General Principles of Reality - A Unification of Physics by Robert L. Demelo - HTML preview

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5.0 Space-Time

To make it perceivable, Space-Time will be envisioned in the concept of Space-Time tensors. This does not mean that Space-Time tensors actually exist. What’s important is that this concept, a simplified imaginary embodiment of Space-Time, is necessary to envision the physics behind Space-Time and not that the concept is itself factual.

It is similar to the concept of string, such as a shoe lace and not necessarily strings found in super string theories. The interpretation and usage of the concept of string is different in this theory as it relates to other string theories which personally I believe many have diverged from the actuality of physics.

Space-Time Tensor Initial Properties

The following are the assumed conceptual characteristics of SpaceTime tensor strings. These properties were accumulated in mental thought by looking at the properties and behavior of water though they might not apparently be related.

I. Looks like a string


II. Is elastic thus can stretch

III. A stretched string is more difficult to vibrate; higher frequency, lower amplitude and vice versa for non-stretched strings
IV. Can break and reattach end points to itself or other strings V. Takes time to move, thus movement is not instantaneous
VI. The more it is stretched, the faster its vibration propagates
VII. Carry energy in the form of vibration (waves) thus has wavelength, amplitude and frequency
VIII. Are made up of “negative” and “positive” halves which attract each other to make the whole string “neutral”
IX. The force to reattach end-points > force to recombine opposite halves


Again, this notion of tensor strings is only a conceptual tool to assist in
refining the principles behind existence. It is in my belief that in actually,
and later in the paper it will be covered more in depth, that space-time is a
form of the classical Aether “substance” in which the density, as perceived
by the observer it contains, appears to be the same but this density can
appear less dense or denser if observed by a second observer outside the
region of space-time density the first observer is in. Thus in actuality it is

Nominal ζ

The concept of nominal space is where the density of ζ is at its natural lowest in the Universe. Nominal space is assumed to be the dark deep space between large celestial systems and what is at or beyond the edge of the perceivable Universe, what can be perceived as a bulk of galaxy clusters which can be considered our Universe. Again, this is just a concept, thus is possibly and very probable, if relating it to the infinite size of the Universe, that there is no constant nominal space, just different densities of spacetime substance relative to each other.

ζNS=Nominal SpaceTimeTensors


This is the notation for ζ that is at a natural minimum density stretching throughout the Universe.

Definition of Matter

Matter is just high density, high energy ζ that vibrates at very high frequencies f, very short wavelengths λ and very small amplitudes which is produced by motion generated ζ wake lines (magnetic fields) due to natural rotational systems of linear velocities near or at c as it is perceived by us from our reality perspective. These wake lines are perceived as surface or barriers by lower ζ realities such as a celestial observer looking at a cluster of quantum systems maintained at a distance from each other by total destructive interference of vibration which contributes to matter density. The vibration of ζ condenses its length from both ends making the density of ζ for a given volume of “space” possibly less or more dense depending the frequency and amplitude of the vibration which can cause forces to move objects of matter together or apart. Vibrating ζ can change its density as to basically appear as a photonic-particle (perceived somewhat as a particle but not). This alone isn’t enough to define matter as we perceive it though technically it is. ζ is matter.

m = mass/matter
M = reality level
d = dimension

n = dimensional magnitude q = quantity of dn
k = level of d0

Considering the concept of ζ tensor solely, the properties of ζ lead it to develop constructs. For example, ζ vibrating at very high frequencies and amplitudes, causes excessive stretching and tension, which can literally break (snap) it at one point and split it into two pieces or at two points forming into smaller detached open-ended ζ of various high frequencies and varying amplitudes. Depending on how they broke away, the open-ended ζ would quickly reattach its endpoints to the parent’s ζ nearest endpoint from which it snapped or reattach to its own end points forming a closed loop ζo; whichever is closer.


Infinite instances of this process happened in the beginning of the Universe, if there was a beginning, possibly creating infinite closed loop, high frequency ζ loops.

Low energy ζ would interact with them and pass (cut) through them. This interaction would also begin vibrating low energy ζ in the higher energy closed-loop ζ. The interaction alone cause vibrations (energy) passing through end-to-end ζ to localize and focus at these interaction locations. This process is basically vibration sharing or equilibrium of energy (remember the Law of Energy Conservation). Energy cannot be destroyed, just converted which alone has many implications and are fundamental to this theory.


Vibration sharing would shorten the overall length of lower energy ζ due to decrease in wavelength and an increase in amplitude at the location of interaction and begin to stretch the lower energy ζ from both sides (endpoints) and condense it into the location of interaction.


This interaction of a low energy ζ with two high energy closed-loop ζo at two different points of interaction would stretch low energy ζ and condense it from two directions effectively creating a pull between the two interactions of vibration sharing. Also, if ζ has more interactions further along at multiple points coupled with its need to expand (stretch) outward due to its links to other ζ as they stretch throughout their reality and attempt to reach a nominal length due to the amount of energy in its reality, it will also create a push.

