General Principles of Reality - A Unification of Physics by Robert L. Demelo - HTML preview

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3.0 Reality

The beginning of this theory is less scientific and more philosophical in order to demonstrate the gradual process in thought experiments which eventually gave conceptual rise to the theories in this paper and a series of principles regarding all of physics. Essentially, this was the mental path taken by me that eventually led to a unexpected breakthrough, which is discussed in Chapter 7, and several theoretical notions derived from it. It is an essential step in order to define the scope of the collective theory and to extrapolate the principles of reality, which are summarized at the end of this paper in their current entirety with regards to all studies of science.

To begin, we will cover the notions and concepts of reality in order to generally define it.

Definition of Reality

Reality is a container containing the observer. The observer has consciousness to be aware of reality, therefore an observer must exist to perceive reality. Reality is constructed of “things” which are realities on a different scale separated by a perception barrier, but relative to the reality containing it. Relative realities can be perceived tangibly or abstractly and the observer’s understanding of the relative realities is the key to removing the perception barrier. For example, you might work for someone whose reality is mysteriously complex and you might question that person’s motives and actions because you don’t understand what they are doing, but once it’s explained to you, the perception barrier is removed giving rise to a newly acquired understanding where you no longer question their actions. Essentially, you have expanded your perception of reality to encompass the reality of the person you work for. Thus, someone’s reality can contain someone else’s reality. Therefore reality is composed of other realities and created by the observer’s perception.

Defining reality eventually gives rise to a related notion and reason why we are able to discuss and envision anything at all; existence. It too is a containing notion much like reality. It is hypothesized that simple mathematics is a simple representation of existence. Without existence, there would be no math to define reality. Therefore simple math is intrinsically meshed with the laws of the existence as is also advanced complex mathematics. The advantage to simple mathematics is that it’s simple and personally I don’t believe existence is complicated just not understood which results in us over engineering a complex perception of existence mathematically. There are perhaps many perception barriers between our current understanding of existence and the actuality of existence.

In order to continue with this train of thought, certain things must be explored and defined such as the definition of abstract, tangible, perception, concept and of course continuing to define reality in regards to all these other notions. Again, this is needed to gain some necessary scope in order to understand the theories presented throughout this paper and especially the more actual theories later on in this paper.

Scope of Definition

All definitions are extrapolated from the human dictionaries, thus they are a concise explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase or symbol as experienced by the Human entity explained in terminology made by Man relating to his environment and experiences. There is only one limitation to definition:

The Limitation of Definition is the Human Interpretation

Definition of Abstract

Abstract is something not tangible or something surreal; something that is experienced or felt; something that is not easily apparent.

Definition of Tangible

Tangible is something perceptible by the senses especially the sense of touch; something real: capable of being treated as fact; having physical substance and intrinsic monetary value; palpable: capable of being perceived by the senses or the mind; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt.

Definition of Perception

Perception is the representation of what is perceived; knowledge gained by perceiving; sensing which is to become aware of something via the senses; the process of acquiring, interpreting, selecting, and organizing sensory information.

Definition of Concept

Concept is abstract or symbolic tag that attempts to capture the essence of reality, thus it is interchangeable with the definition of reality.

Principles of Concept
All concepts have certain core defining characteristics and these are
but not limited to:


Concept is developed & perceived by an observer


Concept is abstract not tangible, thus not physical


Concept is quantifiable


Concept can have no limit


Concepts are constructs of other concepts


Concepts can be made tangible

Concept Example

What the principles of concept mean is that all things imaginable are concepts of what we perceive and relate too. They are an extrapolation of our knowledge and understanding which we then use to define all things in order, if there is desire, to make the concept tangible. If we read further into the notion of concept we arrive at an infinite self-defining fact:

The concept of Concept is itself a concept.

Abstraction vs. Reality Graphical Relation

The following graph helps relate abstraction vs. reality, thus tangible vs. reality. The position of n is the reality magnitude of the observer. As can easily be seen, it doesn’t matter where the observer sits on this graph, his relation to abstraction and tangibility will always be the same, which means the further away another reality (concept) is the more abstract it is to the observer and only the realities near to the observer can be tangibly understood or physically tangible.


