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I bow to Lord Ganesha.


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"The day science begins to study the non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence".- Nikola Tesla

Mr Nikola Tesla is the scientist, engineer and inventor who has been credited with discovering almost the entire twenty first century, that we are living in now. Everything from Rotating magnetic field, AC motor, Tesla coil and Radio to the concepts of the mobile phone and X-Rays, he is credited with having discovered almost the entire 21st Century. Now when this genius tells us in his quote that "The day science begins to study the non-physical phenomenon, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence".

The question that immediately crops up is, what exactly does Mr Tesla mean by the term “non-physical branch of sciences”? What are these sciences that can push the entire human civilization forward by hundreds of years.

The answer is, this non-physical branch of sciences, are the sciences that were practiced by the Ancient Civilizations that existed before the last Ice Age.

So now the question that arises for our consideration is what is this non-physical branch of sciences, how these Ancient people got to know about this non-physical branch of sciences and when did they develop it. Well, here's the news, while we did not have the advantage of modern day technology back in days when our present day history was being written, our present day technological endeavours deep into the sea are revealing remnants of Ancient civilizations that existed around the world and were flooded by sea water at the end of the last ice age when the snow caps melted. The flood myths like Noah’s Ark are a result of these large scale floods that occurred at the end of the last Ice Age and the Ancient Texts that we carry with us today are the remnants of the knowledge of this Ancient Civilization passed down to us by the survivors of these catastrophic floods. (For more details on this submerged Ancient Civilization, please watch the youtube video “Underworld Flooded Kingdoms of the Ice Ages” by Mr Graham Hancock The knowledge of this ancient submerged civilization is common knowledge now. I would only like to add some of my observations here with respect to these submerged civilizations, firstly, the reason our historians seem to have conveniently ignored the ‘Flood Myths’ recorded in the mythology of several civilizations around the world is because back in the 18th and 19th century when our present day view of History was being written by our gramophone listening scholars, they did not have the technology to go deep into the ocean and scan the ocean floors to check the veracity of this information. However, now that we have the technology, our present day historians/scholars need to be quick in adapting to the revolutionary changes in these centuries old ‘established ideas’.

Secondly, in my opinion in addition to these submerged civilizations there were some civilizations that were located inland at the time of these ‘Great Floods’ at the end of the last Ice Age. These civilizations like Indus Valley Civilization, some Native American civilizations and the Ancient Egyptian civilization with their cities located inland managed to escape the direct catastrophic effects of the Great Floods but had to deal with the drastic weather changes that accompanied the Great Floods. The rain water marks on the Sphinx in Egypt being a case in point, and therefore, these civilizations are actually a lot older than they are believed to be. The cities of these civilizations are the inland remnants of the civilizations that existed before the last ice Age.

Thirdly, I would like to point out that the best source to study the culture, sciences and beliefs of Ancient Civilizations that existed before the last Ice Age, available with us today are the Ancient Hindu texts. These Ancient Hindu texts are the knowledge database of this Ancient Civilization that was passed down to the survivors of the floods, as would be the case with any large scale catastrophic scenario; the survivors of the catastrophic event tried to preserve their knowledge for the generations to come in the form of these Ancient Hindu texts. Hinduism is the only religion that existed alongside the Egyptian religion and is still existing and thriving; we therefore don’t just have the records of the Ancient Texts of Hinduism well preserved and available to us today after thousands of years, we actually have people who are practitioners of these Ancient Sciences given in these texts and can share their experiences with us. One such submerged city, a remnant of this Ancient Civilization that existed in India, namely the submerged city of Dwarka, a more than 12,000 year old city has been found off the coast of Gujrat in India, these are twin cities measuring about 7-8 kms each lying some 100 feet below sea waters.

For any civilization that existed more than 12,000 years ago to develop 7-8 km long twin cities, there has to be some form of sciences that these people were following, however, we don’t see any technical equipments, any machinery that was being used by these people that can give us an idea about the level of development of their sciences.........

.....Is it possible that the sciences that these people were following was very different from the sciences that we understand today, that these Ancient sciences were non-physical in nature and that’s why we can’t find any physical proof or remnants of these sciences?

