From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten-From earth we came

The protective shield covering the bridge windows opens and before me there is a planet rich with color! Blue, Green, brown oh my! Blue indicates water, Green indicates vegetation and brown indicates land.

An excited voice breaks the silence “Sir should I send a probe to the surface?” “Yes but not yet we need to assess the planet’s gravitational pull” I reply, 20 minutes later…”Sir tests indicate the planets gravitational pull is around 2% stronger than Earth’s, and it is twice the size, the planet has two moons orbiting it, the moon closets to the planet has a chunk missing from it as if an asteroid smashed into it” “Excellent work, send in a probe we will need to take air, water, terrain samples, we will search for life after we have determined it’s human compatibility.”

My gaze is locked on to this magnificent spectra we have discovered for more than 30 minutes when the word “Koru “exits my breath, “Sorry sir what did you say?” “I declare on this day Jan 11 2018 that this discovery of a new world shall be named KORU…” nobody on deck knew the meaning behind the name I smile and say “Koru in Maori means new beginning” “Awesome sir that’s brilliant!” “No one is to set foot on the surface, document weather patterns, how the moons affect the planet’s tides, how many hours in a day and so on, after a one year study is complete then we will set foot on it.”

 “I also hereby name the moon closest to Koru to be named Tarius, the secondary moon further from planet Koru shall be named Davini” “and so shall it be recorded sir”  all staff on board agree it is safer to document before we take the leap as a precaution not only for us but for the planets inhabitants.

Monitoring planet Koru and all its glory from space is an exciting process for all who are involved as this is a first in human history and so will be the rest of our movements from now on all is documented and recorded carefully.

For many waiting on the ship for a year had made them unsure about leaving to set foot on not only alien land but an alien world and the creatures that dwell on and beneath its surface, some are anxious some are home sick others are over excited but finally after all the studies it is time, it is time to walk on the surface of this magnificent planet.

During our one year study of Koru we also studied its two moons and discovered that Tarius is the source of the AGM! The odds of finding its source well the numbers are phenomenal! This discovery has now changed everything as we had used the last of the original rock that crashed into my backyard all those years ago.

Preparations are on time people are on the ball today the landings will happen in this order,

my family’s ship followed by Armed forces then exploration ships containing medical, scientist, excavator staff and so on, landing time is set for 10am Earth time New Zealand time to be exact it is now 7am “Attention all landing crew to their ships repeat all landing crew to their ships” the announcer adds “anyone not on board after 8am will be left behind! No excuses!”

8am rolls around all crews are on board and accounted for “This is Atreyu speaking, activate all ships in 3, 2, 1, activate” the sound of the 10 city size ships was relatively quiet, one by one our ships exit the giant doors that keep us safe with in our man made ship, our destination is locked onto the biggest land that can be seen from space, soon we hit the planets gravitational pull, adjustments to the AGM was simple as the Koru’s gravity pull is heavier than Earths but just as easy to control.

Even though we are entering the atmosphere at only 100kmhr the heat generating from underneath the cities surface is immense due to the massive surface area “any damages to report?” “None at this time sir” the sky commander reply’s “bring us to 50kmhr””done sir” as our non-polluting human made ships penetrate the planets clouds I catch a glimpse of the ocean on one side of the incoming land and it is beautiful light green then dark green, light blue then dark blue I can only imagine what lies beneath it?

Closing in on the land just a few hundred meters from touching down “sir look motion scanners have picked up life forms hundreds of them!” the navigator points out “zoom in I want a quick look” as the camera zooms in on the life forms “wow they are winged creatures that look like dragons?” “Sir we are approaching 100 meters from the surface” the navigator interrupts “stop!” I command “all ships are to hover until all life forms have vacated the areas beneath us.”

Time passes quickly as we wait for all life forms to leave the area underneath my ship, the time is now 9:51am we are on schedule, time to head for the bay doors I decide I will fly off the ship in my AGM suit, exiting the doors it is now 9:58am, I glide down towards the planet’s surface 20 seconds until 10:00am, one meter above its surface 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, ,1 I turn off the AGM suit and my feet hit the soft spongey surface that has a bright green and yellow ting to it like grass, at this moment I know millions are watching and wondering what lies ahead for our species, it is now 10:00am.