This graph has significant implications with regards to the relation between quantum and relativistic physics, which will be stated at this point, is the underlining supposition and postulation of this entire paper and will be discussed later on in detail and validated through other notions including space-time density and distortion. Essentially realities of a higher magnitude in either direction are more abstract and may appear to the observer as unrelated and events in those realities possibly be perceived as completely random while realities of a lower magnitude, meaning near the observer, are more tangible and more predictable to the observer located at n. Basically, just above and below the observers position in this graph, those realities magnitudes are tangible, but the further out you go the more abstract they become relative to the observer’s position. For example, the concept of and the understanding of matter is fairly well defined to everyone on this planet. Matter is a substance and is very tangible, but when trying to perceive what it actually is, even with the aid of modern day machinery, the understanding of matter becomes more abstract.

In order to better explain perception of reality, a couple of examples are given.

Man in a Box

A man suffering from memory loss awakes inside a box that is transported to a place unknown to him. The box is suspended from a crane where another man controls the crane outside the box. The man outside is free to do anything he wants. The man inside can do whatever he wants in the limit of the box. To the man inside this box, the only reality he knows is in the box. For the man outside, his reality is as far as you can see. The man inside doesn’t know what is outside. He feels vibration and movement as the crane operator moves the box around, but to him, the movements are mysterious and a huge unknown. The operator outside knows exactly what he is doing and can physically (tangibly) interact with the box as a singular object, but possibly doesn’t know what’s inside. For the man inside, he can’t interact with what’s outside the box, except through abstract means such as making noise or attempting to swing the box if it is suspended or hitting it to make sounds externally.

Are the two realities very different? Obviously they’re not very different, but they are different. The difference is in the barrier of perception. In both realities, it is important to note that the physics is the same with the box having much less room to perceive a broader spectrum of physics that are easily perceived in much larger spaces.

Man in a Box Version 2 – The Big Picture

There is a man in a box and the box is located in a large storage room containing a crane and the crane operator. The storage room is located in a building with multiple storage rooms all visible by the building supervisor from a cat walk running down the center of the building. The building is part of a larger complex managed by the site manager. The complex is located on an island surrounded by a lake which is patrolled by the coast guard. The lake is surrounded by a city containing citizens and is managed by the mayor. The city is surrounded by mountains patrolled by forest rangers. The mountains are located in a state managed by the state governor. The state is located in a country patrolled by the air force and managed by the president. The country is located on a planet which is orbited by astronauts. The planet is located in a planetary system which is visible by a long range satellite. The planetary system is located in a galaxy which visible by telescope from another alien world in another galaxy which resides in the same galaxy cluster. The galaxy cluster is visible by telescope from another galaxy cluster. All galaxy clusters are visible by an advanced spaceship located in the very deep reaches, possibly the edge of the Universe. Outside the conceivable reaches of the Universe, is there anyone looking in at it? According to this all encompassing supposition and theory of realities, the answer is yes. Though in this example, the farther away we moved our observer, the smaller the perceived previous containing reality was, due to distance, even though what resided in those realities were actually very large. There were several assumptions in the example that have significant impact on the perception of reality. One assumption was that the observer was human or alien, another was that the observer’s physical size never changed and finally the passage of time relative to the observer and perceived realities was constant. If we remove those assumptions, then we have a much broader notion of reality, the observer and the barrier of perception.

Barrier of Perception

Imagine the possibility that aliens do exist, and that they come of various compositions just like animals here on Earth come in different compositions. Now envision the Man in a Box Version 2 example where at every containing stage, the observer increases in size relative to the previous reality container (the first being the Box). These would be strange realities, but in the vastness of space the composition of alien life is unknown. So there is a possibility that if alien life exists, it could be very large in size which would give them a different perspective on the environment surrounding them as compared to our own perspective. To an alien who hypothetically is one kilometer tall, we would appear very insignificant if we were noticed at all. What if the alien was as large as the galaxy or larger? Preposterously impossible or is it? What if the entire star systems and galaxies were mere atoms and molecules of an unimaginably large alien observer? The barrier of perception is only limited by our willingness to imagine and accept different notions and concepts. But this also goes to reason that size isn’t the only thing that would affect perception of the environment around the observer hence the observer’s perception of reality. A multitude of things can change the observer’s perspective of reality along each step of example 2, such as perceived relative passage of time, enlightenment, possible belief systems and a multitude of other things that we ourselves have yet to become aware of. Reality is what the observer perceives, which is affected by many other attributes that have constructed the observer’s being.
physical attributes, environments,

