From Earth We Came-The Atreyu Saga-Whetu Tawhiti (Distant Star) by - HTML preview

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Chapter Five-Out with old in with the new

Private, public and logistic transport is now on the drawing board a private family vehicle similar to a four door sedan is taking shape in my Wellington lab, the design of the HV or hover vehicle is straight forward as it does not have an engine, fuel tank and wheels but has all the luxuries of a conventional vehicle with added extras such as built in GPS, cameras, WI-FI but unlike its four wheel counterpart the HV maximum travel speed will be limited to whatever the government has imposed for that country, so if a country’s high way has a maximum speed of 100km than that is what the HV speed will be permanently set to.

History of the four wheel vehicle has shown that speed is the factor of human fatalities but more so speeding in close quarters to each other, this will no longer be a factor any more as the AGM within each HV will repel each other when in close proximity so collisions will no longer be a factor.

Within month crash dummy tests start in our local factory, safety and Collison tests are carried out in full, a material is included into the structure as what was added to the hover board and the hover craft, this material is classed classified it has a higher rating than the AGM itself but it 100% safe, it protects the driver or occupants from the mild repulsion from the AGM.

Fully tested and safety approved first by our very own New Zealand government the HV is now ready for mass production “what about companies that already build cars it will put them out of business?” mentions a sales rep “no we will offer them to switch to hover vehicles, they can design their own and brand it with their name but the AGM technology will be installed by and remain under our company so we will work in unison to undertake this massive project!”

 “It will also create hundreds of thousands even millions of new jobs” “the first HV to be manufactured by AGM will be named Trident “a random name I thought of while I was looking over the design, the launch of the Trident became another stepping stone towards all other projects.

A press meeting is about to get underway the world once again tunes in as I sit down with my staff of 50 “welcome all, as the founder of AGMC I am proud to present to the world anti-gravity vehicles, cars, trucks, boats, trains will all replaced by the following” our presentation is a hit the public are all over our displays that have been setup worldwide.

 “Our goal at AGMC is to replace all fossil fuelled transports but at the same time create new jobs while keeping current ones, these new vehicles created by AGMC will ultimately save the Earth from the pollutions that are given off by fossil fuelled vehicles” Pausing to take a glass of water “transporting such things as containers filled with harmful substances that harms our sea life will soon be a thing of the past”

 “Ships and boats will replaced as all AGM vehicles can hover over water so there will be no danger of capsizing, in regards to fishing this is a big jump as this is rated as one of the most dangerous job in the world” pointing at two life size commercial fishing boats “these are fully tested over water we call them water vehicles or WV’s.”

 “In the aviation sector AGMC has come up with this” the crowd the cameras turn 180 degrees to see something flying in from the north “we present to you the new design in aviation transport the Juggernaut” as it lowers to the tarmac the crowd is gob smacked, I carry on with “twice the size of a Boeing A380, can carry 1500 people with 5 times the leg room so you don’t have to sit like a sardine in a can anymore or put up with anyone with in your bubble” I laugh the crowd cheers and claps “ladies and gentlemen as with all fuel powered vehicles we all acknowledge and are aware of the dangers and fatalities, AGM technology that has been incorporated into the Juggernaut and all the other vehicles are free from the dangers of fuel fires, worn and defective movable parts”

 “Weather conditions may still play a factor but our studies show that rain, snow, hail, wind have no real effect on the aerodynamics of these hover vehicles, also the Juggernaut is very stable and is the biggest vehicle we have created to date” as I finish up the now landed Juggernaut opens its doors and over a 1,000 people walk out waving, there was not one person out in the crowd that didn’t whistle and clap.

 “Manufacturing of these new generation vehicles will commence next week, applications can be filled out online go to or apply through your local job recruitment agency, even if you have no skills in anything we will find a job placement for you.”

The interviews have come to an end time to go home and let the world marvel at what has been presented to them, not long after my announcement for job placements our servers were flooded with applicants processing and interviewing will be a massive undertaking! But we have the man power and resources to do it.

AGMC becomes the number one leader in transport vehicles within 12 months, planes trains and automobiles are replaced in quick succession the old is recycled and replaced with the new, and with the creation of hover vehicles comes an idea I had on my mind since the creation of the hover board, it’s the ultimate solution to our pollution I don’t see anyone opposing it so I organise another presentation to the press seven weeks after the last.