 “From Earth we came, in search of a new beginning, in the year 2020 January 11 at 10:00am we set foot on to a new oasis a new planet named Koru, we have been given a second chance may we learn from our past so we can preserve it and its inhabitants”

 “I hereby name this country ‘Enomeno’ which means all things in Greek, and name the first human settlement ‘Hover City’ and it will be the capital of this country.

My speech is recorded and documented and will be accessed by any one for all time “Bring the statue” “on its way sir” the statue that has been created and hand sculpted is lowered, but first a team of plaster casters cover my foot and hand print to preserve it, it is then covered with a bullet proof see through box to protect it from the elements.

The statue is now lowered next to it and fixed to the terrain with AGM, the statue towers at a height of 20 stories! It’s the greatest hand carved object on the surface on this planet, the statue represents our species the same as the flag, with the shape of a family a boy a girl a woman and a man, the man is pointing in the direction from where we came in the direction of the Earth.

All 196 mega cities land at predetermined locations worldwide on my signal “it is time for us to claim and govern each land, all settlements are to land, sky master give the order” “done as we speak sir!” descending from the sky the once gigantic cities of people that had dominated the skies of Earth are now looking small in the presence of korus magnificent size.

Koru has exactly 200 separated lands or now to be called countries, the settlements of people are to be the same as her sister planet Earth, to avoid confusion with country names and its people again will remain the same as in the following with the exception of abbreviation added to its corresponding planet:

E=Earth                     K=Koru

E-Australia                K-Australia

E-India                       K-India

E-United States       K-United States

And so on…

There is only one country that is not relevant to Earth and it is the country I first walked on Enomeno it is the biggest country on the face of Koru it is the size of both Russia and USA combined on Earth.

Instead it shall be named in the following:


Province-New Zealand-North

Province-New Zealand-South

Capital City-Hover City

On Earth New Zealand has two islands North Island and the South Island, but here on Koru it is one island so hence the added provinces. Enomeno will also be the only multi-cultural country all others will remain true to their own way of life with the exception that each country has a government, who intern will be ruled by my family, there will be no possibility for war it will not be tolerated here on Koru.

Only one super power rules the entire planet and that will be AGM forces who are loyal to my family no other country has the knowledge or capability to produce weapons, Earth weapons such as guns, bullets, explosives and nuclear powered have not been bought here with the exception of the Earth museum that is located in hover city which holds two of every weapon made buy man from tanks, planes, boats and everything in between.

Anyone who is caught trying to produce or replicate such weapons here on Koru will be sent to labor prison that is located on one of the moons that orbit Koru, Tarius is the moon closest to Koru it is the moon that has a 300km piece missing from its terrain, all those convicted of serious crime will be ordered to work off there offences buy manufacturing AGM from its surface.

As scientist discovered a metal similar to gold and worth just as much per gram on Koru’s second moon Davini only the privileged get to work and live there, a colony that I personally over look as we will trade and sell its precious metal with Earth.

Communication with the terrain walkers on Earth has sparked huge interests in the private sectors, business men have offered to pay millions to travel to Koru, after coming to an agreement with them to set up space stations at predetermined areas in space the idea gets put into plan.

Video feeds sent to Koru from Earth shows how excited they are about traveling to another world, over the two years it took to discover Koru the world leaders of Earth had come to their senses as the majority of its population were backing me, so they dropped the murder chargers and realized that they are inferior to us in every way, like they say “it is better to be the right hand of the devil than to be in its path! Or something like that.”

 “Calculating the quickest route from Earth to Koru is approximately 355,000,000km 3 space stations will be the major stops during the trip to Koru, the trip will take an estimated 3 weeks to complete with 2days aboard each space station that host’s all the luxuries of Earth and Koru, the reason for the three stops is to adjust humans to Koru’s climate and vice versa if traveling back to Earth, it is similar to diving deep into the ocean you cannot just come to the surface or you will die” chief scientists explain this to me in great detail and again will be another one for the history books.

