely apart by a common distance.


planets in the formula 4π2a3 = P2G(M + m)
This picture is as big a hoax as Newtonian science are when Newtonian science presents mass to be a factor that produces a pulling force called gravity. The question shouting for an answer in the picture is if mass is a factor that produces gravity as Newtonians claim it is then why are the planets not positioned according to mass as Newtonians declare.

The claim is as bogus as the entire philosophy. They present the proof that planets orbit according to mass in the following “Kepler law” which in its entirety had nothing to do with Kepler at all. It is all devised by Newton because Newton had no inclination of what Kepler’s work was about.

Newton brought about the idea of mass positioning the

Do not get scared as everyone usually does when seeing the mathematics and then as a result get frightened. Those physicists expect you to turn on your heels and run as fast as your legs can carry you. Then consequently as a reaction to find survival, you turn on your heels and run… but this time don’t. Don’t run, just read on and see how simple it is to prove Newton was a backward dark aged sod!

This time, don’t run because I am about to show how meaningless this entire mathematical statement in realityis!
This formula is total garbage and there is no sign of evidence that this formula forms any part of the solar system, even in the least.

Lets test this formula and see how truthful it is. 4π2a3 = P2G (M + m) indicates that the circle in which the planet orbits (4π2a3) is the result of (=) the position of the body (P2) positioned by the mass of both bodies (M + m) in terms of the gravitational constant (G). The best way to find clarity is to test this statement with what is happening in the solar system just as it is, wouldn’t you think.

A picture such as this provides much credence to the idea of gravity by mass since the lines drawn does not even begin to represent what is truly out there ands what is used by the cosmos in place of Newton’s mass concept.

Body Mass (10^24) kg ÷ Orbital Distance(10^6 km)= ratio
Mercury .3302 ÷ 57.9 = 0.0057
Venus 4.869 ÷ 108.2 = 0.045
Earth 5.975 ÷ 149.6 = 0.039939
Mars 0.6419 ÷ 227.9 = 0.00281
Jupiter 1898.6 ÷ 778.3 = 2.439419
Saturn 86.83 ÷ 1427 = 0.060847
Uranus 102.43 ÷ 2869.6 = 0.03569
This picture shows the hoax the Newtonian conspiracy pamper to keep the rest of Newtonian physics believable. They never mention the Titius Bode law and try to explain the Titius Bode law while it is the Titius Bode law that is really in place in the solar system. If you wish to learn the truth then think again.

Mass as a factor does not present or apply in one instance anywhere in the entire Universe and yet that is all theta physics says applies…but why would they cheat? It is because what is there applying between the planets is called the Titius Bode law and although this law is in place you

have almost a hundred percent chance that you have never heard of it.


00104.jpg0.002 x earth mass
17 x earth mass
14.5 x earth mass
95 x earth mass
318 x earth mass

0.107 x earth mass
1 x earth mass 0.0.81 x earth mass
0.055 x earth mass

If the planet layout was as I now show it to be according to mass then this was the order that is if it is true according to the solar system that mass do produce the position of the planet:
Jupiter Saturn
Neptune Uranus Earth
Mercury Pluto

318 x earth mass 95 x earth mass 17 x earth mass

at a distance of at a distance of at a distance of

14.5 x earth mass at a distance of 1 x earth mass at a distance of 0.81 x earth mass at a distance of

0.107 x earth mass at a distance of 0.055 x earth mass at a distance of 0.002 x earth mass at a distance of

Do you realise there is much more “gravity produced by mass” in the space your feet has contact with the earth than there could ever be between Jupiter and the sun? You that can calculate it


F =G M1M2 do it. Take the mass of the earth and your mass you have and then divide that with ther2

square of the distance there is between your feet and the earth by the square thereof then divide that square with the product of the mass of the earth and your mass you h

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