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18.  Preliminary Theory for a Replication Machine




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

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ISBN: 9781311900074



23 November 2014 - original

Revision 1b – 23 November 2014

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


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This short technical paper presents a possible technology for replicating or cloning any physical object.  The method is derived from a study of parallel universes.  In terms of elementary particles, most parallel universes have mass, charge, and spin values that are vastly different than our own.  This makes it very difficult for an object or person to be stable in this alternate environment, because each time the universe blinks on – it cannot reconstruct the molecules as they were.  However, it may be possible for an object to be stable in this alternate environment for one cycle within the blinking frequency – which may be sufficient to gain data or temporary access.  This would be about one trillionth of a second, in our terms.



1.  Introduction



The math for parallel universes shows that:


E = V * Amp * sec


Given the near-inifinite number of probable universes that exist, there should be a number of universes that are nearly identical to our own.  The precise distance in Amp*sec to these alternate universes must be known.


Keep in mind, there are no two universes that are exactly identical – this is impossible.  What is possible:  two universes that have the same charge and spin values for elementary particles, and the only difference is a very slight change in the particle mass values.  The difference is so small, that it is difficult to measure.


Most parallel universes have mass, charge, and spin values that are vastly different than our own.  This makes it very difficult for an object or person to be stable in this alternate environment, because each time the universe blinks on – it cannot reconstruct the molecules as they were.


It may be possible for an object to be stable in this alternate environment for one cycle within the blinking frequency – which may be sufficient to gain data or temporary access.  This would be about one trillionth of a second, in our terms.



See reference [4] for additional information - “The Discovery of Parallel Universes.”



4.  The Machine



This description is proposed as hypothetical.  Numerous tests and a better understanding of our relationship within the structure of parallel universes must be known.  However, in basic theory, the replication of an object should be possible by removing it from a parallel universe.  An exchange of mass or a slight change in the mass content of each universe may be experienced.


Upon initiation of the replication, a new universe is literally created, in our terms.  This means we are not “stealing” from anything or anyone.  Energy is constantly created.


One possible explanation for the theory is that by placing the object into an electrical stasis, and then suddenly doubling the voltage – we are able to duplicate the target object.  The process can be repeated as many times as desired.


There may be other possible methods as well. 


The practical application of this theory will be left to future researchers.



7.  Experimental Confirmation



Experimental confirmation is suggested by using methods of observation which have been described in Reference [3].



9.  Conclusions



A possible method for replicating an object has been described.  If such a technology is possible and practical, it would mean that a higher living standard  can be available to everyone, at very low cost.  It is assumed that the use of gamma-ray clocks are available with the machine.


We can also deduce that it may be possible to instantly clone a person, using this technology.  However, while the physical structure would be nearly identical, the personalities of these two people would be significantly different. 





This is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.




10.  References



1.  Richard Lighthouse, Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,; 2013.


2.  Richard Lighthouse, Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),; 2013.


3.  Richard Lighthouse, The Discovery of Parallel Universes,; 2013.


4.  Seth (Jane Roberts) Early Sessions, Book 2, Session 60, 1964. “Matter is continually created, but no particular physical object is in itself continuous... No particular physical particle exists for any amount of time. It exists and disappears, and is instantaneously replaced by another.”