The mother ship dubbed the mighty star that hosted the Arc’s, hover cities and millions of inhabitants from Earth will be turned into a museum so generations of our people can learn of how we came here, it will also act as the final space station for travelers from Earth before they embark to Koru.

Final Chapter-Unexpected unity

Every natural fruit that grows on this planet is tested in the lab to check for the effects on humans but at the same time to find other uses such as moisturizer, healing properties and so on, everything that grows on Koru is five times the size than Earths! An apple for example compared to a similar fruit on Koru a kapple, they are similar in taste and color but a kapple is around five times the size of an apple!

The conditions on Koru are similar in nearly every aspect but the major difference is this planet is a little closer to the sun, so in turn things grow bigger! Faster! Farmers who have successfully grown Earth bound fruits and vegetables on Koru have reported that they grow five times bigger than the original!

Plantations of Earths and Koru’s food resources are grown combined and contained in the hottest place on Koru K-Australia as it is closest to the sun, Earths fruits and vegetables are not grown out in the open lands of Koru as we do not know what the impact could have on the environment and its wild life.

Animal life on this planet is extraordinary! Giant cats and look like sabre tooth tigers with green and black stripes! To blend into the dense forest they inhabit, snakes with feet? Each has different poison’s that is used depending on the size of its victim.

Taking a personal flight around this country in my AGM suit I see something with wings flying beneath me? Zooming in with my HUD to get a closer look at it, the creature has multiple colors on it yellows, greens, blues and reds the closer I get the bigger it becomes “it looks like a dragon! Oh my god!” its wing span is humongous! I scan it to compare its size to an Earth object “747 it’s the same size as a passenger air liner!”  

Approaching this giant was making me scared, suddenly it looks up and sees me “shit!” I yell out “are you seeing this.” “My lord we advise you to leave the area” “wait I want to check this out” as it gets closer I notice some kind of shock wave emanating from its wings? Within a split of a second it strikes me and pushes me through the air I travel for half a km before I gain control it seems it was an attack?

 “Want to play huh!” “Sir you could be killed if you proceed?” I got this guys don’t worry” I fly In again but this time I am prepared, I hover in front of the beast in a vertical position the beast’s flapping wings starts to produce the shock wave again, raising both hands I send a pulse of AGM towards its body the beast releases its shock wave! ‘Boom’ we are both thrown off by the energy blast! We both gain our composure and go for 15 more attacks.

On the final attack the beast roars so loud I feel it vibrating through my body! It drops altitude and lands on the ground, I follow it and inform home base that I will be spending some time with the beast to study it, as I land near it the beast it growls like a dog, it heads towards the river not far from here and takes a drink, I spend so much time with it time flies by and it starts to get dark.

As I start to fly away from it I hear what sounds like a whimpering noise just like a dogs? It lets out a roar but I think nothing of it until I zoom in on its face and see a scar on its nose it roars again I look at its mouth and see that it has flat teeth, it then starts to eat at the giant bushes that have fruit in them, right then it dawns on me “it’s a vegan!” “Ha! It thought I was trying to harm it like most creatures do.”

 “Dragonite will be the name of your species, we couldn’t kill each other so I guess I’ll call you Nada meaning nothing or none of us got anywhere! Ha-ha” I smile “time to go home” jumping into the air the Dragonite stares at me, in a flash I am gone.

Recordings of that afternoon were caught on my HUD, scientists swarmed all over the footage that night.

 “Sir Wake up, sir! My lord! Wake up!” is the next thing I hear, stretching my bones “what the hell!” “My lord there is a beast sitting outside the palace shell we destroy it?” “What no!” there is a no kill policy on Koru, humans are not allowed to kill other inhabitants unless they are under attack or threatened “has it attacked anyone?” “No my lord it landed in the gardens and started eating the fruit” taking my time I wash my face and put on my AGM suit then head out to one of the balcony’s overlooking the garden “no way! Nada? Zooming in to see the scar on its lip confirms that it is the same Dragonite that I was with the night before “it must have followed me home?”

