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25.  Technical Description of the Infrared Laser used on the World Trade Center 9/11




Richard Lighthouse



Creative Commons 4.0 International License; 2020 by Richard Lighthouse. 

CC BY 4.0

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ISBN: 9781311593597


Rev 1a- 24 January 2016

Revision 2b – 7 March 2019

Houston, Texas, U.S.A.


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Technical Description of the Infrared Laser used on the World Trade Center 9/11






Revision 2B: This short technical paper presents the basic technical description of an Infrared Laser that was used on the World Trade Center on 9-11-2001.  The Laser sits in geosyncronous orbit at 22,000 miles altitude.  It is a large satellite and it is likely still there.  The laser operates in the infrared frequency spectrum, below visible light.  It can be operated in pulse mode or direct mode.  In pulse mode, it uses harmonics of the Lighthouse Frequency to obtain a molecular time-field that impinges on everything in its path.  This energy field rapidly advances all molecules forward in time, possibly more than 1000 years for each second, in our terms.  In direct mode, the laser probably operates at approximately 256*1.1 THz = 282 THz, which is a strong harmonic in the infrared spectrum.  Each reader must comprehend that our universe literally blinks, off and on, at 1.1 trillion cycles per second.  This revision includes aerial photos of the World Trade Center on the afternoon of 9-11.  This new type of Infra-Red Laser is as different from conventional lasers, as a nuclear bomb is different from a conventional bomb.  It is far more powerful.  It was able to reduce the World Trade Center into fine dust, in less than 8 seconds.  That's one million tons of concrete and steel, gone in 8 seconds.  The Laser was operated from Schriever Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, Colorado, under the Air Force Space Command 50th Wing.  They are the largest operator of satellites in the world.



Fig. 1.  If your eyes could see into the infrared light spectrum, it would have looked something like this.



1.  Introduction



The Laser can be found in geosyncronous orbit at 22,000 nm.  It was directly over New York City in a stationary orbit on 9-11.  A reverse-track of positions can identify the specific satellite - probably known to the Russian and Chinese governments by now, because they track major satellites. It will be a large satellite, and may even be visible thru small telescopes.


The Laser was operated from Schriever Air Force Base near Colorado Springs, Colorado, under the Air Force Space Command 50th Wing.  They are the largest operator of satellites in the world, and specialize in Directed Energy Weapons (DEW).



There are a number of web sites that keep track of satellites, that may already be able to identify the specific satellite.


More details on the laser:


The Laser can be operated in Direct Mode or Pulse Mode.

It operates at harmonics of the Lighthouse Frequency (1.1 THz)


In the InfraRed Spectrum, the light is invisible to the human eye (200 - 300 THz).

In Pulse Mode, it can be operated in the Infrared Range (for example, 250 THz, which is the carrier frequency) and pulsed at a rate of 2.2 THz (the first harmonic).  This pulse mode creates the effect as seen on 9-11, including rapid aging of building structures.  This explains the steel beams turning into dust as they fell. Basically, the energy field impinges on each molecule and advances it hundreds or even thousands of years, in a matter of seconds.


In Direct Mode, the Laser likely operates at approximately

256 * 1.1 THz = 282 THz


This is one of the stronger harmonics in this frequency range.  (Although, it could be any of the harmonics in the Infrared range.)  The effect will generally be the same in Pulse or Direct Mode.


The anti-gravitation effects (such as people being lifted for 30 to 60 feet) are caused by distortions in the atmosphere, where part of the beam is mis-directed outside of the primary field.  The massless effect for objects and people is caused by synchronizing with the Lighthouse Frequency at a specific point in the time cycle. This effect has been called the Hutchison Effect - where it is created by mixing two EMF fields, i.e., radio waves & x-rays. When the resultant of the two EMF fields coincides with a harmonic of the Lighthouse frequency - this results in the effects as noted by John Hutchison.


The people that died in the WTC, were killed by rapid aging in less than one second after the laser was turned up to full power.  They literally died of old age in less than one second.  The strange behavior of people hanging out the windows and removing clothing near the top of the building was caused

by "sunburn effects" before the laser was turned up to full power.



This information is being released to thank the government for their continued enthusiasm for my well-being, including stalking me, jacking with my car's electronics, and hacking my bank account.  All in 24 hours.




Figure 2.  Aerial view of WTC on the afternoon of 9-11.  Note the rounded-arc pattern in the holes.



