U.S. Government Efforts to Deal With Orbiting Space Junk by Michael Erbschloe - HTML preview

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Appendix B: Quarterly News

The Orbital Debris Quarterly News (ODQN) is a quarterly publication of the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office. The ODQN publishes some of the latest events in orbital debris research, offers orbital debris news and statistics, and presents project reviews and meeting reports, as well as upcoming events. Illustrating graphs, charts, photographs, and drawings support the articles and provide a detailed understanding of the topics. Each issue is available as a downloadable PDF file.

Subscribe to the Quarterly News




May 2019

Volume 23 - Issue 1 & 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • 2018 Ends with Breakup of an ORBCOMM Constellation Spacecraft • Centaur V Upper Stage Fragmentation Update • 2019 Fragmentations Commence with Japanese RB Breakup • ES-MCAT's Primary Mirror Gets New Coating • Analysis of Stable LaPlace Plane for Observation of GEO Debris • Debris by the Numbers • New Geometry for Debris Observations using Goldstone OD Radar • Workshop Reports • Abstract from NASA ODPO • Monthly Object Type Charts by Number and Mass • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


August 2019

Volume 23 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Two Breakup Events Reported • NASA Technical Standard Process for Limiting Orbital Debris Revision Ratified • Testing and Modeling the Demisability of Fiber-Reinforced Plastics • An Extended Parametric Study of the Effects of Large Constellations on the Future Debris Environment • Meeting Reports • Abstracts from the NASA HVIT • Abstracts from the NASA ODPO • ODQN Vol. 23, Issue 1&2 Errata • Orbital Debris Analyst • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score



February 2018

Volume 22 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Two Anomalous Events in GEO • Space Debris Sensor Launches Aboard SpaceX-13 • SEM Analysis Results of Returned ISS PMA-2 Cover • CubeSat Study Project Review • Space Debris Sensor Installation • Monthly Object Type Charts by Number and Mass • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


May 2018

Volume 22 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Space Debris Sensor On Orbit Status • 2018 UN COPUOS Meeting • Fragmentation of Fregat SB Upper Stage Debris • Fragmentation of Titan Transtage in GEO • DebriSat Project Enters Data Reduction and Analysis Phase • Workshop Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


September 2018

Volume 22 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • CZ-4C Upper Stage Fragments in August • A SOZ Unit Breakup Predicted and Observed in May 2018 • Space Debris Sensor On-orbit Status • Spacecraft Material Ablation Testing at UT Austin • NASA ODPO's Large Constellation Study • ORDEM Interpolation—a Review and Prospectus • Orbital Debris Analyst • Conference and Workshop Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


November 2018

Volume 22 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • A SOZ Unit Breaks Up in August 2018 • Centaur IV Upper Stage Fragmentation Event • Implication of Debris Fragment Shape on Shield Protection Capability • Update to Ground Model Population Model in DAS 3.0 • Conference Reports • Abstracts from NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score




February 2017

Volume 21 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Indian RISAT-1 Spacecraft Fragments in Late September – Update • Space Debris Sensor Waiting for Launch • Twentieth Anniversary of the ODQN • John Africano NASA/AFRL Orbital Debris Observatory Status and Recognition • New Version of DAS Now Available • Reaction of Spacecraft Batteries to Hypervelocity Impact • SDS is Readied for Flight • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


May 2017

Volume 21 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Updates to NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris • Gene Stansbery Retires as NASA ODPO Program Manager • CubeSat PMD by Drag Enhancement: Mission Planning for Compliance with NASA Standards • The OD Environment in Numbers • Abstracts from the NASA ODPO • Abstract from the NASA HVIT Group • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


August 2017

Volume 21 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Earliest Delta Rocket Body Fragmentation Determined • Update on the Space Debris Sensor • ODPO Adopts a Logo • Benefits of a High LEO In-Situ Measurement Mission • DAS Reentry Risk Analysis: Mission Planning for Compliance with NASA Standards • Conference Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


November 2017

Volume 21 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Latest SOZ Breakup Occurs in September 2017 • Projected GEO Survey Capabilities of the Meter Class Eugene Stansbery Orbital Debris Telescope • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Abstracts from the HVIT Group • Conference and Meeting Reports • ODQN Vol. 21 Updates and Errata • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score



January/April 2016

Volume 20 - Issue 1/2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Recent NOAA-16 Satellite Breakup • Debris History of the NOAA-Series Spacecraft • Fragmentation of Fregat Upper Stage Debris • Briz-M Core Stage Fragments Near Geosynchronous Orbit • Briz-M Core Stage Fragments in Elliptical Orbit • Russian SOZ Unit Breaks Up in March • The 2016 UN COPUOS STSC Meeting • ORDEM 3.0 Verification and Validation Document Available • Top Ten Satellite Breakups Reevaluated • ORDEM 3.0 Verification and Validation Findings • Conference Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2016

