Natural Reality


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Pages: 89

Published: 6 years ago

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Book Description

People generally fall into two categories. Those with closed minds, and those with open minds. Natural Reality is dedicated to the latter. It examines the significance of natural limits to life, with the intent of distilling out how our species might better serve our Planet. The approach adopted, puts conventional wisdom to the test. Based on instinct, common sense and experience, it provides a multi-disciplinary snapshot of where Homo sapiens (H.sapiens) stands in our Universe. The story starts with a brief outline of ‘what was’, tracing the path of evolution on Earth. That is followed by a synopsis of ‘what is’, essentially highlighting the salient features of the choices made by contemporary society. A third section, ‘What if’, serves as a hypothetical exploration of viable futures.

Reader Reviews
  • User image  
    25 Jun 2021
    No se puede descargar en español?
  • User image   Chris
    Love it, like all his other books
    01 Jun 2021
    It's, like with all of Michel's books, difficult to stop reading when it's time to go to bed :-)
  • User image   Graham Burgess
    Angel Girl
    20 Apr 2021
    Waiting impatiently for m. poulin's next book. He has never written a dud yet
  • User image   Larry Bailey
    One of my fav authors
    18 Apr 2021
    I will never get enough of his books
  • User image   Reg Beaumont
    Angel Girl
    13 Apr 2021
    I have read all the Time Patrol Books and find that once I start to read one I cannot stop till I finished it MORE PLEASE
  • User image   Mark Belfield
    Excellent book
    09 Apr 2021
    I have read all the books in the series and have enjoyed them all. They are an excellent read.
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