00013.jpgThis effect is what we perceive as gravity.

Dimensional clusters are the combination of various closed-loop ζo “attracting” themselves together by the “effect” of gravity and would continually compound until a very large dimensional cluster is formed that would become what we perceive as matter.


This theory, at this point, very strongly challenges the concept of charge attraction and repulsion in substitution for the effects associated with vibration interaction via the space-time (ζ) medium, as it applies to wave theory, between multiple bodies at significantly different physical scales and characteristics, but for the sake of current perception, charge (negative and positive) will be examined as factual.

According to d = dn, where mathematically implied that n can Since dn = d0 also, it can be postulated that n = h-h. Thus ζ has two equivalent counterparts, but are opposite in magnitude. Both – and + have the “need” to join and become what we consider “neutral”.
n is dimensional magnitude, it is be split into numeric summations.

Notice that kd0 is common to both d-hand dh. Where kd0 = 1 and d is what it is, something “real”, then the following statement holds true also:

What this means is that a dimension of magnitude less than 0 is less than a dimension of magnitude higher than 0. This can have characteristic implications regarding interaction between the two halves of ζ. Since realities are relative and in our Universal reality it is widely accepted that in the natural quantum environment a natural “negative” charge such as an electron is much smaller in mass than its “positive” counterpart the proton. Thus it is postulated that +ζ is a “thicker” string than its “thinner” negative counterpart.

This characteristic has implications in the creation of dimensional clusters. It states that +ζ will have more of itself, or possibly more of what we perceive as mass, than its negative counterpart though their “charges” are the same. Please note again, that the concept of “charge” which implies the concepts of “negative” and “positive” are a Human defined interpretations for a force attracting or repulsing two things of some substance together or apart in relation to the abstract subcontract of matter (atomic and quantum realms).


Notation for negative and positive ζ will be:
In the beginning (the Big Bang possibly though I personally doubt it), they split due to an “imbalance” in d0 (energy). This “imbalance” in d0 formed dn, which also formed d-h and d+h. This was possibly due to the fact that “thicker” strings vibrate at different frequencies than “thinner” string with the same amount of energy. The newly formed d-h and d+hcoupled with high levels of d0(vibration), broke into closed-loop +ζo and –ζo which attract each other. Some were bound by intertwined loops along with charge attraction and others where bound simply on charge attraction.

Further attractive interaction was achieved with charged closed-loop ζo splitting neutral ζ into charge counterparts due to repulsion and attraction of charges and then attaching themselves to the oppositely charged ζ. This interaction would reduce λ (wavelength) in ζ and increase its frequency f on the charged side of interaction. The other opposite ζ would be continuously repelled until it links with an oppositely charged counterpart.

00015.jpgThis unique relationship is considered dd = d2.


The bonding of two or more ζ increases the dimensional magnitude.


This same interaction between two opposite but similar constructs would appear as so:


00016.jpgFurther along the same interaction it would appear as so:


00017.jpgThe oppositely charged ζonever touch because of the formation of a “neutral” ζc created between them.


The dimensional cluster formed is essentially:


where A, B, OA and OB are energy levels (d0).


Here it is as seen from a “distance”:



The formation of ζc creates a unique ζ which has the same properties that other ζ have but it is confined as a barrier between two charges of ζo which together, due to their unique relation as a whole would be considered dddd = d4. This is the fundamental relationship between the difference in dimensional magnitudes. By “multiplying” this process many times over, the dimensional magnitude will increase until a mesh of tangled ζ is formed. Literally, ζ is the “fabric” of space.

This same effect can also be achieved by neutral ζ and ζo with essentially the effect of “gravity” taking place to bring ζ and ζo closer together. The difference is that these neutral constructs would be much more “dense” due to the missing repulsion of same charges and their bonds would be solely dependent on the amount of energy in the construct.


All dimensional clusters, depending on their bond types, position of bonds and energy in the cluster, and effectively each dimensional element, have their own natural frequency of vibration which is the frequency that the dimensional construct experiences least resistance to vibration. Any interference to their natural frequency would cause bonds to weaken or break and de-cohesiveness throughout the construct with an ultimate effect of disassembling the dimensional construct.

Dimensional Cube


A dimensional cube represents our notion of 3D space and is of dimensional magnitude of 60 based in the conceptual tool used to define these conceptual bonds. I believe that actual 3D concept is intrinsically connected with space-time, and just like time and space, our current notion of 3D space is inseparable. Again, and I stress this, the concept of dimension is a conceptual tool and is being used as tool in order to build an actual concept. Basically this cube is a mere conceptual construct and “might” represent actual bonds which actually are discussed in a later chapter in the form of space-time vibration and shear/stretching “balanced bond” between two spinning objects of mass or systems of objects.