Volume 20 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Two Additional Russian Breakups in 2016 • Former NASA Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris Receives Loftus Award • Titan Transtage Arrives at JSC to be Studied by Orbital Debris Scientists • OD Advocate Dr. Dietrich Rex Passes Away • MMOD Impacts Found on a Returned ISS Cover • Fiftieth Anniversary of Apollo Program Fragmentation • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2016

Volume 20 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • ASTRO-H Spacecraft Fragments During Payload Check-out Operations • New SOZ Breakup in July 2016 • BeiDou G2 Spacecraft Fragments in Geosynchronous Orbit • WorldView 2 Spacecraft Fragments in July 2016 • Indian RISAT-1 Spacecraft Experiences Possible Fragmentation • Disposal of GOES-3 • UNCOPUOS Reaches Consensus on the First Set of Guidelines for the Long-term Sustainability of Outer Space Activities • Changes to the ODPO Website • International Space Station Debris Avoidance Process • CubeSat Post Mission Disposal by Drag Enhancement: an Operational Review • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Abstract from the NASA HVIT Group • Conference and Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score




January 2015

Volume 19 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Performs Fourth and Fifth Debris Avoidance Maneuvers of 2014 • Iridium Anomalous Debris Events • DRAGONS to Fly on the ISS • UKIRT Extends OD Observations into the Infrared Regime • Korean Aerospace Research Institute Joins IADC • Fiftieth Anniversary of First Intentional Fragmentation Event in Space • Solar Cycle Sensitivity Study of Breakup Events in LEO • Solar Effects on the LEO population in ORDEM 3.0 • Conference and Workshop Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


April 2015

Volume 19 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Recent Breakup of a DMSP Satellite • The 2015 UN COPUOS STSC Meeting • 33rd Meeting of the IADC • ORDEM 3.0 and MASTER-2009 Modeled Small Debris Comparison • Orion EFT-1 Postflight MMOD Inspection • Conference Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2015

Volume 19 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Performs Two Debris Avoidance Maneuvers and a Shelter-in-Place • Aerodynamic Breakup of Breeze-M Tank • MCAT Installation on Ascension Island • Space Environment Implications of CubeSat Traffic • MMOD Risk Assessments for EVA • Conference Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2015

Volume 19 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Two More Collision Avoidance Maneuvers for the International Space Station • MCAT Achieves Second First Light • Update to "Review of Space Environment Implications of CubeSat Traffic" • Solwind ASAT Test Retrospective • Abstracts from the OD Program Office • Abstract from the HVIT Group • Conference Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score



January 2014

Volume 18 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Program Announcement: ORDEM 3.0 Released • Large Space Object Population near the International Space Station • Fengyun 1-C Debris Cloud Remains Hazardous • Disposal of Globalstar Satellites in 2013 • DebriSat Soft-Catch Panel Impact Tests • New NASA Orbital Debris Engineering Model ORDEM 3.0 • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


April 2014

Volume 18 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Maneuvers Twice to Avoid Tracked Debris • NASA Resumes Haystack Data Collection • Nicholas Johnson Retires as NASA Chief Scientist for OD • First Results of WFPC2 Crater Analysis Presented at 2014 LPSC • NASA MCAT's New Destination is Ascension Island • Hypervelocity Impact Test with Large Mass Projectile • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2014

Volume 18 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Flurry of Small Breakups in First Half of 2014 • Dr. J.-C. Liou is New NASA Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris • KickSat Reenters • Successful Hypervelocity Impacts of DebrisLV and DebriSat • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2014

Volume 18 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Performs Third Debris Avoidance Maneuver of 2014 • Three Additional Breakups Mar 2014 • Former ODPO Chief Scientist Nicholas Johnson Receives Order of Gagarin Award • Recent Impact Damage Observed on International Space Station • Comet Siding Spring’s Shift from Impact Hazard to Science Opportunity • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Conference and Workshop Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score




January 2013

Volume 17 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Upper Stage Explosion Places LEO Satellites at Risk • Another Debris Avoidance Maneuver for the ISS • APPEL Releases Orbital Debris iBook • An Update of the FY-1C, Iridium 33, and Cosmos 2251 Fragments • GRAIL Spacecraft Impact Moon in Accordance with OD Mitigation Requirements • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


April 2013

Volume 17 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Small Satellite Possibly Hit by Even Smaller Object • OD Pioneer William Djinis Dies at Age 91 • ISS Solves EVA Problems Caused by Small MMOD Impacts • Reentry of Cataloged Objects • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2013

Volume 17 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • High-Speed Particle Impacts Suspected in Two Spacecraft Anomalies • ODPO Strategic Plan • Fifty Years Ago • George Levin, Former OD Program Manager Passes • Characterization of the WFPC-2 Radiator's Cored Impact Features at NASA-JSC • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2013

