General Principles of Reality - A Unification of Physics by Robert L. Demelo - HTML preview

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4.0 Dimension

Dimension is the building block of everything and as it was somewhat defined previously, is a barrier of perception. It is the fundamental unit and “substance” comprising of all other construct substances and including itself. This concept of dimension will be used only as a conceptual tool to understanding reality mathematically using only simple mathematics. The concept of dimension here does not follow the traditional concept of dimension, but instead the concept of reality better fits into the traditional notion of dimension though not fully. Here dimension is the “something” that builds existence, hence a building block from which large constructs can be made from such as a house or a rock.

Definition of Dimension

Dimension is the absolute fundamental building block of everything and most importantly is the building block of itself. Thus, for one “thing” to be everything then mathematically it must equate to all possible real values.

d = dimension
n = dimensional magnitude

Why real values, because all things in existence are real. Imaginary values are also real in regards to actual concepts or notions relating to real things but they are not tangible, though concepts and notions can be made tangible then in which case they become real relative to our reality. Essentially concepts or notions are themselves real. For example, a blueprint itself is real, the concept printed on it is not tangible, but once the concept is manufactured into a prototype it becomes tangible and real. All things exist in this manner because they are either real or imagined (imaging is real) and the only logical reasoning for something to be unreal or imaginary but yet exist in itself is for there to be a consciousness in order to imagine it. This consciousness can eventually make the concept real if the consciousness has the will to do so.

This dimensional equation is unique because there is no other building block, conceptually, for all of what we perceive as existence.

Since dimension is everything, then how is it possible that different “things” are different; exude different characteristics. Mathematically, all real numerical values are different from each other, thus dimensions of different magnitudes also exude difference in relation to each other. For example, look at a grain of sand then look at a large rock made of the same substance. They’re both the same but yet different. They’re the same substance, but one is heavier than the other and it’s also physically larger. You can argue that it isn’t a substantially big enough difference to be even characterized a difference, but the actual and factual truth is that there is a difference for the mere fact that one is referred to as a grain of sand and the other is called a rock. We historically, consciously and subconsciously, have related difference in all things therefore difference is real even if we don’t understand what’s beneath the surface. Two things might be made of the same substance which can be evident at first glance without objective scientific study even though these two things physically look different. Why, because the observer has the knowledge to distinguish between the two things without extensive study and some of this knowledge is instinctual thus subconscious. Knowledge is gained overtime learning from experiences including the experience of being taught. Instinct too follows the same course but is more abstract to our understanding, even though some classify it as a genetic product, but even if this is true, genetically things are still learnt. So in that learning, we subconsciously, consciously and even genetically continually compare newly learnt concepts with those we have tangible and abstract knowledge of and have overtime accumulated in our minds or being.

Definition of Reality

Reality is very simply the summation of all things in it.

d = dimension
n = dimensional magnitude K = quantity dn and of d0 u = reality level≈ Universe

Where K can be further defined as:

K = quantity dn and of d0
q = quantity dimensional element k = level of d0 in dimensional element

This equation has unique characteristics due to the definition of dimension.


The equation of everything would be:

This is assuming that the summation of everything is not finite which I believe is not, though the concept of everything, or Existence, can be classified as a “single” concept thus quantifiable.

Dimensional Element

The following are some notational conventions I used to formulate dimension and reality. I figured it would be worth noting in this paper though ultimately it isn’t touched on beyond this point.

D = dimensional element
d = dimension
d0 = common to all dimensional elements n = dimensional magnitude
k = level of d0
u = reality level ≈ Universe

Where it can be assumed at this point that kd0 = Energy (or a form of energy) and its magnitude since energy is the most common “thing” in existence.

Dimensional Cluster

C = dimensional cluster D = dimensional element


Ex.1 Ex.2


It is assumed, as mentioned before, that energy is the most common “thing” in existence, but this “thing” might also be consciousness (thought) as is explained later on. It is the enabler of reality. Without energy, nothing exists including dimension ( ). If this “thing” was consciousness, then it also must be stated again, in brief, that consciousness creates and transcends reality, even though that statement referred primarily to mental perception, it now leads to a significant question. If all consciousness was killed (nullified) in the Universe (the whole of Existence), would the Universe still exist and who would be left to answer this question? Thus it is possible this “thing” (d0) is Universal consciousness, the enabler of reality, but for the time being, it will be referred to as energy as it relates to wave vibrations and perpetual rotational system movement which still might be connected to consciousness.

d = dimension
k = level of energy E = energy

Where k can be negative and positive, meaning there is negative and positive energy (or consciousness thus good and evil), which might not refer to an imaginary negative energy but also vector direction.

Energy cannot be destroyed, just converted.Dimension dn cannot exist if k0 = 0.
Thus dimension cannot exist without positive or negative energy; dimension itself is energy.


And if referring to consciousness:


Thus dimension cannot exist without positive or negative consciousness; dimension itself is consciousness.


Space-Time the next most abundant “thing” in the existence next to energy/consciousness d0, thus it is postulated that Space-Time is d1.

Space-Time is a singular concept or “thing”. It is the embodiment of the “space” between objects and the “time” taken to move between them. Different levels of d0 changes its appearance relative to other levels of kd0d1.

Dimensional Elements have changes of appearance and characteristics and behavior in relation to solely d0 and d1. Dimensional Elements are made up of bonded dimension of various types derived solely from d0 and d properties. These dimensional constructs, if constructed differently, embody different characteristics though made of the same “substance”.

Dimensional Clusters even further change the appearance and characteristics by encapsulating smaller clusters inside them. The only limit to the size of dimensional clusters is the amount of d0 and d1 that exists.