 “Good morning AGMC has come up with a solution to the never ending trash, rubbish problem but more so the radioactive waste and other toxins that are buried and stored on our Earth” “our plan is have rubbish collected as normal then transported to the usual major dumping sites, there will be giant platforms that the rubbish will be put onto, once it gets to a certain level height or weight , these giant platforms have AGM installed in them just the same as any other hover vehicle, but the sole purpose of this platform is to move up into the stratosphere near the vacuum of space, the platform or hover barrage will release the rubbish into space.

Many were against the idea saying “we can’t pollute space as the rubbish may come back through Earth’s atmosphere.”

 “You have a point but I am not finished what I was saying!” the room goes quite as I point to the presentation screen “this is a hover barge or HB it has two sections to it the top half is a steal disc in the shape of a cone it will contain the rubbish, the bottom half is the actual hover vehicle which contains the AGM.”

The two are one unit at ground level, when the cone is completely filled with rubbish it is permanently sealed, the barge then will hover up into the vacuum of space once it reaches its destination the bottom of the barge will release the top half or the cone, once separated the barge will repel the cone with a blast of AG-pulse this will propel the cone at an incredible speed.”

 “But you are still polluting space?” a young reporter yell’s out from the back “but wait there’s more!” I say with a sarcastic grin “the barge will align its self with the sun before it releases its cargo” again the young persistent reporter yell’s out “did you just say the sun?” “Yes that’s right! The cone will contain heat seek sensors and compressed air valves to keep it on course, the whole system is fully automated” I finish with a grin.

 “We will be conducting the first launch in two days at the silver stream dumping grounds, operation planet revive will commence at 9am see you there” again the press are all over it like white on rice.

Two days later there is a big turnout to see the prototype in action, the city council has filled the barges cone and welders are sealing it as I speak the diameter of this prototype is 1km, the height is also 1km, we can go to any size but that will be determined after what happens here today.”

I get the signal to commence the launch, the world wait’s and watch’s “5, 4, 3, 2, 1 launch!” the barge rises up slowly then gradually picks up speed, cameras are fitted to both the top and bottom of barge including the cone “approaching the stratosphere” the controller advises me, the barge stops and starts to align its self with the sun 30 seconds pass then the clamps that mate the cone to the barge releases then ‘boom’ a pulse of AGM energy is released!

The cone is repelled from the barge so fast its gone in a blink of an eye, the speed at which it is moving is somewhere around Marc 5, the look on all our faces is a Kodak moment “wow” was the word of the day, the sun is a long way from Earth so no one knows how long it will take to get there? The trackers will take over from here, looking up we all focus on the barge that is passing through the clouds it slows down the stops at the exact spot it had left on launch, everyone is pleased with the outcome.

Just over a week later trackers announce the package has been delivered “the cone stayed on course, the sun’s surface is so hot the cone disintegrated well before the surface, we have 100% success on the barge project operation planet revive.”

And with this the project expanded to all country’s within a matter of months, but due to the huge amount of barges each one has a designated time and date to launch, in essence they are launched one at a time, no aircraft may pass over, in or around them while they are in motion.

The biggest project to date is the creation of floating cities which intern will hold around a million people each, the idea here is to remove humans from the Earth’s surface and have buildings and any other manmade objects removed.

This is so the planet can rejuvenate its natural resources, this process will be slow taking hundreds of years, building the hover cities can be done in a year engineers have noted as our AGM technology has advanced very quickly and there is no restriction on lifting weight we can what they say “hammer it out”

As with all cities a hover city will host all the luxuries of a ground based city, the main difference is that it will be filled with all those employed by AGMC and those loyal to my family.

The first hover city is completed within the time frame calculated, the budget is way over but hey money is of no concern, the city hovers between the coast of Paraparaumu and Kapiti island located in the Wellington region, it is a sight to behold it’s size is gigantic, the base the city was built on has AGM directly under it so if for some reason it came under attack penetration will be zero, there is an invisible dome that covers the top of it that is generated by the AGM.

Many other hover cities are around the same time all finishing within a few months of each other, a new type of policing has been integrated into the cities, weapons have been removed and AGM stun has been commissioned into the suits of the law that patrols them, but to minimize the risk of robbery’s, rapes and murders those with previous convictions will not be allowed to live here.

As with all of AGMC’s inventions the hover city along with project planet revive become the solution to all of man kind’s problems.