Biotechnology for Sustainability by Subhash Bhore, K. Marimuthu and M. Ravichandran [E - HTML preview

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Teeb, A. I. H. (2012). Effect of

seaweed and drainage water on

The author L. Satish sincerely

germination and seedling growth of

thanks the University Grants Commis-

tomato ( Lycopersicon spp.). Euphra-

sion, New Delhi, India for financial sup-

tes Journal of Agriculture Science 4,

port in the form of UGC-BSR SRF (UGC


order no. F.4-1/2006 (BSR)/7-326/2011-

Beckett, R. P. and Van Staden, J.

BSR). Also the authors gratefully

(1989). The effect of seaweed con-

acknowledge the computational and bio-

centrate on the growth and yield of

informatics facility provided by the Ala-

ISBN: 978-967-14475-3-6; eISBN: 978-967-14475-2-9 206

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Potential of Marine Algae Derived Extracts Lakkakula and Manikandan potassium stressed wheat. Plant Soil

chi, T. (1994). Antibiotic produc-

116, 29–36.

tion by the immobilized cyanobacte-

Beckett, R. P., Mathegka, A. D. M. and

rium, Scytonema sp. TISTR 8208,

Van Staden, J. (1994). Effect of

in a seaweed-type photobioreactor.

seaweed concentrate on yield of nu-

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Briceno-Dominguez, D., Hernandez-

mineral nutrition of nutrient-stressed

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