It’s making the same whimpering noise it was last night, it lifts it head and starts to sniff and look around it smells me? The Dragonite turns and walks over to where I am people scream and run for their lives “it’s alright I don’t think it will harm me” it tilts its head and looks at me then bobs up and down like it wants to play? I lift an arm up to pat its chin “dad!” my family screams “the Draognite makes a sound similar to that of a cat its purring this is truly amazing “we have a new pet people its name is Nada…”

Further studies show that there are two types of Dragonites, those with wings are male those without are female, these creatures are the dominating species on the planet, it is not long before we Tame some of them like domestic animals it gives us the opportunity to sit on their backs and ride them in the sky.

Many of the two legged land creatures look like dinosaurs some are meat eaters others are vegetarian but each discovery is more intriguing than the last, marine life as on Earth held the biggest and strangest of creatures again most look like something out a science fiction movie or from the dinosaur age.

Flesh eating whales three times the size of Earths, with spikes protruding from its body to ward off other flesh eating creatures, the most impressive creature recorded from the oceans of Koru has the shape of t-rex and can walk on land and swim, its size is unmatched by anything on this planet at a height of 1000meters or 1km! It towers over most hill sides! And has been named Gigantius.

10-15 story high trees with not I trunk but 4-6 that support the enormous weight, flowers on Koru can grow 8-10 feet high! An unfortunate discovery cost the life of a scientist yesterday when he was exploring a region in the forest of K-China, the scientist spotted a fruit that had not yet been documented, he was trying to remove the fruit when the vegetation closed in around him, unfortunately he was exploring on his own and broke the number one law in exploration never travel alone.

Rescue workers found him in cased inside a plant that can only be described as horrific the plant has the features of an enormous Venus fly trap! He was liquefied by the plant that had snared him, the liquid that had killed him was a close match to acid, the victim has barbed vines inserted into his body, and the plant sucked him dry from the inside out!

Every year our people on Koru celebrate our arrival to this planet, and on this day everything is free food, drink, entertainment, the celebrations are worldwide the main ceremony is held in the capital of ‘Enomeno’ hover city  and on this day the people on Earth receives the video feed 20 hours later.

Wakening up at 6am on the day always feels good because there is no other celebration that is bigger than this either on Koru or Earth, due to the size of Koru there is 24 hours in a day here, the following has been declared the official documentation and recordings of this planets time cycle.

Koru-24 hours in 1 day, Earth-12 hours in 1 day

Koru-13 days in on week, Earth-7 days in one week

And so on basically everything is doubled on Koru, but we still work, sleep, eat and play to Earths time as we are only human and still need to function like one.

As with most countries on Earth the people have the choice to govern it, this holds true here on koru as I believe in freedom and with it freedom of speech, yes there will be tax but not what it will be compared to Earths where you have to work yourself to the bone for little or next to nothing wages! No! Here we have a planet rich in resources so there is no need to struggle on any level of life.

On this day we also celebrate a king’s birthday! My birthday! Hence why many flock here from Earth to enjoy the free fruits of our labor as I said before everything is free but AGM security makes their presence known to control the millions of people and to keep the peace, due to the long distances that the original 196 hover cities have travelled from Earth they have been grounded to Koru’s surface, only Enomeno’s hover city is the only original city that is allowed to hover permanently, it is the founding craft the very craft I stepped off to walk on Koru. Holding ceremonies the events of our landing is and will always be part of Koru’s culture.

The day is long my body tires easily I spend more time bed ridden due to an unknown illness that is attacking my immune system, medical staff can’t find its origin nor do they have a cure, my family know that it is a terminal illness, the public do not know yet as I am trying to conceal it, but there is a temporary remedy it is located on an island on Koru, a place that only the Dragonites can go, if any biological life form enters the area they will die within 10 minutes.

I know this as I had followed Nada one day to see where his home is as many creatures have a place they always go back to, as I get closer to the island I see Nada land on a small hill then he goes to sleep, I decide to sneak up on him a play, as I get closer the ground is around 200 meters below me suddenly I start to fall?

Falling head first! My suit loses its AGM properties? I’m frantic and don’t know what to do? Screaming at the top of my lungs! I glance over to call out to Nada but I don’t see him! This is it my time has come! I’m thinking, I try to reach for my parachute and while all this is running through my head something grabs my legs the grip is tight but firm, the grip pulls me up into the air at a steady rate I see it’s Nada “good boy” he looks at me and growls, finally we get closer to the ground, Nada gently lowers me into a spongey bush I roll off onto the ground.