level of technology, level of

But the question still lingers,” If looking at the Universe from outside it, how does it look?” The answer is something that an observer of a lower reality, like us, can relate too, thus relative if our size were to increase enormously and our perception of the passage of time were to decrease. It will look like something that is tangible and easily understandable. Why answer with such definite certainty? Because part of this theory is the notion that realities are relative in characteristics and properties, so by looking at a rock and looking at the Universe from outside its unknown barrier the two might look the exactly the same or very similar if the barrier of perception were to change between the observed environment and the observer. This notion of relative realities is very significant throughout the rest of this paper.

The Commonality

In all the definitions, suppositions, principles and rules mentioned until now there has been always one common link. The link is the “observer”. Everything is defined by something called the “observer”. What is the “observer”? From what was previously written, it can be extrapolated that the “observer” has some common characteristics:

00008.jpgThe ability to perceive.


00008.jpgLiving consciousness enabling perception.


Thus the Commonality Principle is postulated as:


Consciousness Exists in All Realities; Realities are Perceived by Consciousness

At the fundamental core of this theory, realities are perceived by the observer and cannot exist without the observer. Meaning, what the observer perceives to be a reality is a legitimate reality. The Man in a Box example assists in explaining the core of this concept. This can better be explained by examples in pop-culture such as the saying,” I make my own reality,” or,” you’re living in your own reality.” Many people’s perception of things are limited, thus their reality is different than the reality of someone who perceives more, is more open-minded or is more knowledgeable. Does this mean that the actual environment of closed-minded people is limited, or just that their perception is limited. The conclusion for both cases is that their reality is limited. As someone moves from closed-minded perception to open-minded perception, their reality changes and this change, in the fundamental essence of this theory, is a very real change in relation to real realities. Does this mean as we become aware of the mechanics of the Universe that we will transcend into a higher reality beyond what we perceive as a physical connection or barrier to this reality? In accordance with this theory, the answer is yes. How? For anyone to transcend reality, they must first be aware of all magnitudes of realities leading to their destination reality, they must be open-minded and definitely understand it. In order to transcend a single magnitude of reality there is only one requirement, the willingness to do so. If a person has the will, they will find the means, and once they have the means, they will transcend even if it is a very small step. This is akin to the natural progression of our civilization in regards to technology advances, increase in individual knowledge and the acceptance of being open-minded to new concepts.

Thus from this fundamental understanding, we can postulate the core principle of this theory, the Creation Principle:


Consciousness Creates and Transcends Reality

This leads to one obvious question which is where does consciousness come from? Now I’m referring to it as something tangible with the ability to exist outside the constructs of the physical body; an entity onto itself. Does it possibly come from God? Does the summation of the consciousness of all observers in all realities amount to one super consciousness which we currently refer to collective consciousness? If so, is all individual consciousness connected? Perhaps all this is a real possibility but what I logically perceive personally and what might actually be factual, though I stress is completely speculative, is that consciousness is the true fabric of everything (the Universe and Existence) and that on some abstract level consciousness is physical existence thus it is all connected.

If everyone is connected consciously, mentally, then why are some people less intelligent than others? There are a multitude of reasons why this is factual following this currently speculative train of thought. One reason, the one I logically derived with a fairly high level of reasoning is that the physical body of the observer affects intelligence as a machine with an ability to receive, transmit and interpret conscious thought to and from where conscious thought comes from, perhaps space itself which connects all of us. If this body “radio” is damaged or programmed badly (the mystery of genetics) then what we perceive as “intelligence” is less refined and needs more work for it to function better plus the person needs the will to do so. Now “intelligence” is measured by the ability to recall and interpret data and at the speed at which it does it. Some people are blessed with a fluidic brain where the speed of their thinking process is much quicker and accurate than others. Of course, the mystery of genetic programming plays a part in this but I personally don’t believe it’s the only factor though perhaps the greatest factor. If this speculative theory is true, it can be stated that no two people are the same, but all of us are one.


To explain how consciousness plays into our perception of reality I’ll present another example which I find most powerful.

