“The Lost Way to Misrost” is a medieval trilogy revolving around the strife of ‘Al-Misrosty’ Family throughout three generations. Part one, “The Legacy,” is about ‘Qotazio Al-Misrosty,’ a sailor who returns home after spending many years at sea, only to find his country in a...
Introduction: Product Management EssentialsIn the fast-paced world of technology and business, product management is often considered the bridge between strategy and execution. It’s a role that requires a blend of creativity, analytical thinking, and leadership skills to transform a vision into...
2nd Book of Clausewitz's "On War". Unquestionably the most important single work ever written on the theory of warfare and of strategy.
Boost Your Online Traffic with the "Proven Traffic Mastery" eBook!Elevate your digital marketing skills with actionable strategies for increasing website traffic effectively. This guide covers essential tactics for both free and paid traffic generation, from leveraging social media to optimizing...
3rd Book of Clausewitz's "On War". Unquestionably the most important single work ever written on the theory of warfare and of strategy.
4th Book of Clausewitz's "On War". Unquestionably the most important single work ever written on the theory of warfare and of strategy.
Francis Morgan, a wealthy heir of industrialist and Wall Street maven Richard Henry Morgan, is a jaded young New Yorker. When his father's business partner Thomas Regan suggests that Francis take a holiday in Central America, ostensibly to search for the treasure of the Morgans' legendary...
These 17 strategies will teach you how to close more sales by opening long-term relationships with your clients and implement specific techniques to explode your bottom line results. Plus you'll learn how to overcome the fear that has held you back from effectively closing. Simple yet fundamental...
Everyone is born a Champion and has the absolute right to live a Champion life. Unfortunately, society labels many of us before we have a chance to live up to our full potential, and we lose who we really are. This loss leads to a loser mindset that stops us from achieving our dreams. This book...
Self-Made Millionaires have certain character traits that most other people do not. In this book, John Di Lemme shares thirty-one attitudes of a self-made millionaire and how these attitudes catapult these individuals to the next level in their lives and business. Are you ready to change your...