Now, to elaborate upon the quote by Mr Nikola Tesla regarding the non-physical branch of sciences, our scientists have recently come up with a principle called the " Holographic principle" a principle which basically states that the entire physical world around us is only a hologram, i.e. the physical world around us is not real, as against this, Ancient Hindu texts have been telling us since thousands of years that the whole world around us is just "Maya" i.e. the physical world around us is not real therefore to put it across with the help of an example both our present day sciences and our Ancient wisdom are telling us that we are living in a world that is not real and it is more like living inside a simulation or a video game. Now if we are living inside a video game then what our present day sciences (let’s call them the Physical Branch of sciences as against the Ancient Non-physical branch of sciences) are doing by breaking down the atoms into protons, neutrons, electrons and further breaking down the particles into quarks is equivalent to a character inside a video game trying to understand his reality by breaking down the pixels inside the video game.

As against this physical approach of present day sciences the Ancient people followed the non-physical branch of sciences that Mr Nikola Tesla is talking about in his quote. While our scientific knowledge of the physical world around us today comes down to breaking down the neutrons, protons and electrons into quarks, our sciences stop at this point and we have not yet managed to explain the vacuum or the empty space that exists between these particles. As against this the knowledge of these Ancient Sciences starts from this vacuum or empty space between the particles and dismisses all the atoms and molecules around this empty space as Maya or an illusion.

The Ancient Rishis/Yogis and Monks were actually practitioners/scientists who were following this non-physical branch of sciences and that is why our present day sciences are unable to explain some of the miracles performed by these Ancient Rishis and Monks even today. Now what these Ancient Rishis did was they detached themselves from the physical or the holographic world around them and went and sat on mountain tops and inside caves and they in a manner reverse engineered the human psyche/the human soul (Consciousness) and found a way to reach back to the Maker/God of this physical world. They reverse engineered the human Consciousness the way today we see our scientists and our engineers reverse engineer a technological product. Similarly these scientists (Ancient Rishis/Yogis and Monks) reverse engineered the human being (human consciousness) to reach back to the maker and they did this with the help of yoga and hence they tried to understand the reason for the creation of this hologram and the influence that the factors within this hologram have on the human being and more importantly What is the purpose of human life in experiencing this simulation or video game.

Now to give you an idea about how advanced the knowledge of this Ancient Civilization was,

An example of the knowledge of the balance of nature in these Ancient times is given in Devistotra. A Hindu Shastra as thus :-

So long as this land,

Will have mountains, forests and pastures

That long will the Earth survive,

Sustaining you and the coming generations.

An examples of their knowledge of the origins of life in the Ocean can be found in the Atharva Veda

This earth, our mother, has nurtured consciousness from the slime of the primeval ocean billions of years ago and has sustained the human race for countless centuries. Will we repay our debts to our mother by converting her into a burnt out cinder circling the sun into eternity?

- Atharva Veda 12.1.26, 28

To quote from Sankshipt Bhavishya Puran about the extent of Ancient people’s knowledge of the Universe, a more than 5000 year old Hindu Text, Chapter One of this Sankshipt Bhavishya Puran, Brahmparva, says

Sankshipt Bhavishya Puran-Chapter 1- ( 5000 year old Hindu Text)

Brahmparva- “Poorva Kaal mein sara sansaar andhkaar se vyapt tha, koi padaarth drishtigat nahi hota tha”- In the beginning this Universe was in a state of darkness, and we could not see any element”

"In the beginning this Universe was in a state of darkness and we could not see any element." Now don't our sciences today tell us that the Universe was in a dark dense state in the beginning? After reading these lines in a 5000 year old Hindu text, are we being rational in trusting anyone who tells us that the Ancient Civilizations had little or no knowledge about the Universe around them? Further, there is presently a controversy among modern scientists, there is a debate about the end of the Universe about whether, (a) The Universe will keep expanding till infinity, (b) The Universe will contract after a point of expansion (c)An equilibrium will be reached and then the expansion of the Universe will stop. Now, i am going to give you some information given in the Mundaka Upanishad, this is again a thousands of year old Hindu text, now it says,

  • “Angirã says, img3.pngYathornanãbhihi srujate gruhnate cha’ (Mundaka Upanishad: 1/1/7). Urnanãbhi means a spider. O disciple! Just like a spider creates threads and makes a web, and when it desires it swallows it back, in the same way creation is made from Akshar.” (Akshar here means AUM)”

Akshara or Word over here means AUM which means God (God in Sound Form) therefore, the answer to this puzzle as assessed by these Ancient Scientists in this thousands of years old text Mundaka Upanishad would be point (b) of the above debate.

