From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Four-The hover craft

Anti-gravity racing

Thinking back on the hover board and what it has offered the world in the way of entertainment next I have bigger ambitions public transport, cargo transport and most off all the eradication of aero planes, cars, boats, trains basically everything that runs on fossil fuels that are polluting and destroying our Earth.

This change to replace trains, planes and automobiles will happen quickly as this is the solution to all our problems. 

With the millions me and my family have amassed through the hover board project we buy all legal rights to a game called Wipe out, why you ask? Simple… anti-gravity vehicles or anti-gravity racing vehicles to be precise, The Designers Republic sold us everything pictures, designs, music you name it we legally own the lot for only a few million dollars, this is no biggie for me as the rewards for this buy will be phenomenal, this will become the Earths first anti-gravity vehicle.

The design is Awesome! it will have air brakes on the back end, one on each side to turn the craft left and right, thrust will come from AGM placed at a 45 degree angle on the back and front it can be lifted up to 90 degrees to make it go slower.

The track will consist of a flat surface with walls but the walls will be inverted inward at a 45 degree angle the same angle to the crafts wings and a height of four meters this will contain the anti-gravity craft and stop them from going off the track especially at high speed, within the track it will have holographic projectors embedded in it project weapons and power up’s.

Plans are drafted for the first prototype it will be twice the length of a car, a four door sedan it will hover one meter above the ground.

Covered with carbon fiber complete with roll cage, no metals what so ever, installed in the cockpit will be the HUD or heads up display to track other competitors, GPS etc.

Two weeks into the build and she looks awesome! The design is not sleek as I am not looking for speed, the first generation will have a robust look to it and will with stand the punishing turns that the track will have incorporated into it, I jump into the driver’s seat to get a feel for it but I don’t like the main control stick “replace this stick with a half racing wheel like an aero planes but with a racing car look” after the replacement it was time to do a hover test “remove the clamps” I shout with anticipation, I press lightly on the accelerator she starts to move forward, then the break, it responded perfectly “she handles pretty good I’m loving it already!” the look on my face was more than priceless it was a good day. 

While the prototype was been built so to was the 10km track which was now ready and so was its first prototype vehicle, hidden from the public the underground track used neon lights, light magenta was built into the track it was stunning to see, and so did the vehicle glow in a neon bright red stripes and markings, when other craft are built each craft will be assigned a color so it can be easily identified while traveling around the track, other cool ideas such as the changing of the color of the track, for example if the leader is red the track all around the craft will glow red and follow the craft.

 “Sir are you ready?” “Yes clamps off” as soon as they are released I zone out close my eyes and think back on when I was a kid, I had dreamt of this day but never! Never! Thought it would actually come true.

 “Sir?” Slowly I press down on the accelerator at first the craft glides forward flawlessly in the air, then I smash my foot into the accelerator! The g force hits me so hard and fast I nearly pass out! My vision blurs as I careen along the track! 3km of straight track in front of me! “Awesome! Hell yeah!” “Sir we are tracking your speed at 300kmph you are closing in on your first turn drop your speed to 200kmph.”

As I ease off the accelerator my vision starts to focus a little more, checking my speed I turn right into the first corner the g force is so strong I have trouble trying to move my body, “this will take a lot of training but with good training comes good results!” I just managed to blurt out as I head into another corner “roger that, bring her in after two more laps”.

Totally ignoring “bring her in after two laps” I race around the track absorbing every second of it!

Three months into testing the decision was made to announce to the world a new sport a first in hover racing technology AG-R Anti-gravity racing, one race track will be built in every county where it will be welcomed, the home track will be right here in Wellington New Zealand.

There will be three categories:

M0 or Mach zero-Under (300mph)

M1 or Mach one-under (800mph)

M2 or Mach two-under (1600mph)

Entrants cannot enter M1 or M2 unless they have spent one year in the M0 category and must race an additional three months to prepare for that upgrade due to the high risk or high speed that the body must endure, due to the g-forces that can cause blackouts to our drivers we will not go any faster than 1600mph “Anti-gravity racing in vehicles who would’ve imaged this would be a reality…” I say to my self-looking out over the newly build AG-R track.

Advertising and promotions go online in 5 minutes the staff are anxious as they all know this will be just as big if not bigger than release of the hover board, “3, 2, 1 upload!” I give the word, everyone in the AGM building goes crazy! The clicking of 200+ mouse’s, phone calls and wireless devices makes the atmosphere on the floor a sight to see! It was like a scene out of ‘The Wolf of Wall St’ I head down stairs with 20 staff members to the waiting camera and radio crews, no one has exclusive coverage as I believe all should have access.

Thirty minutes into the interviews my staff inform me business men worldwide have purchased ten AG-R craft! Each worth two million

“I am happy to announce the next step in sports racing, a week from today there will be an expo at the Wellington track “viewing will be at 7am, racing will be from 12pm.”

