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Protecting your aura

Keeping your aura healthy is important to keep DOR from bombarding your body as well as keeping your depth perception up to par. You will also be less influenced by negativity in general if the aura is strong enough to absorb it. The following are common ways to protect the aura.

Orgone devices - The easiest way to start protecting your aura from DOR is to use orgone devices. Start by gridding your home. This means to place an orgone device at each corner of the building you live in. Bury the device 4 inches into the ground if you can. It's preferable to use tower-busters as these are the most robust devices. Place a personalized device by your desktop computer. Preferably between the computer and where you sit. It is important to do this if you leave the computer on all the time and have many electronics around it. Make sure the closest cell phone tower is gridded as well. Some people even devise smaller devices that they can keep on their person or cell phone cover.

Electronics - DOR levels can be decreased in homes by changing the electronics within it. According to the accumulator handbook fluorescent light bulbs have a life negative effect and should be replaced with normal incandescent light bulbs or at least an LED (the whiteness of your average florescent bulb is brutal anyway). TV's have a life negative effect, starting from the least healthy: CRT, LCD with LED, LCD, OLED, plasma. A projector may be the best option. When using a computer it's recommended to reduce the brightness, contrast and gamma of the monitor. I keep my gamma at 0, my contrast around 25% and my brightness at 10% as a happy medium. Doing this will reduce the strain on the face, as well as the monitors consumption of power; reducing its DOR emission. Computers and other electronics should be turned off when they are not in use. With modern personal computers you have an option to put a computer to sleep or hibernate after a certain time. Hibernating is the best option if operation will resume use later on in the day. A common habit for many computer users is slouching towards the screen, this is bad for the back and the screen will have a greater life negative effect. Electric heat can create a lot of DOR in relation to typical furnace heat.

House hold setup - Entertainment rooms should be separate from dwelling rooms when possible. When I say dwelling rooms I mean a place to go to read, socialize for extended periods of time and maybe a secondary place to eat. The living room I have to myself in my family home is perfectly suited to me, but I do not stay in it unless I am watching TV or using my computer. At first I was unable to figure out why I subconsciously decided to read in other rooms. But it occurred to me that my super computer is running there and I spend all my time computer programming in that area (with the frustrations that come with it). Which leaves a gross feeling of negativity in the room (almost feels like oranar effect sometimes). A family pet will be very aware of such feeling especially if the pet spends a lot of time outside. Keeping plants around is nice because the plants will absorb DOR and ground it with efficiency. Also the more organic material in the house the more POR is attracted into it.

Food - Its very simple, the more processed food is, the less organic it will be. The less organic it is, the less healthy (ignoring the fact that processed foods also come with a spectrum of unhealthy substances). Avoid heating your foods using a microwave, especially with a plastic container. Eating more organic foods will make your person more organic; after all, you are what you eat. Being organic is desirable for obvious reasons.

Water - When I moved from the country side to the city, my dog would not drink the tap water for two weeks. To be honest, the tap water was nasty compared to the well water I had in the country. Tap water tends to be cleaner then well water because the water treatment facilities are more refined and easier to maintain. But these treatment centers pump tons of chemicals through the water and then the water is travels through a maze of piping to get to your house. God knows how well these pipes are maintained. Tap water is accepted by society because it does not make people sick right away, and the long term life negative effects are ignored. I suggest drinking water from a water cooler that has been processed from a renown source and using Brita water filters wherever you can. Avoid drinking water out of cheap plastic bottles especially those made with BPA (Bisphenol A).

Full body soaking - Soaking is a good habit to get into. Any kind of soaking will help ground latched or residual DOR away from the body. Much of the DOR will stay with the water. Epson salt; which is all around healthy, will purify some of the DOR released by the body. It will also neutralize DOR that is passing through the area. According to my crystal theory, anything with a crystalline structure will allow orgone to be purified. You may want to leave a bit of salts un-dissolved for a happy medium. Hot tubs, Jacuzzis and hot springs will also help the aura, but prolonged soaking will drain the aura of its energy. This because the water is flowing constantly and will begin absorbing POR away from the body. But not near as rapidly as DOR (remembering that POR is attracted to organisms and DOR wants to be grounded). Also, simple things like splashing water on the face will help ground residual DOR on the crown. This is DOR given off from negativity and has been trapped in the aura.