Now in relation to this, i want to relate an incident from the life of Albert Einstein, though not a firm believer in God Himself Einstein did believe that there was a creator of this intelligent design of the Universe. Once; a friend of Einstein who did not believe in God and used to have frequent discussions with Einstein about it; visited Einstein. He saw a model of the solar system lying on a desk in front of Einstein. The friend asked Einstein “Who made this model?”, Albert Einstein said "No one” and then the friend asked again, “Who made this model?” Albert Einstein again replied, that no one had created the model of the solar system, then when upon asking for a third time, Albert Einstein gave the same reply, the friend got irritated and said "if no one created this model then how come it is lying on your desk". Albert Einstein's reply to this was, "You cannot believe that the small model of the solar system lying on my desk has no creator and you want me to believe that the original solar system has none!".

See, this is the main difference between the Ancient Scriptures and modern Sciences, the Ancient Scriptures acknowledge the fact that there IS a creator, and explain everything from that perspective whereas modern sciences are still looking for a creator.

In addition to this, let’s go back a little and consider the opinions of the people who are the founders of our modern day sciences and some of the greatest minds in our modern day Sciences and consider their opinion on these Ancient Hindu Texts.

In the 1920’s quantum mechanics was created by the three great minds Heisenberg, Bohr and Schrödinger, who all read from and greatly respected the Vedas. They elaborated upon these ancient books of wisdom in their own language and with modern mathematical formulas in order to try to understand the ideas that are to be found throughout the Vedas, referred to in the ancient Sanskrit as “Brahman,” “Paramatma,” “Akasha” and “Atman.” As Schrödinger said, “some blood transfusion from the East to the West to save Western science from spiritual anemia.”

Heisenberg stated, “Quantum theory will not look ridiculous to people who have read Vedanta.”

Schrodinger wrote in his book Meine Weltansicht:

“This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of this entire existence, but in a certain sense the whole; only this whole is not so constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance. This, as we know, is what the Brahmins [wise men or priests in the Vedic tradition] express in that sacred, mystic formula which is yet really so simple and so clear; tat tvam asi, this is you. Or, again, in such words as “I am in the east and the west, I am above and below, I am this entire world.”

“There is no kind of framework within which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct because of the temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false construction… The only solution to this conflict insofar as any is available to us at all lies in the ancient wisdom of the Upanishad.” (Mein Leben, Meine Weltansicht [My Life, My World View] (1961) Schrodinger, Chapter 4)

The famous Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner, Laureate Niels Bohr (1885-1962) (pictured above), was a follower of the Vedas. He said, “I go into the Upanishads to ask questions.” Both Bohr and Schrödinger, the founders of quantum physics, were avid readers of the Vedic texts and observed that their experiments in quantum physics were consistent with what they had read in the Vedas. Fritjof Capra, when interviewed by Renee Weber in the book The Holographic Paradigm (page 217–218), stated that Schrödinger, in speaking about Heisenberg, has said: “I had several discussions with Heisenberg. I lived in England then [circa 1972], and I visited him several times in Munich and showed him the whole manuscript chapter by chapter. He was very interested and very open, and he told me something that I think is not known publicly because he never published it. He said that he was well aware of these parallels. While he was working on quantum theory he went to India to lecture and was a guest of Tagore. He talked a lot with Tagore about Indian philosophy. Heisenberg told me that these talks had helped him a lot with his work in physics, because they showed him that all these new ideas in quantum physics were in fact not all that crazy. He realized there was, in fact, a whole culture that subscribed to very similar ideas. Heisenberg said that this was a great help for him. Niels Bohr had a similar experience when he went to China.”

Robert Oppenheimer (1904 – 1967) learned Sanskrit in 1933 and read the Bhagavad-gita in the original, citing it later as one of the most influential books to shape his philosophy of life, stating that “The Vedas are the greatest privilege of this century.”

Upon witnessing the world’s first nuclear test in 1945, he instantly quoted Bhagavad-gita chapter 11, text 32, “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.”

Mr Nikola Tesla’s association with Swami Vivekananda and his Vedanta philosophy is well known, Mr Tesla in fact was so influenced by Swami Vivekanada’s philosophy that he started using Vedantic terms like Prana and Akasha to describe world around him.

Vedic texts such as the Bahgavad-gita and the Upanishads were collectively considered the most influential books ever written by eminent people like Thoreau, Kant, Schopenhauer, Schrödinger, Werner Heisenberg , Tesla, Einstein etc.

After reading these quotations from some of the greatest minds in our modern day sciences, we need to ask ourselves, are we being rational in dismissing the sciences of these Ancient Texts off hand?

A likely explanation for dismissing these Ancient texts could be that while the Sciences recognized the potential of the information provided in these texts, they dismissed them since in the light of our present day History there is no way to explain where these undeveloped Ancient People could have gathered this information from.

Well, now in the light of the recent discovery of these Ancient submerged cities, our History as well as our Sciences must stand corrected.