August 28 2014 it’s my daughter’s birthday she turns 21 today it is also the expo for the hover craft, I announce it over the speaker that echoes through the full length of the 30km track that is now packed with 50,000 people! Extra staff and security have been called in to handle the massive amounts of people who have attended from all over the world as the same for the hover board expo we were not prepared for the mass crowds but we got it sorted in the end, the excitement and coverage of the AG-R craft is amazing we sell another thirty craft and we still need to display the racing element, due to the high speed of the craft the public are limited to a distance of 1km from the track, there are also big screens and live feeds from the on/outboard cameras fitted on the craft, the public can also use their mobile devices to login into the live feed or stream it from home if they can’t attend.

 “It’s time to prepare the drivers I will meet them there” I inform the staff “yup no problem, have fun!”

“Don’t worry I intend to” walking up to the drivers, I see a huge amount of people taking pics and vids of us what a turn out!

 “Drivers how we feeling today?” I say with a huge smile “really excited can’t wait! Hell yes let’s do this!”

The craft are located under the starting grid it is where they are prepped and also where the drivers enter the craft, this is for safety reasons and it also looks awesome when the craft are coming out of the ground, the winner will come out first with their music blasting then second then third, but because this is the very first public but non official race I will exit first.

Ten drives enter their craft including me “sir 5 seconds until we raise your craft” “roger” I wave to the other drivers as I am raised up and out of the ground, I can hear the sound of the crowd as I get closer to the tarmac it’s so loud now I get excited to the point where I signal my staff to play my intro music “hit it!” boom! Boom! The music pumps! I’m amped! The crowd is overwhelming the atmosphere is unbelievable! As I wave to the crowd the other drivers enter the tarmac the awesome colors and shapes of our crafts excites the crowd even more!

 “10 seconds until we are under way!” I say with much anticipation, I close my eyes as the countdown down begins, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 I open my eyes to focus on the track ahead of me 4, 3, 2, 1… the alarm rings out! I hit the accelerator and go from 0km to 300km within a few seconds, we are racing at M0 speed at 300mph for 3 laps then at M1 then M2 speeds at 3 rounds each so a total of 9 laps.

Gliding around the track at 1600mph the viewers will have something never before recorded this is a first, another for the history books.

 “Final lap!” the voice says over the mic, all ten of us rock around the track fighting for first place, there is no way I am going to let any anyone pass me so I push my craft to its limits! In a blink of an eye I see the start finish line in front of me then the finish alarm sounds in the cockpit and also my headset, I can see the holographic images of the arrows that are indicating me to pull into the safety return road, there are several of these off turns that can only be excited when the race is complete or when an accident may arise.

Slowing down to the specified speed of 50mph I can hear the crowd roaring like an untamed beast!

The people are doing crowd waves like how they do it at a soccer game! I head over to the display clamps that lock and hold the craft into a fixed position, waiting there are swarms of media from all over the world I brace myself as I exit my craft, phones and cameras are going off everywhere!

I answer as many questions as possible within 15 minutes as I handed over the rest of the questions to my staff “the next race will be at 7pm tonight to display the crafts colors and holographic weapons thanks” were my final words to the press.

After some rest the staff rally everyone together again for the next and most spectacular part of the expo as racing at night will add more thrill due to the psychedelic colors that the craft and track produce “here we go again boys and girls” I laugh “who you calling boy!” my son laughs, Its pitch black except for the lighting coming from the crowds portable devices and the stadiums dimmed lights.

3, 2, 1 the psychedelic lights activate on my craft as I am levitate up onto the pitch black track, in an instant the crowd of now 55,000 people roar uncontrollably “activate track lights” as the lighting on the track turns on 1km at a time in the bright white psychedelic color the crowd get louder so much it nearly kills out the sound of my intro music!

All drivers are ready to go, the colors the crowd where looking at was something out of the movie Tron! I look up at the giant holographic images of us as it is been streamed and I must say I was blown away as well! “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 go!” the track lights up with stripes of psychedelic colours of red, green, blue, yellow, pink, purple, orange, blue, crimson and magenta, the crowd can tell what craft is in the lead as my craft has a red glow to it so the track detects what craft is in the lead and lights up that part of the track in red and follows the craft accordingly.

At the end of the night I am informed that we have sold 85 craft at two million dollars each! I am stoked as it only costs $250, 00.000 to build them so the profits are enormous! This also includes safety gear, six months training, insurance to name a few, the response to the AG-R was another world record in all areas, it creates hundreds of thousands of new jobs worldwide, as each craft and driver require a crew of 5 people who intern will train new crews and open training schools and more!

Along with the hover board AG-R takes off like crazy these two sports generate a new phenomenon like no other! I have plans already in the pipe line to create private and public transport but will sit back and enjoy the rewards of what has been accomplished already.

The first official race will take place at the Wellington New Zealand track, with eighty entries from around the world, as with any race the entrants must complete qualifying rounds three to be exact, so each driver will be placed on the track according to their time.

Only three months from the expo we announce to the public about the first official race that will be held here in Wellington, from here it will move onto the next country which will be Australia, America and Canada and so on.

Prizes for the top three are as follows:

1st place-Driver and staff entered into the hall of fame, unlimited funding for the team.

2nd place-Driver and staff entered into the hall of fame, gold 22 carat trophy in the shape of an AG-Racer, five million dollars.

3rd place-Driver and staff entered into the hall of fame, two million dollars.