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14. Minimizing Energy Requirements for Time Travel




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781310388699




Revision --2c--

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

17 February 2014


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Minimizing Energy Requirements for Time Travel






This short technical note provides a possible solution for minimizing the energy required for time travel.  By utilizing parallel universes with smaller changes for the speed of light (dc) over the same time interval, a 3 step process can be used to arrive at the desired destination, but with a lower energy consumption (electric charge).  Parallel universes are discussed and may be described as alternate probabilities.  Possible limitations of the model are discussed and suggestions for further efforts.  This paper will only be meaningful to those with a background in math, physics, and/or engineering. Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks off and on, many billions of times every second.







A description of a solution for minimizing the energy requirements for time travel is provided in this short paper.  The benefits of using a minimum energy approach will allow access to destinations that were previously difficult to reach.


This short technical note provides a possible solution for minimizing the energy required for time travel.  By utilizing parallel universes with smaller changes for the speed of light (dc) over the same time interval, a 3 step process can be used to reach the target destination, but with a lower energy consumption (electric charge).  Parallel universes may also be described as alternate probabilities.




Figure 1.  Timeline 1 represents our current perceived timeline, and timeline 2 represents a timeline in a parallel (probable) universe.  (dc) is the change in the speed of light between 2 points in time.   Timeline 2 is known to have a smaller speed of light change between the origination and destination times.  By using a 3-step process, the energy required can be minimized.  A sample diagram is proposed for travel between the year 2000 and the year 0, in our terms.


Note that the same timeline will not necessarily provide a minimum energy solution for any two points in a given travel (origination to destination).  5th dimensional space will need to be mapped as accurately as possible to provide the optimum differentials between any 2 points in time, in our terms.



Step 0


5th Dimensional space is mapped such that minimum (dc) quantities are known.

This is not a trivial exercise, and will require numerous random attempts using drones/test vehicles, or accurate maps.  This topic is discussed in reference [4] and [5].



Step 1


Move from the origination point “sideways” into parallel universe – timeline 2.

The energy required is:


Energy = Joules = Volts * Amp*sec


The “distance” between the 2 universes is equal to (Amp*sec)



Step 2


Move along timeline 2 by an amount which provides access to the desired destination time.


This amount can be calculated as:


4 m c (dc) = V*A*sec



Step 3


Move from timeline 2 back to timeline 1.

The energy required is:


Energy = Joules = Volts * Amp*sec



However, in this case, simply releasing the energy (electrical charge) on the vehicle’s exterior surface should return it to timeline 1.



Possible Limitations


Some limitations of the proposed solution are:


5th dimensional maps will change over time, in our terms.  This will require that the maps be continuously updated.

Some hazards may exist in 5th dimensional space.  See reference [5].

There may be other unknowns which have not been identified or understood.






A proposed solution for minimizing the required energy for time travel between two points has been described.  This solution uses fundamental energy for any vehicle and should have broad applications.


Experimental and drone test vehicles should be used before attempting a manned approach. 


                         Energy  =  Joules  =  (Volts) * (Amp*sec)




This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time,, 2010.

2.  Richard Lighthouse, Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution,, 2013.

3.  Richard Lighthouse, Characteristics of the Lighthouse Frequency,, 2013.

4.  Richard Lighthouse, The Discovery of Parallel Universes,, 2013.

5.  Richard Lighthouse, Patterns of Mental Science,, 2013.