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How to make a Tower-buster

Of course I need to make a tutorial on how to create a tower-buster. TB's are a quick, easy and a cheap way to make effective orgonite. Also it makes us aware of how sickened we are from DOR poisoning. TB's are the first step in the creation of orgone devices. After that you can alter the initial design and compare with the original ones and eventually make a new device all together.

Things you will need:

Material notes - When I made my first device I thought I would be okay if I didn't wear gloves and it was a bad idea. The resin is truly nasty. The "bondo" resin in particular is known to be this way. Resin will often be pricy if you don't buy from an industrial supplier. Wear actual goggles, otherwise toxins will get in your eyes. You can substitute a cup or glass for the muffin pan. The oil should be as organic as possible. A bit of it will be absorbed into the cast. Metal powder is recommended by the inventor of "Orgonite" but others report shavings to be just as effective. Karl Hans Welz says powder provides hundreds of layers, this is a big understatement (independent of anyone's matrix theory). I prefer powder as it provides a more detailed matrix. It is recommended to use copper or aluminium with the matrix. It appears that these non-ferrous metals attract DOR better than ferrous. This is evident because James DeMeo states that these two metals have a life negative effect when used with an accumulator (attracts DOR). A double terminating quartz may be able to disperse POR better than a single if positioned properly, as well as quartz may be a bit over expensive in stores because of popular demand. You will need a mixing container, no more than a litre capacity is needed.

About - Tower-busters are an invention of Don Croft using Karl's orgonite compound. They are built to be robust, easy to make and deploy. They are created for busting towers of course. This means to neutralize the DOR of a cell phone tower before the DOR reaches highly populated areas.

Setup - Find a well ventilated area, set down some paper towel or rags. Then set down all of your materials. Make sure you have placed the mold where no small child or dog can access.

Prepare - Apply your oil to the molds and make sure the coat is thorough. If your making a batch, it will be easiest to fill the molds halfway with metal.

If your making a small batch or a single TB, then it may be easier to add the metal to the resin. You will want 40-50% metal in the mixture. Make sure you have mixed the hardener/catalyst to the resin first. Read the instructions to figure out how much hardener to mix in the resin and make sure to mix very well so that all of the resin can harden properly.

If you already have the metal in the mold, add the resin until it tops of the metal you have in. If you are using shavings, poke at it to get the resin to settle better in the metal.

cast away - Clean the surface of the crystal so the matrix can bind better with it. Then add the crystal with the tip facing down. It's okay to have the tips facing up, just make sure the tip is near our outside the bounds of the matrix. Get the crystal as center as possible in the mold. Make sure it is straight if it is a long crystal. Add the second half of the shavings and resin and poke at it a bit more. Leave it over night to harden.

When it is done you can apply an outer coating to the device as long as its organic. Many people paint their TB's, this is fine as paint is made from oils and oils are organic.

Using the device - Tower-busters are robust but there still is a chance that they will get overwhelmed with DOR to the point where they stop functioning properly. If a TB is buried, then any overkill of DOR will be grounded instead of clogging up the device.