U.S. Government Efforts to Deal With Orbiting Space Junk by Michael Erbschloe - HTML preview

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Appendix C: Acronyms


ADCOM (USAF) Aerospace Defense Command

AFB Air Force Base

AFSPC Air Force Space Command

AFSSS Air Force Space Surveillance System (formerly NAVSPASUR)

AN/FPS-85 See FPS-85

Asc Ascending

BMEWS Ballistic Missile Early Warning System

CIS Commonwealth of Independent States (see also USSR)

Dsc Descending

ESA European Space Agency

ESRO European Space Research Organization

FPS-85 Phased-array UHF radar at Eglin AFB, Florida

GEO Geosynchronous Orbit (orbit category)

GEODSS Ground-based Electro-Optical Deep-space Surveillance System

JSC Johnson Space Center (NASA)

LEO Low Earth Orbit, up to 2000 km altitude (orbit category)

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration

NAVSPASUR Naval Space Surveillance System

NAVSPOC Naval Space Operations Center

NORAD North American Aerospace Defense Command

PARCS Phased-array UHF radar at Cavalier AFB, North Dakota: the Perimeter Acquisition Radar

Attack Characterization System

RAE The Royal Aerospace Establishment

R/B Rocket Body or Rocket Booster

RCS Radar Cross Section

RORSAT Radar Ocean Reconnaissance Satellite

RSO Resident Space Object

SATRAK PC compatible astrodynamics toolkit

SCC formerly Space Computational Center (obsolete); now Space Control Center

SOZ Sistema Obespechanya Zapuska (Proton-K Block DM attitude/ullage motor unit)

SSN Space Surveillance Network

TBE Teledyne Brown Engineering

TLE Two-Line Element Set

USSPACECOM United States Space Command