 “What’s going on? Why did I fall?” as I stand up Nada whimpers lightly and nudges me with his nose towards a familiar looking rock, it looks just like the AGM that crashed into my backyard? All those years ago, removing my suit I touch it with my bare hands it has the same feeling as the AGM but I noticed this one doesn’t seem to have any repulsion as I removed a few grains of sand from my suit and placed it on and around the rock.

A few minutes after touching the rock I start to feel a little better than what I was before it? Right then Nada grabs me and we fly to the boundary of the island he puts me down on a small cluster of rocks a few meters away from the main island slipping my suit back on I noticed I have full control over it again? So I hover towards the island again to go and take another look at the rock, Nada whimpers again and blocks my way “what are you doing?” I say with confusion.

Trying to fly around him proves a mission as no matter how hard I try he blocks me! On the tenth and final time he hits me with a pulse “Roar, Roar, Roar” he reckons, I give up in the end and pat him on the nose then head for home.

On my arrival home the staff that monitor my every move explain to me that they couldn’t contact me over the last few hours

“We couldn’t locate your position or contact you are alright?”   

     “Yup I’m good I was exploring with Nada nothing to worry about.”

While I was having dinner my energy levels started to drop and then I felt tired again? Couldn’t stop thinking about the rock the island and the way Nada was acting?

The next morning I tried to get out of my bed but feeling really light headed every time I tried to walk around I felt really weak? And had to sit or lie back down again, one of the trackers that watches over the Dragonites contacts me “sir there is a huge number on Dragonites heading towards hover city we are not sure where they are originating from?” we have never seen them in this amount before.”

Taking a look at the one of the live feed cameras just outside of the city I couldn’t believe what I was looking at! Hundreds of thousands of Dragonites are heading towards the city? In all the years we have lived here we haven’t seen anything like this before, is it a migration? Or something else?

I’m starting to get dizzier by the minute my doctor advises me that I am dying! My family rushes to be around me “I love you all take care of each other.”

I see twinkled lights all around me my family are crying then they start to scream! “Dragonites! Run! Run!” as my vision fades the bed shakes like a tremendous Earthquake has hit the last thing I remember is seeing a giant red and black figure in front of me and the deafening sound of roaring, I feel my heart stop beating my body goes numb…I am dead…

Psychedelic lights…the sound of roaring…am I dreaming? Where am I? Who am I? What am I?

Opening my eyes feels different I see…I see beautiful colors psychedelic reds, greens, pinks, yellows, I look down at my body to see in amazement that I am alive? As my eyes start to focus I see Nada a few hundred feet in front of me he walks over to me sits on all fours like a cat zooms his face into mine, I wasn’t prepared for what was about to follow.

 “Death is the only way to see beyond the boundaries” did he just speak? I get it I died and now I’m in another place “what the! What is this?” I reply with total confusion? “You died we bought you here to regenerate your body” Nada speaks in a voice that sounds like many “this is amazing I feel like I am young again!”

Looking out in the distance I see the rock that I had touched earlier “does that have anything to do with it?” turning his head to look “yes, the rock that crashed into your Earth contained what you call a virus it latches onto the first entity that it comes in contact with it, there is nothing on your planet or the next that can save the host.”

 “But I noticed this rock has no repulsion only the one I discovered on the Earth and the moon orbiting this planet.”

 “Questioning why to everything instead of accepting what is, the rock you speak of has great power but with that great power comes great pain only those who first discover the rock will be infected.”

 “this is how it has always been” he says with a snarl and a growl, I still have questions but for now I will just accept what has happened to me “I going home!” as I start to get up to fly away, Nada growls then whimpers “you cannot leave this island, to bring you back to life I bought you here once your body has been rejuvenated by the rocks power you are bound here for eternity, you are a great leader among your species I decided to give you a second chance” you know I am going ask why?

 “We are the original inhabitants of this world and just like your species has evolved so have we, our cycle of life and death begins and ends the same as all biolog