Volume 17 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • U.S. Launch Vehicle Components Land in Africa • Agencies Place Two U.S. Earth Obs Satellites in Compliant Disposal Orbits • West Ford Needles: Where are They Now? • NASA Develops Report on Radar Observations of Small Debris Populations • Abstracts from the NASA ODPO • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score



January 2012

Volume 16 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Only a Few Minor Satellite Breakups in 2011 • Two Derelict NOAA Satellites Experience Anomalous Events • Smallsat Deployments Done Right • TDRS and GOES Spacecraft Sent to Graveyard Orbits • Recent Disposal of JAXA Akari Satellite • Increasing Solar Activity Aids Orbital Debris Environment • On the Probability of Random Debris Reentry Occurring on Land or Water • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


April 2012

Volume 16 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Increase in ISS Debris Avoidance Maneuvers • Orbital Debris Discussions at the UN • Controlling Rocket Body Reentry Risks • Stranded Satellite Sent on Controlled Reentry • Reentry of Explorer 8 Satellite • Chinese Rocket Body Explosions Continue • French Launch Vehicle Debris Lands in Brazil • On the Probability of Random Debris Reentry Occurring on Land or Water, Part II • Meeting Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2012

Volume 16 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Dr. John W. Lyver, IV, Retires as NASA Program Executive for Orbital Debris • New Version of DAS Now Available • Status of Three Major Debris Clouds • Development of DRAGONS – an MMOD Impact Sensor System • 15th Annual NASA/DoD OD Working Group Meeting • The First NASA Orbital Debris Workshop • Coring the WFPC2 Radiator for Impact Trace Residue Assessment • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2012

Volume 16 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • NASA Sends Centaur Stage to Watery Grave • New Russian Launch Failure Raises Breakup Concern • Origin of the Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee (IADC) • An Update on the Effectiveness of Postmission Disposal in LEO • Dectection of Optically Faint GEO Debris • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score




January 2011

Volume 15 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Avoids Debris from Old NASA Satellite • New Satellite Fragmentations Add to Debris Population • Disposal of Globalstar Satellites in 2010 • Canadian Space Agency Becomes Newest Member of IADC • NCR Review of the NASA MMOD Programs • MMOD Damage to the ISS Solar Array Guidewire • Challenges in Interpreting HST Impact Features • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Orbital Box Score


April 2011

Volume 15 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • United Nations Discusses Space Debris and Long-Term Sustainability of Activities in Outer Space • 14th NASA/DoD ODWG Meeting • NASA/DoD Meeting on Active Debris Removal • Kessler Receives 2011 Dirk Brouwer Award • Russian Launch Vehicle Stage Reenters Over U.S. • U.S. Commercial Earth Obs Spacecraft Executes Controlled Reentry • New Chapter on Space Waste • Update on LEO Environment Remediation with ADR • Simulation of Micron-Sized Debris Pops in LEO • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


July 2011

Volume 15 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • International Space Station Again Dodges Debris • New Evidence of Particle Impact on Jason-1 Spacecraft • Reentry of U.S. Rocket Stage Over South America • 50th Anniversary of First On-Orbit Satellite Fragmentation • MMOD Impacts on ISS Airlock Shields • A Note on Active Debris Removal • Meeting Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score


October 2011

Volume 15 - Issue 4 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Reentry of NASA Satellite • ERS-2 Maneuvered Into Shorter-lived Disposal Orbit • AIAA Position Paper on Space Debris • DoD-NASA Orbital Debris Removal Workshop • HIMS at NASA's 2011 D-RATS • Proper Implementation of the 1998 NASA Breakup Model • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Report • Space Missions and Satellite Box Score



January 2010

Volume 14 - Issue 1 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • NASA and DARPA Sponsor International Debris Removal Conference • Avoiding Satellite Collisions in 2009 • MMOD Inspection of the HST Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 Radiator Update • Shielding Against Micrometeoroid and Orbital Debris Impact with Metallic Foams • An Updated Assessment of the Orbital Debris Environment in LEO • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Orbital Box Score


April 2010

Volume 14 - Issue 2 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • Orbital Debris Success Story - A Decade in the Making • Old and New Satellite Breakups Identified • Update on Three Major Debris Clouds • MMOD Inspection of the HST Bay 5 Multi-Layer Insulation Panel • Small Debris Observations from the Iridium 33/Cosmos 2251 Collision • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Orbital Box Score


July 2010

Volume 14 - Issue 3 | PDF

HIGHLIGHTS • New U.S. National Space Policy Cites Orbital Debris • Disposal of TDRS-1 • Top Ten Satelite Breakups • Drifting in GEO • Measurements of the Orbital Debris Environment by the Haystack & HAX Radars During FY2007 • Overview of Orbital Debris Optical Measurements via Laboratory Techniques • Abstracts from the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office • Meeting Reports • Space Missions and Orbital Box Score