Now the question that arises for our consideration is, if these Ancient people knew so much about the Universe around them, what were the techniques, tools at their disposal to help them understand/research these things?

The miracles described in the Ancient texts and mythological stories are the Sciences of these Ancient People. We gather from the Ancient Hindu texts, that these Ancient people had divided their sciences into two categories, firstly the "Mayavi shaktiyan/powers" and the "Adhyatmic Shaktiyan/powers'. Mayavi Powers being powers derived from Maya. Maya has been defined in the Ancient Hindu scriptures as everything around us, everything the five senses can notice, natural as well as manmade. So the powers which we derive from natural resources, or manmade technology, those are all Mayavi Powers. The second branch of sciences, the Lost branch of Sciences i would say that exists today in these Ancient texts is the knowledge about the Adhyatmic shaktiyan or the Adhyatmic powers, as the word itself explains "Adhya" comes from the word Adhyan meaning “the study of or to study” and Atmic means Atma (soul), means the powers derived from the study of the Soul, so these are the powers derived from the soul. These are the sciences of our soul interacting with things around us. So these are the powers, the magical powers that are referred to in our mythological stories, which we do not understand today.

We come across various magical powers described in Ancient Hindu mythological stories like Trikaal Darshi Rishis (Rishis/Yogis who could see the past, present and future) stories about Rishis/Yogis like Maharishi Valmiki and Rishi Vashisht who are said to have had these powers of seeing the past, present and the future. There are also stories about Yogis who could go anywhere at the speed of thought, like Lord Parashurama.

So to give you a practical example, in today's terms if I was to explain these sciences, some of us in our dreams we see the future, sometimes we have premonitions about something that is going to happen to us you know. Sometimes we have telepathy about for example something good that is going to happen to our near and dear ones. We just get this intuition, this feeling that something is going to happen. Now a lot of our modern scientists have over the centuries made unsuccessful attempts to make a time machine and yet modern day sciences have not yet developed a time machine, but then how come we in our dreams move forward in time and see what is going to happen to us. Almost everyone of us has at some point in our lives had a dream where either directly or in a symbolic manner we have seen some event that is going to happen in our future. See, THESE are the powers lying dormant in our soul today. This is the lost branch of sciences that Ancient Hindu texts contain within them today. While these sciences were known to various civilizations across the world before the last ice age, the Hindu texts contain the detailed working and application these sciences and due to the benefit of an unbroken tradition of practicing these sciences, we also have yogis and rishis even today who are practicing these sciences. These are the powers of the soul, the power to go into the future and see what is going to happen. When a Rishi/Yogi tapped these powers and meditated upon it and developed it further, that is when then Rishi was called a Trikall Darshi Rishi i.e a term used for a Rishi/Yogi who could see the past, present and the future at will. These are the kind of powers that are lying dormant in our soul, that we are carrying within us everywhere, we have only lost the sciences of developing these powers.

Now let’s discuss the practical yogic techniques at the disposal of the Ancient people to develop these Ancient sciences.

The way our present day sciences do everything for us, from curing diseases to reaching out into space to go to other planets similarly the Ancient yogic practices were the “YOGIC SCIENCES” of this Ancient civilization and these yogic sciences just like our present day sciences were developed to an extent where they had varied applications from improving the physical health of a person, to improving the person's psychological health and to even launching a person into space with the help of a technique popularly referred to as the technique of “Astral Body Projection” . Astral Body Projection is a technique that is well documented in Ancient Hindu Texts and is a technique with the help of which a human can travel to the ends of the Universe in your astral body or cosmic body form while leaving the physical body behind on earth and therefore such human is free from the physical limitations of food, water and oxygen etc. which are the major challenges faced by humans in travelling to planets outside earth today.

In addition to this, these Ancient people also seem to have built Vimanas or Airplanes, at least 20 passages in the Rigveda (1028 hymns to the gods) refer exclusively to the flying vehicle of the Asvins. This flying machine is represented as three-storeyed, triangular and three –wheeled. It could carry at least three passengers. According to tradition the machine was made of gold, silver and iron, and had two wings. With this flying machine the Asvins saved King Bhujyu who was in distress at sea

American intelligence agency CIA has performed several documented experiments on these Ancient techniques of Astral Body Projection and remote viewing (

Even today we have several Yogis in India who know and practice these techniques on a regular basis, one of them being Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel who has the power to see the past, present and the future as well as the power to do Astral Body Projection. He explains these techniques and all the knowledge that He has gained from such travels on His YouTube channel “Bapuji Dashrathbhai Patel”

Trying to understand these Ancient Sciences without understanding the concept of the ‘Soul’ or Atma as its called in Hindi language, is like trying to understand our modern sciences without understanding the concept of an Atom. (Coincidently both Atom and Atma are similar sounding words). We need to ask ourselves, in not acknowledging the existence of the soul, just because our present day sciences have not yet verified the existence of the soul, which is practically the cornerstone of all the religions and civilizations of this Ancient world, are we making the same mistake that the scholars writing our present day interpretation of history made some two centuries ago in not acknowledging the existence of the pre-Ice Age civilization only because they did not have the technology to scan the ocean floors?

