From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Nine-Twinkle little star

The hover cities are complete and so are the Arcs and of course the mother ship, her size is unmatched by anything that has been man made, she is one quarter the size of the Earth’s moon, she is a marvel to be reckoned with, preparations for our departure will commence tomorrow, months years of building has come down to this even I am astonished at what has been achieved in this amount of time! Many are egger to leave Earth because of the threat that is sitting beneath us, I don’t blame them after all it is my fault…

Big celebrations are pumping all over the hover cities the terrain walkers have live stream on everything that is going on, many want to come with us but we have limited our body count and have done serious calculations on our resources food, water that we have with us and it must sustain us for at least 20 years or more.

My family celebrates with them I make a presentation to the people both below and above “Despite the downfalls of what has happened between terrain walkers and us up here we have despite your attempts to start a war we will not participate, our goal is to find another planet that can host our species, this is an epic adventurous undertaking for me and all who have participated, one day we may be united as one again” and with that final speech I head to bed early for the biggest day of my life.

Our course into space has not been plotted we will head for the nearest galaxy and search until we find a suitable planet if any to inhabit, but first stopping at Earth’s moon will be top priority, although my AGM suit protects me from objects that may harm me is doesn’t protect me from the vacuum of space, in other words I am forced to have Nasa defectors and AGM engineers combine two suits into one.

The extra weeks wait was worth every minute the suit fits like a glove with no bubble helmet, nice and sleek with lots of view built in high definition cameras with motion sensors and rebreathe tank unlimited oxygen! “Orbit the moon here we go” scout craft has 10 crew members including me, these additional people are needed to take samples and document.

Stepping onto foreign soil for the first time was eerie and exciting! We are the first non-astronauts to ever touch and feel soil from space! Our 10 man crew confirm what the conspiracy theorist try to say that people never landed on the moon, but I’d tell them otherwise because I hold in my hands the American flag that was placed here before me.

Our purpose is to take samples so we can locate the origin of the AGM and to also find alien life forms no matter how small, I too leave a flag for our people who travel the darkness of space it is a silhouette of a family man, woman, boy and girl it represents our species as a whole.

After the moon visit I decided we are to go around the sun instead of heading away from it and plot our course as we go similar to a boat charting land, Earth’s scientist have already determined that all the planets in our galaxy cannot sustain life except Earth, but what the terrain experts said is that there couldn’t be another Earth like planet somewhere on the other side.

Navigators have calculated the distance of Earth from the sun, and decide to keep the ship at the same distance and fly around it at different levels this will greatly improve our chances of finding something, using Earths north and south poles is how we will determine up and down on the sun as a reference “we will go up first then down at the same width of the Earth” “excellent idea sir that way we can cover every km” “also our scanners won’t reach any further.”

More than 3 small planets one quarter the size of Earth are found named and excavated with an additional 4 moons are discovered on our first rotation around the sun taking no more than one month to complete.

We are on our final rotation it is closing in on 24 months since we started the first rotation the morale on the ship is not as it was 20 months ago but we are all holding it together, I order the ship to slow down to Marc one for some reason I am hoping to see something, just over a month the ship is behind the sun and we are near the bottom so we have another six weeks and the journey around the sun will be over!

Even though space is dark except where the sun is located you can still make out in coming planets, we have discovered a total of 34 small planets that cannot sustain life and a total of 57 moons that are either dead or to gassy, my 10 man crew have stepped foot on all that we have discovered but to no avail.

On our travel around the sun we fly past Earth twice cutting through its atmosphere the view from Earth is a wonder in itself, all the comets that have past the Earth have long tails and are quite small and far away, but when we pass the tale is enormous! Due to the ships AGM properties and the Earths chemicals it lights up the night and day sky in a bright red and orange glow! The pictures and videos sent from Earth are magnificent!

Most of the time as we travel through space we have to keep the window shutters closed as the Suns ultra violet rays are deadly, engineers have built what is called Sun domes it is an artificial beach with real sand and salt water from Earth, it is a dome with in a dome and has all the properties of Earth’s ozone to protect us from the UV rays.

The hover cities rotate to simulate gravity this has allowed us to live life as normal.

During our visits to each planet in our rotations we setup transmitter relay stations that act like satellites, so we can communicate with Earth these relay stations are automated and have tracking devices with built in thrusters to keep them in a position that is relative to the planet it is near, orbiting theses around the planets is not advisable as the station will rotate with the planet and will lose the signal when it goes into the dark zone or behind it.

So the idea is to keep the relay stations in alignment with high powered lasers that generate their power from the Sun, the distance these lasers can travel is not known as the furthest we have recorded is approximately 149,600,000 km, which is now known to be the same distance from the Sun to the Earth.

Walking on to the bridge of the mother ship I sit down to look over the days scanning’ “sir there seems to a small meteor shower ahead” “activate the extra shields close all the window protective shields” as they close I slowly fall asleep in my chair…eight hours later.

 ‘Beep, beep, beep, beep” jumping up out of my chair “what’s that alarm?” I mumble while trying to wake up “I’ve never heard it before? “Um neither have we sir?” “Get a technician here now!” “Right away!”

 “Sir it is an oxygen detector” “so are we running low or is there a leak?”  “Neither it seems to be picking it up from out there?”  “Open the shields!”