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11. Photonic Travel:  Riding on a Beam of Light




Richard Lighthouse



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ISBN: 9781310952814


1 July 2014 - original

Revision -1h-  30 Oct 2014

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


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Photonic Travel:  Riding on a Beam of Light









This short technical paper describes the technology that will be used to colonize distant planets in other solar systems.  It is the most efficient form of transportation that is possible utilizing physical matter.  A 5 watt laser pulse can be used to "push" a vehicle from Earth to Mars in about 12 minutes, at the speed of light.  The passengers, however, do not feel any g-forces because they are essentially massless.  The technology is described along with the mathematical considerations.  Suggestions for further research are made.






Some of today's most accurate atomic clocks are based on the cesium fountain, which operates at approximately 9.2 billion cycles per second.  In order to make photonic travel possible, it is necessary to have more precise clocks - orders of magnitude faster.  Even a clock based on an Optical Frequency Comb is probably too slow.  An x-ray or gamma-ray timing mechanism is required.  This means a precision device that emits a reliable and precise pulse at 10^17 cycles per second or faster.  This allows a single cycle of the blinking frequency of our universe (Lighthouse Frequency) to be divided into a hundred thousand or more intervals - very precise.


At this small interval, we are able to delicately approach the Collapsing Neutral Point (CNP), without crossing it. [3]



Figure 1.  By synchronizing with the Lighthouse Frequency and "pulsing" as close as possible to the Collapsing Neutral Point (CNP), we are able to minimize the mass of the vehicle. [4]






Photons are thought to be massless.  In fact, they are not.  What makes the four "massless" elementary particles unique, is they possess the quality of variable mass.  In our terms, the time-averaged mass value is very close to zero.  However, a photon also has a maximum mass value (MASSmax), in our terms.


There are four compelling reasons for us to understand photons are not massless:


1)  Photons are affected by gravity. (starlight bends around the sun during an eclipse)

2)  In tests using superconductors, photons have been found to have a non-zero rest mass.

3)  The QAM model displays a Mass Gap before the first Mass Group.[2]

4)  GUT Theory describes Mass as the 4th dimension, not time.[3]  Therefore, Mass is a required attribute to exist in a physical universe.




When we precisely synchronize our vehicle with the blinking frequency of our local universe, we can approach a near-zero mass or minimum vehicle mass

(MASSvehicle), such that a group of photons "pushing" the vehicle have significantly more mass than the vehicle:



equation 1.1


MASSmax >> MASSvehicle




For a photon:



equation 1.2


E2 = p2c2 + m2c4


where p is the magnitude of the momentum vector of the photon





equation 1.3


p = hv/c


where h is plank's constant and c is the speed of light.



This manipulation of physical matter makes riding on a beam of light possible. [5]


The average distance from Earth to Mars is about 225 million kilometers, or about 12 minutes at the speed of light.


Technically, the vehicle is riding on the wavefront of a group of photons emitted from a laser.  A 5 watt laser pulse is sufficient to "push" a vehicle from Earth to Mars in about 12 minutes.  Consider the amount of energy used to power a 5 watt laser and most engineers will agree - this is the most efficient form of transportation that is possible utilizing physical matter.


The wavefront idea can be compared to a surfer riding on a wave approaching the beach.  The mass of the water in the wave is much larger than the mass of the surfer and his board, yet it does not slow down the wave by having the rider on it.


The vehicle's passengers will not feel large g-forces because they are effectively "massless".  For a passenger, it will seem the journey happens in seconds, not 12 minutes, due to the time distortion from relativity.  While for an external observer, it took 12 minutes for the vehicle to transit the distance.  This means that the external observer has aged 12 minutes, while the passengers have aged only  seconds, in our terms.



This amazing method of travel will make it possible for us to colonize other solar systems and planets.



                                 Side view                                           cockpit         front view

                                       /                                                         /                      /



                                                                                        docking tunnel


Figure 2.  Basic configuration for a Colonization Vehicle (CV) which may hold up to 1000 passengers and cargo.  The entire vehicle mass is manipulated by precisely synchronizing with the blinking frequency of our universe, which makes it essentially “massless.”  The vehicle is used for transport between distant space stations, and is not designed for launch or re-entry.  Using massless photonic travel is the most energy-efficient method of transportation that is possible utilizing physical matter.



Experimental Confirmation



After development of gamma-ray timing clocks, experimental confirmation is suggested by utilizing small test vehicles with test weights in a satellite.  The high-precision clock is needed to obtain a near-zero test mass for a vehicle, which must be synchronized with the Lighthouse Frequency.







This paper has described the most efficient form of transportation that is possible utilizing physical matter.  The technology is well within our reach today, by focusing some research dollars and effort.



Readers are encouraged to read the associated technical papers at


This is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Richard Lighthouse, Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,; 2013.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, Elementary Particles:  Cracking the Code,; 2014.


3.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),; 2013.


4.  Richard Lighthouse, Massless Travel; 2014.


5.  Seth (Jane Roberts), Early Sessions, Session 41, 1964:  “There will be in the future, journey through light beams that will be much more efficient.”