General Principles of Reality - A Unification of Physics by Robert L. Demelo - HTML preview

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6.0 Black Holes, Light and all Matter

This chapter is focused on presenting several random important notes relating to what was discussed in the previous chapter. From this point onward, the conceptual tools of space-time tensors will still be occasionally touched on, but for the most part, due to my insatiable desire to derive actuality from concept, space-time (ζ) will be envisioned with the properties of the tensors but appearing as a geometric “3D” space-time Aether; a substance of space and time which is pliable as any object. It is also at this point, the principles of relative realities will assist in defining the actuality of all physics through the mental journey this paper is presenting to you.

Black Holes

A black hole is an extremely massive dimensional cluster where the majority of bonds are very “tight” which contributes to less “space” between bonded dimensions. The same can be said for many quantum particles. Thus “tight” bonded dimensional clusters are denser and thus have more mass in comparison to charge bonded dimensional clusters (less tight bonds) of equivalent volume. For example, water or oxygen in equivalent volume containers, the water container is denser and heavier. Again, as the reoccurring theme of this paper states, bonds too are a conceptual construct in order to visually understand these physical effects as we transition from current perception of physics to a much more actual interpretation. Thus to express what a black-hole might be, envision super dense matter which for all intents and purposes, can barely be classified as classical matter but more like the substance of a proton with a measureable diameter of a baseball, small planet or bigger. It is just like a grain of sand compared to a large rock of the same substance which in this case the substance is more like that of a proton possibly (high density matter).


Black holes, and essentially all matter, in this theory will “evaporate” due to vibration sharing and conversion of energy, though perhaps not completely due to a very special physical dynamic taking place such as perpetual rotational vibration due further to superposition of vibration. That has to be seen but it is assumed to be linked to energy sharing between gravitational bodies through ζ vibration (the effect of gravity). This process of energy evaporation is what can be perceived as isotopic decay at a hugely different scale but for the most part celestial, atomic and quantum systems are very stable. This evaporation is also related to entropy which again relates to decay and also relates to interaction of different substances resulting in reactions such as molecular (chemical), atomic and quantum. The condensation of more ζ is a gradual process following paths of least resistance to vibration and for this to happen it is required that energy be “shared” with the surrounding, different density, ζ. Any sharing of energy vibration takes into consideration the Law of Equilibrium where energy bonded, denser, dimensional clusters inside the black hole, would have to disperse energy in order to vibrate more ζ and condense it. This means that energy will always be radiating from a black hole at infinite different waves lengths, and also fundamentally at its natural frequency with an accumulated maximum wave amplitude at the surface of the black hole. But for the fact that black holes have not evaporated completely, at least in our timeframe of reference, means that there is a possibility it can contain other forms of “tight” dimensional bonds comprising the majority of its mass or it contains a lot of energy at a very high frequency, or both. Ultimately, the question should be asked, what is the root source of vibration?

Locked Looped Bonds

One possible conceptual non-charge and non-energy bond is locked looped bonds. The problem with any non-charged bond type is energy dispersion (sharing) to its surrounding environment will weaken these types of bonds (akin to chemical decay), at least quicker than charged bonds. These bonds are like a tangled mess of strings, puzzle pieces or screwed rivets in building construction. Again this is a mechanism to envision and eventual lead to actual physics of matter.


Black Light

Based on this whole theory and its derivative paths of thought, black holes are stars or just like them and thus also like planets. In this theory, there is no difference between the construct of all space objects because relatively, they are all the same. They are just vibrating at different frequencies and generating different amplitudes of vibration. The frequency of black holes is outside our visible range, but if we could see their frequency, they would be as bright as any star or brighter. The sharing of vibration energy with the surrounding ζ is the same as the visible and invisible light emitting from a star and the cause of gravity. Thus it is postulated that:

Light is the physical effect of space-time vibration, the transmission of energy and the cause of Gravity and Charge attraction and repulsion

The natural vibration of substances of matter is what we perceive as “light”, or what we have labeled “electromagnetic” waves. A photon’s energy vibrates ζ, condensing and non-condensing it in the form of a wave. All light changes the density of ζ including the light we do not see such as the light irradiating from a black hole.

Matter of Difference

All celestial bodies are the same except for their natural frequency of vibration. This natural frequency is due to the paths of least resistance to vibration in the internal dimensional constructs. When some substances come into contact with other substances, they have the collective natural property to vibrate at a collective frequency (wave superposition). This has relation to the effect of dissolving two or more substances together where the characteristics of the final blend exude unique characteristics collectively. This is why gravel, sand, soil and many rocks are classified as a whole even though these substances are comprised of many other “pure” substances (elements and molecules).


