Orgone Explained by Brian Ferguson - HTML preview

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Corresponding theories

In this section will going over some theories that seem to interlock with orgone as we know it. Remember, by no way is any of the following scientifically proven, it just makes sense and I hope it provides you with some insight.


There is a giant iron crystal sitting in the center of the earth, about 2,600km in diameter. The crystal is said to have a hexagonal closed-packed crystalline structure. The crystal is anisotropic meaning it has directionality in its makeup. This may allow orgone to enter it on a certain axis, and to exit on another. Which can provide a nice low resistance flow for orgone to be purified. The molten layer outside of the crystal can aid in evenly distributing the POR to the earth's crust and atmosphere.

This will explain why DOR needs to be grounded. DOR move to the center of the earth, where it is concentrated around the crystal and then revived into POR. POR will immediately flow towards the crust of the earth as this is where organic material is. The earths outer organic layer is responsible for keeping a great deal of POR from heading inwards to the core (remembering that orgone heads to the center of living entities). DOR can be absorbed by organic material but is not attracted to it. Rain will help ground DOR, this may be why Wilhelm did not like using his accumulators in the rain.


In countless religions, there is belief of a tree of life. The tree of life is said to connect all forms of creation. In terms of people beliefs, the tree typically had fruit on it. When a person ate the fruit, they would get some kind of benefit; like eternal youth, immortality, divine enlightenment. I suppose the tree of life is either cut down or dead by now, but it gave me a good thought.

In earlier days there could possibly have a been a large tree that has been around a long time. It was grown at very low altitudes (bringing it closer to the center of the earth). Its roots would have been deeply seated under many crust layers because of its extended life time. It was grown over an area of upwelling POR. But this area had a abnormally large POR potential. The POR potential allowed the tree to live long, and the bigger the tree grew the larger the potential became because the trees roots were attracting even more upwelling POR. For the most part the tree was just aiding the earth by allowing an easy site for POR to surface. The amount of POR passing through the tree and the fruit would have been unprecedented. Anyone who ate the fruit would benefit from the abundance of POR in the fruit. But anyone who ate too much would have severe overcharge.


Orgone energy is universal in two ways, it's all throughout the universe and you can detect it physically and metaphysically. Astral projection assumes that we have a body separate from our physical body. This is a called the "astral body". We can detach the astral body from the physical body and move amongst the "astral plane". the word astral means "among the stars" and seems to have little to do with the modern definition of astral projection. Though the best place to go when projecting is amongst the stars. It is pleasantly simple out there. Part of the point of projection is "to get away".

I do believe we have a body apart from our orgone field or "aura". I will use the term "orgone matrix" or just matrix in place of astral plane. Instead of believing in a handful of planes as most would, I believe we have an infinite amount of planes. Somebody just picked out the profound ones that have a very different feel from each other and gave them a name. It's important to know the "structural link" concept to understand the following.

Astral projection is the complete opposite of Wilhelm Reich's concept of armoring. Armoring is where the orgone travels to the center of our person. It possibly decreases the size of our energy field in an attempt to make it stronger. If we learn to accept things, we do not need to armor. The more accepting we are the larger and more vibrant our aura will be. The larger our aura is the greater our awareness of our surroundings is and we will have a greater capacity of orgone energy.

From personal experience, in my projections I can only feel energy, I cannot see it but it is still visualized in some way or form. Its visualized as white or blue energy and everything else is black. Projections in the vacuum of space are more so jumps and not freeform movements. Because the shortest distance between two points is a structural link. When you projecting amongst places like earth, it will be familiar because you are used to being around a detailed part of the orgone matrix (giving you a freely moving feel). But when you in the vacuum of space it will seem vast regardless of the structural linkage. Physically speaking, layers in space (or at least profound ones) will be very far apart.

I one day projected to the center of the earth and it was not chaotic like I expected. It was simple. Then a month later I read about the crystal in the center of the earth which explains what I felt. There was a layer within the earth that I could not enter for some reason. Like it had no inner layers, which is impossible because I was iterating through larger profound parts of the matrix. I detected it when I was iterating back up through layers from the core. It felt like a trees root, that I was forbidden to project inside. That's what gave me the incentive to write about the tree of life. I still don't know what it is a I came across, I could not reĀ­locate it after that.

You should be able to visualize objects and remember shapes when you are projecting. You can do this by feeling and entering the profound fields, then linking to each layer within it, but do not enter them. This will allow you to build an image based on the structure and intensity of an objects life-force. You can feel only the threshold of each life-force layer. If you can feel an object with one of the five senses, then you are most likely sleeping.

If you are new to projecting, and you project outside the solar system, you will somehow feel the distance you have projected and it may scare you to the point where you return to earth immediately. You could have projected several million light-years away from the earth and it was unexpected. You will not feel the distance directly, but you will feel other layers that you have never felt before, this will bring your attention away from your body and you will then feel like you have strayed too far. You will forget that your strongest structural link will always be your body (or perhaps the fact that you do not need a link to yuor body) and you can jump back to it at anytime.

When you're in earths matrix, it will feel like you can project in a freeform fashion. But really your just iterating and moving through an infinite amount of orgone layers. Out in space you may feel like you have little control over where you go. You may do a blind jump where you jump somewhere unknown with a very weak structural link. This is perfectly safe, it may feel dangerous because you don't know where you're going and you might think that you will jump too far and get lost. But these are not things to worry about.


I decided to talk about telekinesis in opposed to psychokinesis in general because it is the easiest to link to the orgone matrix. Telekinesis in simple terms is an one's ability to move object with their mind. I believe that humans have a very profound complex orgone field and that we can control the orgone threshold to encompass other fields or layers in the matrix. We simply extend the field and link to an object by finding and binding to their orgone field. After that we can manipulate the field and indirectly control the object. Orgone acts as a the medium, allowing us to connect to objects.

First you must accept his/her surroundings, the more relaxed and accepting you are, the easier it is to control you energy field. If you do not accept everything, there will be barriers in your ability to link to surrounding objects.

I say linking in similar terms to structural linking but will be used in a different manner when dealing with telekinesis. Think of it as extending an infinitely small portion of our life force energy to another field that is easily detectable. Once the fields are linked the are practically one. After that you can manipulate the object within the linked field, like you would manipulate a limb on your person.

The orgone field that encompasses objects determines its state in the physical plane. It takes much more metal exertion and focus to manipulate a field that is not your own by default. But by no means should you forcefully command an object to move. It should be as natural as moving your own limbs.