A and B are points separated by a distance of 10 feet. In order to move from A to B, you must do two things. First you must traverse distance. The second is it takes time to move from A to B. Now that’s where current science stops and decides that’s all that’s required to understand the physics of moving from A to B. It’s not. What we have to understand is that in order to move from A to B we also have to see and understand that is what is happening. It’s the third part of the puzzle and has always been. Without conscious awareness of the event, does the even still happen? If no one is there to perceive the event, can any of us conclude the event actually happened? We can determine if an event happened after by forensically looking at the clues, but again it requires conscious involvement. Also, to move from A to B there must be a conscious will to do so, thus the event is consciously induced. Therefore for this event to exist at all, it must be consciously induced and then consciously observed or analyzed. The point being, consciousness is a requirement to our existence and reality. Thus the three parts to reality and existence is space (distance), time and consciousness.

How does this understanding of space-time-consciousness relate to how a boss perceives his reality compared to his employee. Space-timeconsciousness relates to all human relationships and the reality each one of us perceive because we are all separated from each other by distance and distance fundamentally involves time. For anyone of us to come into contact with anyone else, it requires we cross distance which takes time to do so. In relation the boss-employee relationship and different perceptions of reality, the boss will tend to get information before the employee in regards to their relationship or in regards to the direction of the company which involves a difference in time. Also the boss is separated from the employee by distance (space). These root aspects of our physical existence contributes to our perception of reality and the barriers of perception between realities. When we don’t know something because we haven’t had contact with someone else we tend to get curious or suspicious and some of us build up elaborate perceptions based on this curiosity or suspicion. Rumors are a natural byproduct of this relationship between space, time and consciousness.

Properties of Consciousness

Now that we understand how consciousness plays a fundamental role in our perception of reality and existence, let us look at the common properties that space and time share and apply those same properties to consciousness. The most apparent common property between space and time are that both can be infinite. Space can be a foot or from here to the ends of the Universe. Time can be a second or all of time from the ancient past to the endless future. Thus consciousness should also have an infinite property. So consciousness can be very small or infinite, meaning it can be very dumb to infinitely intelligent. But what does intelligence mean? It means understanding, awareness, knowledge and enlightenment.

Consciousness Properties:

1. Infinite in Range
a. Understanding
b. Awareness
c. Knowledge
d. Enlightenment


Another property of space and time are that they exist and comprise our notion of a single existence each as a single notion or concept, meaning all of distance and all of time make up our current “understanding” of the Universe. Thus all consciousness also makes up our “understanding” of existence. Since there is only one existence in which everything exists in including infinite space and time, then this existence contains infinite consciousness too. So Existence collectively is infinitely conscious and since it gives birth and nurtures everything inside it, it is directly the creator of everything. Thus,

Existence is God

Relativity of Reality

Realities are separated by magnitudes of dimension; a barrier of perception. As it has been stipulated, higher dimensional realities observe lower dimensional realities as tangible. The question then arises, “Do realities of different dimensional magnitude appear the same if the observing consciousness could observe at two different dimensional magnitudes of reality?” Simply put, if one reality looks like a rock on the ground, is there another reality that would also look like a rock? Thus the following is postulated:

At Exponentially Proportional Differences in Dimensional Magnitude, Realities are Relatively Equal

Relativity on the Reality Line

Relativity extends to include not only space-time in relation to velocities as is famously known and initially postulated plus formulated by Einstein, but it also includes realities. As humans, we relate everything to everything else we know and can define somewhat but never absolutely and what we do know is still always related to something else. In the image below, note realties as they appear from a higher reality at two different points on the reality line.


Rules of Reality

Reality is itself a concept. It’s the tag line we use to define our enclosure, our limitation and our scope. But in the midst of this concept of reality is a very clear set of rules which this theory defines as essential to the understanding of everything.

Rules for Reality are:

I. Reality is defined by how it is perceived from within that reality. II. Reality is perceived as containing the observer.
III. Reality is created and perceived by the observer.

IV. All realities exist in other realities.
V. Realities are relative to each other.
VI. Realities of a lower dimension are tangible to realities of a higher dimension.
VII. Higher realities are abstract to lower realities.
VIII. Lower realities interact abstractly with higher realities.
IX. Interaction from a higher reality on a lower reality is perceived abstractly by the lower reality.
X. Higher realities interact tangibly with lower realities.
XI. Interaction from a lower reality on a higher reality is perceived tangibly by the reality of a higher dimension.
XII. As the perception of reality broadens, the bigger reality becomes.