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19.  Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse Frequency




Richard Lighthouse



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ISBN: 9781311013804



Revision 3c – 29 July 2014

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

19 March 2013


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Experimental Method for Determination of the Lighthouse Frequency







This technical note describes a simple experimental method for determining the blinking frequency of our physical universe – called the Lighthouse Frequency.  This unique frequency has been characterized in previous papers.  The method utilizes commercially available hardware.  Possible limitations and error sources are discussed.  Using a method of engineering estimates, it is concluded that the blinking frequency of our universe is approximately 1.1 THz.  Each reader must comprehend that our physical universe literally blinks off and on, approximately 1 trillion times every second. 






A simple experimental approach is proposed that may provide a numerical means for determining the blinking frequency of our universe.  The design uses commercially available hardware with limited costs.  Some concerns in the design of a system are discussed along with possible error sources.  Readers that are not familiar with the Lighthouse Frequency are encouraged to review some of the references provided below.






Figure 1 displays a diagram to outline a simple procedure. This set up is deliberately simple to minimize the introduction of possible error sources.  The are several cautions which should be considered.


A Terahertz-capable system is described in Reference (2).


A Desktop-type computer that accepts PCI Express boards is available through a large number of retailers.  The main concern here is the speed of the processor and the system’s ability to handle high-rate data without introducing errors or compression, although it is noted that only a small fraction of one second of data is needed.



FIGURE 1.  The magnetic flux between the moving and stationary magnet, induces a current flow in the circuit.  The Digitizer takes a sample for a fraction of one second when the 2 magnets are close.  The commercial oscilloscope processes the time-stretched data to the computer, where we look for a repeating, periodic pattern.



After processing the data, the cyclical pattern found is indicative of the blinking frequency of the universe.  Coulomb’s Constant will seem to vary between zero and a maximum value of approximately k/(sin 45), where k represents the “time-averaged” value of the constant. 







FIGURE 2.  The cyclical pattern in the data is caused by experiencing the positive portion of the cycle.  It is not possible to experience the negative portion (antimatter) that occurs in the negative universe, so that in our terms, we only experience half of the full cycle.  We experience gravity at a time-averaged constant value of 9.81 m/sec2, and Coulombs's constant at 8.99 Nm2/c2, even though they are continuously varying. 


The peak value is calculated as g/0.637

Peak value of accel = 15.4  m/sec2




Note that the system described in Figure 1 can be enhanced to even higher sampling rates, if no periodic pattern is initially found.  Sampling will need to occur at a rate that exceeds the Nyquist-Shannon rate (2X) for the target frequency.


There are also numerous other test designs which will work just as effectively.


It is also possible that an Optical Frequency Comb can be adapted and used to identify the cyclical pattern.



Possible Limitations and Error Sources



There are a few concerns which should be addressed in the design of an experimental set up.  First, it is critical that the entire system does not contain any inadvertent circuits which may filter or compress the signal, or “time-average” any of the received values.  There are numerous noise reduction circuits and filters that are frequently incorporated into electronic circuit boards, and the presence of these may impair the intended results.



1.  No filters

2.  No noise reduction

3.  No compression

4.  No “time averaging” of the signal



Alternate Designs


One alternate design that may produce similar results would be to use a basic force accelerometer and apply a simple test weight.  In this way, the Gravitational Constant is constantly measured and a signal can be sent to a Digitizer for processing.  Again, the cyclical pattern in the data is indicative of the blinking frequency of the universe.  Each of the fundamental forces will constantly vary, in our terms. 






The fundamental forces of gravitation, electromagnetism, strong force, and weak force are all aspects of the same force which originates in the Electrical Universe.

The discrete-blinking nature of our physical universe causes the appearance of 4 fundamental forces.  As the physical universe blinks, each of the forces will vary over time, and also retain a “time-average” value.  We might also conclude, in a hypothetical physical universe with 10 dimensions, the residents will experience 10 fundamental forces.


It should be clear that in the Electrical Universe of zero dimensions - time, distance, and velocity have no meaning.  All three of these concepts are temporary illusions that exist within a physical-discrete blinking universe.


Note that it is possible to remove any reference or name to any one of the fundamental forces, because in our terms, they all become the same thing.


An experimental method has been proposed which may provide data to define a blinking frequency for our physical universe.






1.  Lighthouse, Richard. “Preliminary Investigation into the Nature of Time”;, 2010.


2.  Chou, Solli, and Jalali. “Femtosecond real-time single-shot digitizer;” Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 161105 (2007);


3.  Lighthouse, Richard. “Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature”;, 2013.


4.  Lighthouse, Richard. “Preliminary Model for Grand Unified Theory (GUT),”, 2013.


5.  Lighthouse, Richard. “The First Periodic Table for Elementary Particles,”, 2014.







Construction of a Hypothetical Model



If we assume for the purposes of discussion, that the universe is blinking at approximately 1 Terahertz (1 trillion cycles per second).  Specifically, we will assume that Electron Spin Resonance at 1075 MHz is the “building block,” of all molecular vibrations.  There are 1024 elementary particles. [5] During each blink, a quantum step about 0.352 degrees forward occurs (this equates to 1024 equal divisions on a circular period), then a full-cycle for each fundamental force will occur approximately once each 1.101 trillionth of a second.  Again, this is simply an example for discussion purposes only. 




Figure 1.  There are 1024 “positions” for each step in a full cycle.  The difference between A and B then, equals 360/1024 or 0.35 degrees each time that the universe “blinks on.”  Each Fundamental Force thus makes a small “quantum step” in our terms, each time the universe blinks.  In this hypothetical case where the blinking frequency is estimated at 1.1 THz, with 1024 positions, a full cycle is completed at the rate of 1075 MHz. 



1075 MHz * 1024 = 1.1 THz


The first harmonic occurs at approximately:  2.2 THz



Per Nyquist-Shannon theory, we would need a digital sampling system capable of about 4 THz or faster to reconstruct the signal.  Remember, the Lighthouse Frequency will also gradually change over time, in our terms.


Note that most molecular vibrations occur in the range of 1012 and 1014


Also note the apparent lack of physical phenomena in the range of 1 THz on the Electromagnetic Spectrum.  This has sometimes been referred to as the “band-gap.”


Only a well-designed experimental procedure can determine the correct blinking frequency, as there may be numerous secondary effects, etc.