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sia. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 40
Biotechnology for Sustainability
Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives
Biotech Sustainability (2017), P41-50
Vermitechnology – An Eco-Biological Tool for
Sustainable Environment
Mahaly Moorthi1, Koilpathu Senthil Kumar Abbiramy1,*, Arumugam Senthil Kumar2
and Karupannan Nagarajan3
1PG and Research Department of Zoology & Wildlife Biology, A.V.C. College (Autono-
mous), Mannampandal - 609305, Mayiladuthurai, Nagapattinam District, Tamilnadu, In-
dia; 2PG and Research Department of Zoology, Chikkaiah Naicker College, Erode – 638
004, Tamilnadu, India; 3PG and Research Department of Zoology, Sri Vasavi College,
Erode – 638 316, Tamilnadu, India; *Correspondance: moorthideksha@gmail.com / ksab-
biramy@gmail.com; Tel; +91-8526385977
Abstract: The word vermi, typically indicates earthworms. Vermitechnology is a simple
process, which uses earthworms to produce earthworms, good quality compost (vermicom-
post) through organic waste recycling and other products involving earthworms. This tech-
nology is inevitable in managing biodegradable wastes, biomass or organic material that
can be degraded or composted thus contributing to the environment indirectly. Solid waste
management through Vermitechnology contributes more for the sustainability of the envi-
ronment. The major components of Vermitechnology can be considered as Vermiculture
(mass production of earthworms), Vermicomposting (production of vermicompost) and
Vermiwash (the extract of vermicompost). In 1996, „Vermitech‟, the vermicomposting
technique was developed by Mr. A. Thimmaiah at the Indian Agricultural Research Insti-
tute (IARI), New Delhi, India. As IARI is also known as „Pusa Institute‟, this innovative
technology was dedicated to the institute and named „Pusa Vermitech‟. „Pusa Vermitech‟
was developed to provide a simple solution to poor farmers. This method has now become
popular in Bhutan, Costa Rica, India, Italy, Nepal and Sri Lanka. It appears that Ver-
mitechnology is going to play an important role for the sustainability of agriculture and en-
vironment. This chapter is highlighting the Vermitechnology, as an eco-biological tool for
the sustainable environment.
Keywords: Solid waste management; vermicomposting techniques; vermiculture; ver-
mitechnology; vermiwash
1. Introduction
manure comes in handy especially for
small-holders who do not have the money
The advent of organic farming has
to buy expensive, chemical fertilizers.
made farmers innovative and nature
The manure is used rampantly for all sorts
friendly. Vermitechnology, an effective
of crops. The biggest beneficiaries are
replacement for chemical input is the
women who have formed themselves into
most sought after due to its cost-
NGO-trained Self-Help Groups (SHGs).
effectiveness and quality of enriching the
These women can easily prepare the
soil. Vermicompost is becoming the prin-
Vermitech products in their backyard and
cipal manure for crops in the field of or-
sell the excess one left after their own use
ganic farming. The market crisis for agri-
to neighbouring estates or farmers. The
cultural products has also contributed to
NGO-run institutes like these are assisted
the popularity of vermicomposting. The
by the local bodies like grama pancha-
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Vermitechnology – An Eco-Biological Tool for Sustainable… Moorthi et al.
yats, zilla panchayats, which organize
cessed potato; wastes from supermarkets
seminars and teach farmers the methods
and restaurants; wastes from poultry,
of Vermitechnology. Government agricul-
pigs, cattles, sheeps, goats, horses (Ed-
tural departments also buy earthworms in
wards and Bater, 1992) as well as horti-
bulk from these SHGs to conduct their
cultural residues from dead plants and
own projects on vermiculture. In fact, the
spent wastes from mushroom industry
Supreme Court‟s ruling criteria is that to
decide on metro status would be the par-
The degradable organic matter
ticular district‟s level of participation in
from these wastes when dumped in open
organic farming.
undergoes either aerobic or anaerobic
But the low sense of awareness
still remains a problem even within the
dumpsites permit fine organic matter to
municipalities that have undergone semi-
become mixed with percolating water to
nars on Vermitechnology. Neither the
form leachate. The potential for this
Boards nor the local bodies have ideas on
leachate to pollute adjoining water and
the perspectives of Vermitechnology.
soil is high. India where a lot of solid or-
Technical expertise alone does not make
ganic waste is available in different sec-
organic farming. Unless there is a uni-
tors with no dearth of manpower, the en-
formity of procedure, the advantages of
vironmentally acceptable Vermitechnolo-
organic farming – low cost, more soil fer-
gy using earthworms can very well be
tility and eco-friendliness - will not come
adopted for converting waste into wealth.
Considerable work has been carried out
After all, by preparing Vermitech
on vermicomposting of various organic
products, the farmer is making the soil
materials and it has been established that
healthy. In turn, he‟s supplying healthy
epigeic forms of earth-worms can hasten
crops into the market. The content of or-
the composting process to a significant
ganic carbon, the index for the presence
extent, with production of a better quality
of humus in the soil, is in high Ranges. So
of composts as compared with those pre-
the farmers must contribute considerably
pared through traditional methods. The
more towards ecology and food produc-
viability of using earthworms as a treat-
tion. He deserves all the support he can
ment or management technique for nu-
get. With the right financial support from
merous organic waste streams has been
the Government and a more organized
investigated by a number of workers
network of cultural units, Vermitech
(Logsdon, 1994; Madan, 1988; Singh,
products, as a form of enrichment can
2002). Similarly a number of industrial
generate a steady source of income for the
wastes have been vermicomposted and
impoverished folk of agricultural areas.
