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17.  Housing for the Urban Homeless




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

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ISBN: 9781311047236



Revision 1d

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

21 October 2014


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Housing for the Urban Homeless







This short technical paper describes a technology method for restoring old buildings at very low cost.  These restored structures can be used to provide housing for the homeless.  An example structure is provided along with the basic calculations.





Urban housing in many large cities is problematic due to many factors.  Almost every large city in the world has buildings which are beyond economic repair and are left to the local government.  Some of these buildings stand unused for many years.  We will use an example hotel building that has stood vacant – which could make for excellent housing accommodations.


This paper describes a process for restoring these old buildings at low cost.




Figure 1.  Vacant Hotel Building



Proposed is the following:


1)  Using large tarps or fabric cloths (similar to a parachute) which are impregnated with aluminum, will allow an electric charge to surround the entire structure.


2)  The covering does not need to be perfectly seamless, it simply needs to be continuous. 


3)  The base part of the structure is the difficult part.  Aluminized Fabric is used on the ground floor and connected to the outside cover via metal pins, near the ground floor.


4)  Once the structure is surrounded, a 2-part electric charge is distributed thru the covering.  One part is the energy required and the other part is the component that is synchronized with the Lighthouse Frequency.




Figure 2.  Aluminized fabric covers the entire building and ground floor.



The pins or rods may need to be made of iron or magnetic material to “distribute” the charge around the base connections.  Magnetic material may be required on the loose edge connections as well – this makes for a smoother transition between the old and new structure, particularly if there has been any movement during the time interval.


The basic structure of the building is the only element that will experience a time translation, in our terms.  Furniture, people, accessories will not transfer because these are not attached permanently to the structure.  Another way of describing the process is;  we are using Newtonian Superposition to choose one probability for the structure out of its vast field of probabilities, and overlaying this probability  onto the present structure/space.  The process happens in less than one second.



Defining some terms:



ENP -  Expanding Neutral Point;  this point is an overlap point between matter and antimatter, just as matter begins to re-materialize or “blink on” from the previous construction. 


CNP -  Collapse Neutral Point;  this point is also an overlap point between matter and antimatter. 




Figure 3.  The goal is to synchronize with the blinking frequency of our universe (Lighthouse Frequency) at a point which is very close to the Collapsing Neutral Point.  This will result in a Massless Factor that is very small, which makes the effective mass of the structure very small.



As the physical universe collapses each interval (at the CNP), the gravitational force and the physical mass of each object will seem to approach zero.  This can be expressed:


 g  ----> 0


 m ----> 0



If we take one small fraction of an interval “backwards” from the CNP, the gravitational force and the physical mass of an object will have very small values relative to their “time-averaged” values.  In our terms, this would be less than 1% of the “time-averaged” value.


To precisely maintain synchronization with this point in the blinking universe is not a simple task, technologically.  For large structures, such as a building, this will require the use of Gamma-Ray Clocks, which operate at 10^20+ per second.



The Massless Factor is a measure of how close we are synchronizing with the Collapsing Neutral Point (CNP).  A smaller number is better because it reduces the effective mass of the object or structure.  With the use of a Gamma-Ray Clock, the Massless Factor will be smaller than one millionth:



MF < .000001






It is possible to synchronize with a moment in blinking time, when the gravitational force and physical mass are close to zero.  Based upon the equations for time travel, this can mean a significant reduction in the energy requirements.  Using this technology may provide a low-cost solution for housing the homeless in many cities.  A Gamma-Ray Clock (GRC) is required for the example case, however, these clocks should be available in the near future.


In the future, we will use energy-plasma fields rather than a fabric or covering to provide the “shell” around the structure.  This can reduce the weight and the complexity for the process.


Once it is well-proven, this technology could be used, for example, to restore the Sphynx in Egypt to its former glory.  Imagine how amazing that would look!



This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Richard Lighthouse, “Massless Travel,”, 2014.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, “Time Travel: An Approximate Mathematical Solution,”, 2013.


3.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 66, 1964.  “This point of over lapse, or overlap, this point of overlap is extremely important, for there are points of overlapping in all universes; and this will also be a basic factor in travel...”






Calculations (See Reference 2)




1.  Building with a mass of 500,000 kg

2.  Construction of the building was completed in 1953.  We will translate from 1954 to 2014 = 60 years. 

3.  dc = 3.146 per year or 188.76

4.  Massless Factor = .000001 (non-dimensional)



Change in energy = 2c * m dc * MF



The Volt*Amp*sec requirements are:


V*A*sec/2  = 2c * m * dc * MF


V*A*sec  = 2 * 2c * m * dc * MF  [units are m/s * kg * m/s]


  = 4 * c * 500,000 * 188.76 * .000001


  = 1.1318E 11  volt*amps*sec


  = 31,400


@ 10 cents per ---



This equals about $3,140 USD.  And the building structure is restored to its new condition.  It is now ready for furniture, window treatments, carpeting, etc.