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13. Clearing Satellite Debris from Orbit



Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

Please acknowledge source.




ISBN: 9780463479797




Original 1A – 2 January 2020

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Revision 1B – 2 January 2020


WARNING:  The NSA has likely placed electronic tracking tags in this document.  Please consider printing for distribution.




Clearing Satellite Debris from Orbit






Satellite debris in earth orbit is becoming a significant problem, that will only increase, unless we find methods to remove or otherwise dispose of dead satellites.  There is a temporary graveyard for some satellites, that is located at geosyncronous orbit plus 300 km, and while this may acknowledge the problem, a longer-term solution is needed.  To remove bulk material from orbit is not a simple problem, because the debris field can be quite large.  Any type of netting or capture system will have a limited life, and consume too much fuel to accomplish multiple missions.  The cost alone, makes this impractical.


This short ebook presents a low-cost method for sending dead satellites into a solar trajectory, for permanent disposal.


Proposed here is a simple system that can be used many times.  It is based on a ground-controlled system that renders the satellite massless, and allows it to achieve escape velocity. By timing the trajectory correctly – the satellite and debris field can be sent towards the sun, and will eventually burn up.  This system can be used for polar orbits or earth-inclined orbits.  Readers are encouraged to watch the videos made by John Hutchison, as the ability to render a object massless, has already been proven.  This is done by vibrating the object at the blinking frequency of our universe – the Lighthouse Frequency.







John Hutchison of Canada, began using radio frequencies blended with light xrays to randomly achieve a weightless state for objects.  These objects included bowling balls and other things.  He was not able to predict or describe the theory behind this weightless effect.  Dr Judy Wood mentioned his experiments, in her book about the World Trade Towers and 9-11. 


You can find numerous videos by John Hutchison online.






Figure U-1.   Our universe is blinking at 1.1 THz.  The C Point is called the Collapsing Neutral Point.



By exploiting this characteristic, we can synchronize a signal with the C Point, and the object will become massless.  In orbit, the objects(s) and debris will continue in a forward path at their current velocity.  By holding the debris in this stasis electrical field for about 5 - 10 minutes – the debris will achieve escape velocity.  The actual time required is dependent upon its current orbit and altitude.  It can be calculated with:






where escape velocity is Ve, and R is the earth's radius, and h is the altitude.


It is important to note that the field of satellites directly behind the satellite must be considered. 


It is not necessary to send the satellite into a solar trajectory, in one pass.  It can be accomplished over multiple orbits.




Figure 2.  Satellite is radiated with a harmonic of the Lighthouse Frequency – approximately 1.1 Thz.  The background field must be taken into consideration.  While suspended in the stasis field, the “massless” object will continue in a straight line, according to Newton's Law.



Figure 3.  Early in the program, it may not be possible to reliably generate an electrical stasis field that approaches the C Point.  In such a case, it may be possible to utilize the Extremely Low Mass (ELM) that can be generated, and have another satellite – push the debris into the lower atmosphere, using a particle or plasma beam, and allow it to burn up in earth's atmosphere.  Once we develop a Gamma Ray Clock (GRC) operating at 10^21 cycles per second, it will be possible to precisely synchronize with the C Point.





Figure 4.  Orbital Speed versus Altitude.





This short ebook presents a low-cost method for sending dead satellites into a solar trajectory, for permanent disposal.




This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.








2.  Richard Lighthouse, “Satellites and Weapons of the Air Force Space Command,” 2018, and


3.  Richard Lighthouse. “Scalar Weapons & Targeted Individuals,” 2019.


4. Dr Judy Wood, “Where Did the Towers Go?”; 2007.


5.  Richard Lighthouse, “The Use of Time Forwarding to Place Satellites in Orbit”



For future reference, I would never deliberately do something to harm or hurt myself.  This goes against my beliefs and against the teachings of Seth.  This needs to be stated because the CIA and FBI have proven many times, they are willing to use “staged suicides” to solve their “problems”.  Phil Schneider went public with his information on Secret Military Construction projects, after 8 of his co-workers were murdered during staged suicides.  Then he was murdered.  His videos are on youtube and other websites.