The description of heaven and hell given in the Ancient Texts of religions almost across the board in all religions around the world are actually the descriptions of planets where the human soul is born again and these are the planets that were visited by these Ancient people in their Astral body form and it is these planets that have been described to us as heaven and hell. Which planet the human soul will be born in again is based on the Karma that we do on this planet and that is precisely the reason why all the various religions from around the world focus on peace and love and goodness in your heart because they want your soul to be born into a better planet and not on a worse planet, because these Ancient people had understood the sciences of the soul and karma. So, the good news is we are not here to just grow old and die on this planet, the story goes on for a very very long time. Hindu Vedas and Puranas (Ancient texts) give the descriptions of 14 Lokas (14 Star systems) where the soul is reborn in great details and explains about the life and circumstances that exist in each of the Lokas.

Moving on, while some of the Monks and Rishis living in Ashrams and Mountains and Monasteries are still aware of these sciences, two people namely Dr Steven Greer (An American doctor) and Mr Gregg Braden (An American scientist) have managed to bring out these sciences from the Ancient books and monasteries and brought these sciences out to the public, so we can sit at home comfortably and watch the youtube videos by these two great gentlemen explaining the Ancient Sciences to the public at large. Both these gentlemen are masters of two different aspects of these Ancient Sciences, though if these two work together, they can perform miracles in bringing forward these sciences.

Now, to give the readers another example about the scope of these sciences and the extent to which these sciences had been developed by this Ancient Civilization. The great scientist Dr Jagdish Chandra Bose, the Indian scientist who discovered that plants have life in them, stated that he started experimenting with plants because as a kid whenever he would hurt a plant, his mother would scold him and tell him that plants have life in them and that he should not hurt a plant.

So where did his mother get this information from? She obviously got to know that from the Ancient Scriptures,

This information was a part of common knowledge in India even before it was scientifically proven.

Rishi/Sage Bhrigu explains to Bharadvaja in Chapter 184 of the Shantiparva how plants have  life or in other words soul as thus :-

“the plants feel pain and pleasure and there is growth where there is a cutting. These facts prove that plants have life or Chaitanya (consciousness). It is hence that water given to the plants is taken in by them and the fire within them enables it being digested and thus stickiness and growth result.”

As far as the duration of development of these sciences by the Ancient people is concerned, i would like to add that it is my strictly personal belief that as against around 5000 years of development of our present day human civilization, out of which we have only spent some 400 years developing our sciences (400 years since the apple fell on Newton’s head). This Ancient civilization survived on earth for at least twice or thrice as long as our civilization and had that much more time to develop their sciences. These sciences are thus thousands of years ahead of us.

To give a few examples of the advanced state of development of these Ancient sciences. What is a little know fact today, is that it is not just plants that are conscious living beings, Hindu Ancient Scriptures also tell us that the entire planet is a conscious living being, that is why it is called Dharti Mata or Mother Earth, the Sun is a conscious living being and that is why it is called Surya Devta or the Sun God and is worshipped by so many Ancient Civilizations from around the world. Infact, all the planets, stars and the entire Universe around us is a Conscious Living Being and the Hindus worship the Universe as Lord Krishna. The idea of a “living universe” is not an unknown concept. More than two thousand years ago, Plato described the universe as thus :-

“a single living creature that encompasses all living creatures within it. In this view, we live within a living system of unfathomable intelligence, subtlety, power, and patience. In turn, we appear to be evolving expressions of that living universe, infused with a knowing capacity or consciousness, and with an existence that is largely non-material in nature.”- Plato” (

In the summer of 2011, Dr. Matloff a major figure in what might be called the ‘interstellar movement,’an Emeritus Associate Professor and Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Physics at New York City College of Technology as well as Hayden Associate at the American Museum of Natural History. delivered a paper in London at the British Interplanetary Society’s conference on the works of philosopher and writer Olaf Stapledon, the author of Star Maker (1937). One of Stapledon’s startling ideas was that stars themselves might have a form of consciousne