There are numerous sources of
(Sundaravadivel, 1995). Hand et al.
waste produced in India where degradable
(1988) defined vermicomposting as a low
organic matter is either partially or fully
cost technology system for the processing
generated. Solid waste consists of the dis-
or treatment of organic wastes.
carded portion of the households, dead
A growing awareness of some of
animals, trade, commercial, agricultural
the adverse economic and environmental
and industrial waste and other large waste
impacts of agrochemicals in crop produc-
like debris from construction site, furni-
tion has stimulated greater interest in the
ture etc. Solid wastes are generally cate-
utilization of organic amendments such as
gorized as domestic, industrial and haz-
compost or vermicompost for crop pro-
ardous or biomedical waste. Studies were
duction (Follet, 1981). Therefore, the sus-
made on some solid wastes like sewage
tainability has to be restored by some
sledges and solids from waste water
means of regular food security. Utiliza-
(Mitchell et al., 1980); wastes from pro-
tion of earthworms may be an answer as
ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 42
Vermitechnology – An Eco-Biological Tool for Sustainable… Moorthi et al.
an ecologically sound, economically via-
id wastes (John Paul et al., 2011), as a
ble and socially acceptable technology.
source of live feed in poultry and aqua-
The present chapter reviews on various
culture industries. Worms have a number
aspects involved in Vermitechnology and
of other possible uses on farms, including
thus managing the organic waste leading
value as a high quality animal feed. The
to a sustainable environment.
earthworms are also used as bait in
freshwater sport fishing. They are also
2. Vermiculture
sold to small scale business people who
maintain garden at home and to nurseries
The process of culturing of earth-
that do organic gardening and composting
worms using scientific methods is known
and sell saplings. Also there are demands
as Vermiculture. Earthworms are known
for the pure form of vermicastings in var-
as biological indicators of soil health. In
ious places.
soil earthworms‟ activity and their casting
support a lot amount of microbial popula-
2.1. Methods for Vermiculture
tions. Microbial populations such as bac-
Vermiculture is the culture of
teria, fungi, Actinomycetes and protozo-
earthworms. The goal is to continually
ans grow well, also insects like spiders,
increase the number of worms in order to
millipedes, and other nematodes that are
obtain a sustainable harvest. The worms
essential for sustaining the soil fertility
are either used to expand a vermicom-
grow well. Presence of soil biome enrich-
posting operation or sold to customers
es the soil fertility. Thus earthworms
who use them for the same or other pur-
which form the base for the survival of
poses. If the goal is to produce ver-
other organisms can be cultured artificial-
micompost then we want to have maxi-
ly and used for many purposes. The ulti-
mum worm population density all of the
mate goal of this technology is the bet-
time. If the goal is to produce worms then
terment of soil fertility and health of hu-
we keep the population density low
man beings.
enough that reproductive rates are opti-
In recent years considerable atten-
mized. Vermiculture as a business must
tion has been focused upon the potential
be started in a small scale units. After
role of intensive earthworm culture, or
learning the technique of culturing, one
vermiculture. It is now accepted that the
can start his business at large scale. Cul-
economic value of vermiculture lies in (i)
turing of earthworms needs minimum re-
reduction of noxious qualities associated
quirements and care on a regular sched-
with organic wastes, e.g. elimination of
ule. Culturing can be done by two meth-
smell; (ii) generation of a useful compost;
and (iii) production of earthworm bio-
i. Container method.
mass. Various Vermiculture systems,
ii. Tank method.
which have been designed primarily for
The first method consists of cul-
biological waste control, are producing
turing earthworms in containers made of
earthworms in large quantities. This chap-
plastic and the medium or their bedding
ter covers the production of the earth-
(commonly called as vermibeds) can be
worms which can be used as a source of
done in it. Containers in the shape of rec-
food, primary proteins, and as drugs.
tangular boxes or tubes of one foot width,
Now-a-days, people are very
3 feet length and 2 feet height can be uti-
much eager in culturing earthworms as a
lized. The shape of the containers can
part time business, as a source of income.
change according to the availability in the
The culturing of worms becomes a prom-
area of culturing. These containers with
ising business because of its need in
vermibeds must be placed in a proper en-
enormous amount in organic farming, in
vironment. Either it can be placed in sepa-
big municipalities for the treatment of sol-
rate thatched roof shed if economically
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Vermitechnology – An Eco-Biological Tool for Sustainable… Moorthi et al.
viable or can be placed in spaces availa-
organic matter for partial decomposition,
ble inside the house itself. Thus depend-
care must be taken that, both the organic
ing on the economical status, the place
matter and the cow dung are shad dried.
can be selected. The conditions in main-
This is because; wet organic matter and
taining the vermibeds are, direct sunlight
cow dung may contain the cyst and larvae
must be avoided and it must be safe from
of other microorganisms and insects. So if
insects and rodents.
implemented wet, they may grow along
The second method of culturing
with earthworms and do hindrance.
earthworms is by tank method. By this
The alternate layers of organic
way multiplication of earthworms can be
matter and cow dung are arranged in the
done in large scale. For this method, ce-
form of heap and 50% moisture must be
ment tanks of dimensions one meter
maintained. Cover the heap with thatched
width × one meter height × 3-5 meter
coconut leaves. This set up must be kept
length can be constructed. Th