This means that black holes can be perceived as “hot” just as the Sun is “hot” though they might never burn us. Heat is a perception of ours which is actually ζ vibration with interfering frequencies, amplitudes and phases which loosens our dimensional bonds (molecular bonds) in our Human bodies. Extreme “heat” is really just extreme frequency, amplitudes and phase interference in ζ vibration that can destroy our dimensional bonds in our Human bodies. Our bodies have evolved to understand that certain frequencies, amplitudes and phases in combination are destructive to our dimensional bonds (cellular, molecular, atomic and sub atomic or quantum) and has labeled them as “heat” where they can “burn” us and the worst can “dismantle” us. It’s all a matter of perception.


Black holes are extremely dense, so based on some current theory, worst case scenario black holes should be a quantum singularity? Right? Here I am just addressing a common misconception about black holes. According to this theory, some can be very dense, but no matter the density they all radiate light (ζ vibrations) over ζ due to their natural frequency of vibration. That vibration is what causes gravity and creates a balance between the internal dimensional construct in the black hole and its environment. The more matter and ζ it absorbs (adds to it), if it absorbs it in the manner we perceive as absorbing and absolute, the more light vibration it will radiate and higher frequencies and amplitude thus expending itself back into the surrounding “environment”. Thus black holes are perhaps the “brightest” stars in the Universe since their gravitational “attraction” is the greatest. They are definitely not a vacuum sucking up space-time and the surrounding matter absolutely. For example, and relatively, a black hole might be a lead atom in comparison to the hydrogen atom at a celestial scale.

The Singularity & Undefined Zero

With regards to the notion of a quantum singularity, the most probable postulation is that all matter, space and Existence itself is self propagating just as light, electromagnetic ripples, are self propagating over ζ. One reality supports and assists making the next reality and so on infinitely. Infinity again is another concept developed by man to classify very large series of something. Mathematically, any number divided by 0 results in infinity or an undefined result. Physically and directly relating to this theory, what is the cause of energy, which drives all things in existence at all reality scales? We quantify energy in our reality as an abstract notion that provides power and does work to all systems we see. Our human bodies are one of those systems. This energy is usually understood to come from our reality’s subconstruct which is immensely small and in which the passage of time is accelerated in relation to ours, but it is still a relative representation of our reality at a different scale. So again, what “thing” drives existence? What powers the quantum, and sub-quantum which relates to force which further we perceive as powering the celestial scale system and so on? What is the source of all vibration to put it simply? Physically, the existence of nothing is not real, thus everything is something, so what we perceive as nothing or infinity mathematically translates into something physically. This something real is what I would speculate as the source of all vibration at a collective infinite sub-quantum level all the way to the ends of the Universe. Thus a quantum singularity is possibly the physical translation of 0 and infinity. Now this is mathematics-to-physics speculation, a notion which needs further analysis before being dismissed. So following this train of thought, envision for a second the possibility that 0 = ∞. Crazy notion, though it’s not as crazy as postulating the notion of dimension being constructed of itself. Lets examine this for a second.

Defining 0

Say we have 1 bottle of water and we’d like to divide it amongst 2 people. The result would be ½ bottle per person. It is physically accurate, and can be proven experimentally.

Now, say we wish to divide the same bottle of water amongst 0 people. The mathematical result would be infinite bottles per person, or an undefined number of bottles person. Physically, we still only have one bottle because it wasn’t shared with anyone, thus it wasn’t divided at all though in verbal notion it was divided amongst 0 people. 0 people means no one, which I need to stipulate because sometimes the wording, as in many of our definitions, can be misleading. So the bottle was divided amongst no one. The point here is that there is a fundamental problem with the mathematical rule of 1/0 = undefined. And this problem translates and breaks the current rules of mathematical algebra, but this break also leads to a mathematical insight:

If b=0 and c =1 then, which represents the bottle divided amongst 0 people



Since the 1 = 1 bottle and 0 = # of “imaginary, non-existing” people (the notion and concept of non-existence) and the physical end result being still 1 “real” bottle on the shelf, then the following logic can be followed where r is a real number (physically real).

So 1 real bottle divided by 0 imaginary “non-existing” people still results in 1 real bottle
Where n is the imaginary concept of non-existence and r is some physically real. Thus

is also

The reverse also holds true. If we have no bottle of water and divide it by 3 people, the result is no one has a bottle of water. But we still had to divide the imaginary notion of a bottle of water that didn’t exist. So this notion of a non-existing bottle of water is a single quantity, since that is how we have envisioned it. So essentially, we are substituting the physical reality of a non-existing item with an imaginary notion representing its nonexistence and then dividing that among 3 real people with an imaginary result of 1/3 non-existing bottle per person. Thus the following rule would hold true:

