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22.  The Dream Universe




Richard Lighthouse



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ISBN: 9781310965944



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Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

29 December 2014


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The Dream Universe






This short paper describes the relationship between three universes – the universe of physical matter, the universe of antimatter, and the dream universe.  These universes are highly interconnected.  In our terms, the universe of physical matter consists of dimensions x, y, z, and mass (the fourth dimension), with the opposites of these composing the universe of antimatter.  The dream universe consists of only three dimensions:  x, y, and z.  All particles there have zero mass, in our terms.  However, the dream universe represents constructions that have lower energy levels and are incipient, in our terms – hints of possible future constructions in our physical universe.






As Seth has stated, there are three universes which are highly interconnected and related. [3]  These are:


Universe of positive physical matter

Universe of negative physical matter

Dream universe



Figure 1.  Three universes are highly interconnected.  In our terms, when our universe blinks off, the universe of antimatter blinks on.  The dream universe is represented by a plane that exists simultaneously with physical matter and passes thru the zero axis line. We perceive three dimensions in the dream universe: x, y, and z.  Within the dream universe, all particles and objects have zero mass, in our terms.  (This diagram is distortive and simplified, because it expresses a highly-multidimensional concept in 3-D terms.)






This paper presents a basic mathematical relationship between the universes of physical matter, antimatter, and the dream universe.  The dream universe possesses only 3 dimensions because the particles there have zero mass, in our terms.  Note that the particles of the matter and antimatter universes can never meet, because they do not exist at the same time, in our terms.



This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.






1.  Richard Lighthouse, “Mathematical Solution Unifying the Four Fundamental Forces in Nature,”, 2013.


2.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 108, 1964.  “I had intended, and still will, involve us in a discussion of the parallel development of the physical universe, the world of negative matter, and the dream world. For each one depends upon the existence of the other.  There are so many interconnections...”


3.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 61, 1964.  “This physical matter on your plane we will call positive matter.  To the field of negative matter, your positive matter would be termed negative... The point is that perception is the criteria for what you call matter. You do not perceive the negative interval.”


4.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 92, 1964. “….  the dream universe is as real and cohesive as your own, and that the same glue of telepathy holds it together, and gives it not only as much reality but validity in actual terms.”


5.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 95, 1964.  “And in the same way that the dream world has no beginning or end, neither does the universe with which you are familiar. No energy can be withdrawn, and this includes the energy used in the continuous subconscious construction of the dream world. You continually create it, have always created it. It is a product of your own existence, and you can neither consciously call it into existence nor destroy it.”


6.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 97, 1964.  “It is important that you realize that the dream world is a by-product of your own existence. And because it is connected to you through chemical reactions this leaves open the entryway of interactions, in animals as well as men …trees have their dreams, that all physical matter, being formed about individualized units of consciousness of varying degrees, also participates in the involuntary construction of the dream universe.”


7.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 109, 1964.  “No energy is not used. Entropy does not exist. It is the appearance only of an effect within the physical perspectives; that seemingly unusable energy helps form your dream universe.”


8.  Seth (Jane Roberts); Early Sessions, Session 118, 1965.  “There are various doorways into the dream universe: chemical doorways, electronic doorways, and psychological doorways. All three must be opened at once, that is simultaneously, but any one door will automatically open the others.”