Blinking Universe: 30 Technical Papers on Theory & Applications by Richard Lighthouse - HTML preview

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24.  The Math & Physics of New Weapons




Richard Lighthouse


Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781370881062



Original 1A – 15 September 2017

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.

Revision 1B – 15 September 2017


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The Math & Physics of New Weapons






This short ebook describes the Math & Physics of New Weapons.  This technology is advanced over anything currently known by most scientists. 


At the E point (Expanding Neutral Point), rapid aging occurs. This can be seen in pictures and videos on The Infrared Laser operates at a harmonic of the blinking frequency, causing the concrete and steel to turn into dust, in seconds.


[1.1 THz * 256 = 282 THz]      See Figure 63 -


and also on John Hutchison's website --


When synchronizing an electrical signal with the C point, an object becomes massless, because the fundamental forces collapse to a single point. This can be seen in videos by John Hutchison, where a bowling ball and other objects suddenly float into the air. Hutchison used a combination of radio frequencies and light x-rays to produce a harmonic of the blinking frequency.


Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks, off and on, 1.1 trillion cycles each second (1.1 THz). See my related articles, including the blinking universe calculation and 1024-QAM for elementary particles. There are 3 mathematical approaches and 3 empirical sources that all conclude the same idea - our universe is blinking.


This author does not support the development of new weapons.  However, in this case, they have already been developed without understanding the theory that created them.  It is hoped that spreading this knowledge will eliminate any technology advantage of the Deep State.






This short ebook describes the Math & Physics of New Weapons.  This technology is advanced over anything currently known by most scientists. 


At the E point (Expanding Neutral Point), rapid aging occurs. This can be seen in pictures and videos on The Infrared Laser operates at a harmonic of the blinking frequency, causing the concrete and steel to turn into dust, in seconds.


[1.1 THz * 256 = 282 THz]      See Figure 63 -


and also on John Hutchison's website --


When synchronizing an electrical signal with the C point, an object becomes massless, because the fundamental forces collapse to a single point. This can be seen in videos by John Hutchison, where a bowling ball and other objects suddenly float into the air. Hutchison used a combination of radio frequencies and light x-rays to produce a harmonic of the blinking frequency.


Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks, off and on, 1.1 trillion cycles each second (1.1 THz). See my related articles, including the blinking universe calculation and 1024-QAM for elementary particles. There are 3 mathematical approaches and 3 empirical sources that all conclude the same idea - our universe is blinking.





Figure 1. 






This short ebook describes some of the latest weapons technology.  It is expected to undermine the technology advantage used by the Deep State


This document is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.





1.  Richard Lighthouse, “More Hacking from the Nazi Stasi Academy (NSA)”, 2017, and; ISBN: 9781370749720.

2.  Richard Lighthouse, “NSA & CIA Blocking Distribution of Ebooks,” 2017, and; ISBN: 9781370874576.

3.  Richard Lighthouse, “Installing & Running Detekt:  My Experience,” 2017, and; ISBN: 9781370440542.


4.  Richard Lighthouse, “Cell Phone Hacking & the Nazi Stasi Academy” 2016, and; ISBN: 9781370681594.


5.  Dr Judy Wood, “Where Did the Towers Go?,”  The New Investigation; 2010.


6.  Richard Lighthouse, “Rockefeller & Rothschild Dirty Money on the London Stock Exchange” 2016, and; ISBN: 9781370630073.