A Science Conspiracy Network


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Published: 14 years ago

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Book Description HTML

You requested and I simplified the explanation. Science is brainwashing people into submission. Take a look at the deceit behind Science. Science hides truths selectively, divulging half-truths and informing by propagating untruths. Unbelievable. Prove me wrong. Science brainwashes everyone, including you into accepting it as the unwavering truth, while hiding corruption. See what faults it hides. I show you what science uses, versus that used by nature, so that you may compare the two versions of science. After you have completed investigating all of the information and you feel that I have not made a case, feel free to e-mail me. If in the alternative, my evidence is believable, join the fight with me by e-mailing this FREE, ready-for-download eBook to as many physics teachers out there as possible.

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Peet (P.S.J.) Schutte

Please note that my name and last name are pronounced in Afrikaans, and is pronounced this way. Peet one would pronounce “here” which is the closest English to the pronouncing of the “ee”. The “Sch” in Schutte is pronounced exactly as school is where both are pronounced Skutte or “skool”. Pronouncing my name in Afrikaans to me show the utmost courtesy. I am most proud of being an Afrikaner.

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