Inter-Galactic Ancient Hindu by Krishna Kripa - HTML preview

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Now, if I was to discuss the practical application of this knowledge. We have already discussed that these Ancient Hindu texts are the knowledge database of entire humanity passed down to us by the survivors of the Great floods of the Last Ice Age. As already discussed, this Ancient civilization survived on earth for at least twice or thrice as long as our civilization and had that much more time to develop their sciences. These sciences are thus thousands of years ahead of us. Once this goldmine of knowledge of Ancient Sciences comes to light, we will truly understand the relevance of our History for us even today.

The most beautiful aspect of these sciences is that these sciences also have an aspect to themselves that can make a human being independent of the resources of the planet. So instead of having a parasitic relationship with the planet wherein we are dependent on the planet for everything, the human can actually be completely independent of the planet and share a nurturing bond with it as I am going to show you now. Firstly, it is quite clear that if we study these Ancient Scriptures, our sciences can take a leap forward by atleast 300 years if not more solely because of the fact that these Ancient people had access to the ends of the Universe with the help of the technique of Astral Body Projection and thus a lot more knowledge than us in the fields of physics, chemistry etc., if we study these scriptures we can even rise above the need for food and the need for woollen clothing and the need for water. These Ancient people had found out ways to make humans independent of the basic human needs of food and clothing. They had developed ways to make human body survive by simply consuming air, i,e by deriving nutrition from air itself. This knowledge is still alive and can be accessed on yogi Ray Maor's website Now you may recall that the story of Lord Krishna's parents Vasudev ji and Devaki ji who survived only on air during their tapasya (Penances), after which Lord Krishna blessed them that he would be born as their son in their next life.

Now similarly, the human body can also be nourished with the help of the Sun's rays, so we are not only dependent on food for our energy we can also derive energy from the Sun's rays, and you can access this information regarding how to nourish your body with the help of Sun's rays from website If you are sceptical about this ability of the human body, you can google the name of Mr Prahlad Jani, he is a yogi who is around 70 years of age and he has not eaten anything since he was 7 years old and he has spent 10 days before the cameras 24X7 remaining before the cameras to prove this, to prove the fact that he does not eat anything and does not drink water and still survives. Similarly Mr Ray Maor, the Prana Yogi who only survives on air has also spent 7 days in front of the camera 24X7 to prove that human body can survive by taking nourishment only from air. Similarly, Mr Wim Hof, who is popularly known as the Ice Man by the media is a man who holds several records for surviving in sub-zero temperatures, and he says that he had learnt this technique of surviving in sub-zero temperatures from an Indian yogi. and he has given out the details about how to get into this practice, how to become an Ice Man in his book "Becoming An Ice Man". The only problem with the Adhyatmic Sciences or the sciences of the soul at present is that as the number of souls in the Universe increases, the powers of each individual soul keeps on decreasing, so what was easy for people to do in Ancient times with the powers of their soul, is not that easy for us to do today. We, therefore, need to use the information already available with us in these Ancient Sciences as the foundation of our modern sciences and build our sciences from there.

So you see if we go back to our scriptures our sciences can take a leap forward by atleast 300 years because the entire branch of present day sciences called Rocket Sciences can be replaced by a much simpler and more efficient sciences of Astral Body Projection, we can rise above the need for food, the need for woollen clothing, and the need for water as well.

Now over here I want to add one small thing, what is individual "Dharma", going a little away from the sciences, i want to bring forward one thing, what is individual Dharma? Now the Definition of Dharma as has been given by Dr Steven Greer in his book " Hidden Truth Forbidden Knowledge” is that every individual created being has a certain optimal point of service and an optimal role to play that is in consonance with their own unique self, so every human being has been given a few characteristics, a few personality traits, a few skills by God, which we are supposed to develop throughout our lives and it is only when we develop these skills that God has already planned for us and God has already given us that we are able to achieve an optimum combination of how to spend our life on earth, how to be productive to the best of our own ability while living on this planet and I don’t just mean productive in the work sense, emotionally also, because work also somewhere affects your emotional health.

For example, if I was to give you an example, if Sachin Tendulkar or Don Bradman were made to play football they might not be as good at playing football as they would be at playing cricket because that is their optimal combination, ok. Now there has been a recent study which says that even if a person spends 10,000 hours, practicing something, it is not necessary that he will become an expert at it. Now the reason for that is that even if you are putting in 10,000 hours and practicing something that you are not meant to do, you know that is not your optimal combination, then even after spending 10,000 hours you will not succeed in perfecting that art, because God has already given us inbuilt set of skills that we are supposed to develop.