The fact is, physics is intermeshed with mathematics. We can’t divide a physical nothing, but we can divide the notion of its non-existence, which is a substitution we naturally and unconsciously do all the time in mathematics. We have as a society, over the ages, been unintentionally lead to believe that mathematics is a self supporting entity detached from the physical world, even though the genesis of mathematics was given birth in the physical realm and not via an abstract birth on paper. Mathematics has and always will be a quantifiable representation of physics and we must not lose sight of this. Studies in mathematics can reveal relations in the physical world yet to be discovered, but the same goes, and I believe and much more easily, in the other direction since we are physical beings. At the point where something physical becomes nothing, all we’re left with is its notion of nonexistence, which is an imaginary element since we cannot physically hold it but can image its non-existence. What does this mean? It mathematically translates into another mathematical state. It can even be called mathematical realities of real and imaginary where 0, the notion of nothing is something and quantifiable in regards to its context, takes on the value of 1 in an imaginary reality. Thus whenever a notion of non-existence is used in relation to the physical existence of something else, then the result would be real in the realm of the imaginary.

Therefore a theoretical definition of zero is:

Where a and b are any numeric value representing their respective real or imaginary notions. For example, if b in the first equation represents a single notion thus its value would be 1 where a can represent multiple physically real values such as 1 bottle divided by 0 people (1 notion of non-existence).

Of course this all leads to concept of negative numbers and their relation to the physical world. For example, if you have 3 apples and give 2 apples away, then you’re left with 1 apple. Simple and makes sense physically. Now let’s say you have 3 apples and you give 5 apples away. This would leave you with -2 apples mathematically, but you gave away 2 apples that didn’t exist physically. How did you do this? How can you do this? The fact is you can’t physically give away something that doesn’t exist, but you can give away the idea/notion of 2 apples. We do this all the time on paper especially the financial sector where a good portion of that industry, which drives our economy, works on imagination where the middle-men never touch anything physical, though the physical items may exist. They also deal in the imaginary where people sell the idea of something which then translates into physical money. The stock market is a good example of this. Concept of money itself represents the real via the imaginary. Essentially, you can give away 2 imaginary apples to someone, according to algebra. We then have the imaginary affecting the real because if you had 3 real apples with 2 imaginary apples given away you still owe 2 real apple. How is this possible? It’s imaginary which speaks to conscious intelligence in order for this to work and comply with the rule of owing, thus negative numbers, not in relation to vector mathematics, is also imaginary and it to is on the other side of 0 with a counter relationship to the real.

So what does this all mean? This means that zero (0) is the focal point between real things and different imaginary things, where the quantifiable notion of non-existing things is imaginary and that by mathematically utilizing zero you bridge and traverse at least 2 imaginary notions (thus far) into the real and vice-versa.

Now many would argue that negative “things” have real representations in the physical realm. For example, that negative energy exists and that real positive energy added to negative energy of the same magnitudes would result in zero energy, basically nullifying themselves such as anti-matter plus matter resulting in no matter and a release of energy. I suspect many would, but personally I believe the real “negative” notion applies only geometrically representing the opposite direction, and that any other notion of negative mathematically is imaginary thus only in our conscious minds.


Since we briefly touched on it, what we perceive to be matter and anti-matter is really just difference resulting in the effect of gravity between two particles at specific same masses, densities and radiuses in relation to each other. The fact is that quantum particles may shatter themselves in such away resulting in undetectable sub-quantum particles, but subquantum particles are still matter in direct relation to our perception of matter. Also, two apposing energy waves can null each other, but the energy will always remain real and convert into another form such as potential energy manifesting itself in the expansion of ζ. The physical truth is that the imaginary isn’t physical but yet is still real for the mere fact that it is a topic of discussion and can be used to manipulate physically real things though it might first reside in the imagination of which is the human definition representing a realm of thought. If the imaginary is not real, not physically tangible, then many of the concepts and notions of physically tangible things would not exist.

At the end of all this, all we have are concepts and notions of what is real and imaginary of which all is an interpretation derived by the conscious observer which is us.

Thus, the real blends into the imaginary and the source of all natural Universal vibration is real but where it originates is imaginary.

Earth Light

The Earth is also a star at a completely different frequency and amplitude range compared to other celestial bodies including the Sun. This means it radiates light also, just as Sun Light. We can’t see Earth Light because our eyes, just like our sensation towards what we perceive as “heat”, has evolved to see only a certain range of light frequencies, specifically a certain range that the Sun radiates. So why don’t we burn up? Because we are part of the ecology of this planet and thus our own bodies vibrate close to the frequencies and amplitudes of that of the Earth thus can handle the Earth’s “heat”. Everything is relative, it’s possible that aliens from a celestial body in space would find Earth inhospitable due to the excessive “heat” it radiates, which is just like how the Sun affects us. In fact, it’s possible a “Sun entity”, if one were to exist, would find Earth very “hot” or too cold.