Figure 3.  Larger aerial view of WTC – note holes penetrating the building in the lower right – obscured by dust.





Figure 4.  In my opinion, this design is similar to the Laser Satellite used in orbit.  Do not underestimate the power of this laser by its size.  Compare the difference between a nuclear bomb and a conventional bomb - that's the difference in power for this new type of laser.  It was able to reduce the WTC buildings to fine dust in less than 8 seconds.  That's more than one million tons of concrete and steel, gone in 8 seconds.





Figure 5.  Cycle of our blinking universe.  Rapid aging occurs by synchronizing an electrical or optical signal with the E point, or one of its many harmonics.




World Trade Center Events, CIA False-flag Operation



1)  Michael Springmann was the former head of the American visa bureau in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, during the Bush administration.  While stationed in Saudi Arabia, Springmann was ordered by the CIA and high level State Dept officials to issue visas to the terrorists. Springmann stated that the applicants were known terrorist recruits of Osama Bin Laden, and these visas ended up being the 9-11 hijackers.  Springmann filed numerous complaints with his superiors prior to 9-11, and after 9-11 happened, he wrote to Senators and Congressmen, and was eventually fired by the State Dept.   See his video here:


2)  Two University professors filed lawsuits (2007) against for US Government for scientific fraud and the cover-up of 9-11.  Dr Judy Wood and Dr Morgan Reynolds (Texas A&M) presented volumes of evidence that we were not told the truth about the World Trade Center and its collapse.  Dr Reynolds worked in the Bush Administration and had personal knowledge of the cover-up.


3)  A summary of evidence and conclusions from "Where did the Towers Go?", by Dr Judy Wood, PhD.

Dr Wood has a PhD in Material Science, and has taught engineering classes as a University Professor:


3.1)  The "official" government explanation for the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) on 9-11-2001, is scientifically false.

3.2)  The near-complete absence of rubble after the towers destruction cannot be explained by physics.

3.3)  Repeated evidence from multiple sources that the weight of the WTC buildings never hit the ground.  There were no significant seismological readings for 1 millions tons of falling building material. 

3.4)  Numerous video clips taken of falling steel beams, turning into dust as they fell.  These steel beams never hit the ground.


4.  Smoking Guns - Numerous senior government officials, CIA, and FBI had knowledge about the pending attack, well in advance.          


4.1) Pentagon was on High Alert on September 10th and didn't allow their employees to fly the following day

4.2) Tape interview with Tom Kennedy of FEMA, Dan Rather of CBS, who claimed that FEMA was already in NYC on September 10th

4.3) In the 5 days prior to Aug.23rd the CIA received 8 to 10 confirmed warnings by different secret services of the world.  Another warning was by the Taliban itself, which was confirmed by the Department of State and Embassy in Pakistan.

4.4) 40-60 early warnings between the last weeks before Sept11th plus reports about high alerts in many Air Force bases on 10 Sept.

4.5) Indictment against 2 FBI agents and 3 other persons who organized insider trading, knowing of the attacks, reported by the NY TIMES or CNN Money and confirmed by prosecutors and lawyers including U.S. Attorney Ken Breen.

4.6) Three photos from November 2000 of a military website, where a miniature model of the Pentagon was attacked by a plane.

4.7) All 19 hijackers connected with CIA, or other intelligence services.   Atta, Mohammad was on watchlist since 1998.


5.  Other related:


Professor Dr Morgan Reynolds, former Bush Administration official; Cover-up of 9-11 (filed lawsuit)


Honorable Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense for Canada

Massive US Government corruption is being funded and ordered by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)


Army Lt Scott Bennett - CIA is funding ISIS and Al-Qaeda thru Swiss Bank accounts!bio/c1ktj


Dr Kevin Barrett - Former Professor - University of Wisconsin, 9/11 expert

The truth about the September 11, 2001 terror attacks would not only destabilize the American political system but it would also take down the US as a global empire, an American scholar says.   Dr. Kevin Barrett, a founding member of the Scientific Panel for the Investigation of 9/11, made the remarks during an interview with Press TV on Tuesday, October 2015.


Dr Steven Greer, M.D.  - How the Secret Government Works – youtube video posted Nov 21, 2015 (see youtube)


Dr Ron Paul – former Congressman, However you vote – The Secret Government always wins.



Readers are encouraged to read the associated technical papers at,, amazon, barnandnoble,, and Apple books.



This is a living document.  The author reserves the right to make corrections and changes.




2.  References