Light Matter

All matter radiates light, but again, our eyes cannot see it. This light, which again are ripples in ζ, are the cause and effect of the force of gravity between all “matter”. A device known as electromagnetic spectrum analyzer is capable of translating these lights we cannot see into light frequencies we can see, but no device is able to visual see extremely high frequencies and low amplitudes of quantum and sub-quantum particles. These vibrations can only be seen by measuring the forces between these particles (as will be explained later).

The Sun Isn’t Burning

Relatively speaking, we consider the Sun a burning ball of flames and that’s true, but it’s not actually burning anything. The Sun, and again all matter, is actually vibrating the surrounding ζ so intensely at a large accumulative (superposition) amplitude at it’s surface generating low density ζ compared to Earth’s surrounding ζ and this vibration is observed by us, humans, as flames, heat, and most importantly, light. Light has a vibration amplitude less than that of fire flames, thus light generates more dense ζ than the space-time density generated by flames. This being the case, the Sun will “burn” indefinitely since it will never exhaust any fuel, then again, the Sun is sharing its energy with it surroundings which in theory would lower its energy level over time; essentially decaying. If this was the case, then the Earth would also lose energy resulting in it “burning” out. Personally, I cannot see the Earth “burning” out, thus the Sun will not “burn” out also since it too is in its natural state just like the Earth. What we have observed as red giants, which have been classified as dying stars, must be re-examined to determine what causes red giant syndrome in stars. What again must be understood is that relatively celestial systems, in direct “relative” comparison to atomic and quantum systems, are extremely stable systems and for any of these systems to decay, foreign influences must be involved. I’ll branch out just a little here and state that foreign influences could possibly have intent which would indicate intelligence and consciousness.

Planetary Spin

The cause of planetary spin is partially due to density of ζ between a planet and its star being lower density (higher energy) than the ζ between the planet and outer space. Essentially, a planet rolls over less dense ζ; high amplitude ripples, perceived as “heat” and considered photonic light, which require the absorbing mass to be able to absorb it at a specific rate of absorption which translates into repulsion and can literally be translated as buoyancy. That isn’t all of it. The spin of the Earth is also partially due to the different absorption levels of Sun Light on different parts of the Earth. Basically, the Earth has no two surfaces that look the same and in fact have huge surfaces that “absorb” Sun Light at vastly different rates. These surfaces are the oceans and land, but spin alone isn’t sustainable by this effect alone and, if anything, this effect would diminish over time. For a current, standard physics perspective, gravity “pulls” at a different force between the oceans and land on Earth causing it to spin. But again, this isn’t the complete reason why the Earth spins. It also spins independent of the Sun, and the for the same reason the Sun also spins, due to the internal superposition of ζ vibration contributing to the spinning of the planet or celestial object as it does with all objects of matter. The superposition of ζ vibration at the surface of the Earth that is emitted is at a slanted vector to the Earth’s surface (less than 90 degrees) and these waves push against the surrounding space-time (ζ) resulting in perpetual spin. This is the cause why planets spin and especially why the Sun spins perpetually and could possibly be used as a mechanism to develop a perpetually spinning, energy producing machine. I see this device being constructed by a uniformly built magnetic sphere but this will require more thought, but in theory it would produce unlimited free energy in the form of electric energy.

Planetary Positioning

The planets are positioned where they are because of two natural gravitational effects taking place with direct relation to vibrations in ζ (effect of gravity). As it has been said, vibration condenses or fluctuates ζ density (light) and pulls together objects of matter, the sources of vibration (light). As they get closer, their frequencies interact at different phases where depending on their natural frequencies and amplitudes, at some distances, the pull is completely cancelled or at least weaken due to destructive interference. If Total Destructive Interference is created, than the pull will turn to repulsion/push. The dance of pull, weakening and push along with the orbital velocities of the planet due to the centripetal force caused by the heliospheric winds of the Sun, which is the gravitational spiral curving of ζ (distortion), allows the planets to maintain their orbits indefinitely unless acted upon by an external influence.

Matter: The Big Picture

Fundamentally, ζ (d1) can intersect, link and bond into various shapes of which there are some primary types of bonds such as charge bonds and neutral energy bonds. These constructs keep growing and growing forming a massive mesh of intertwined ζ. The more energy d0 (possible consciousness) this mesh has the smaller λ becomes the smaller the mesh becomes and the more ζ it pulls in from the surrounding environment adding to the mesh. The tightest, smallest and the oldest would receive the transmission of energy (vibration) last because they would be deep in the mesh at its centre.

00022.jpgThis mesh is in itself a reality if there were to be an observer inside it, thus it would have a corresponding realistic equation:

The mesh of ζ can only get so small because of “charged” bonds inside it keeping things at a distance due to the “neutral” barriers of “charged” dimensional bonds form. These constructs take up more “space” or create more “space”. This repulsion cavity makes dimensional clusters less dense. The less dense a dimensional cluster is the less dense surrounding ζ will be due to less superposition of vibration in the dimensional cluster.