10 Life Lessons to Find Your Why Now and Achieve Ultimate Success by John Di Lemme - HTML preview

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Lesson 4

It is All About the "WHY"


Yes, you read it right. It is all about the WHY! A strong enough Why will pull you through every situation and will make you a true conqueror and victor in every occasion. It will lift you far above the average. It makes you go where others stop. It pulls you though the swamps of life when others get stuck, lost or drowned.


I can almost hear what many readers are thinking"Is this it? How can these words bring all the lofty promises you just made? How can it be that simple? This sounds too simple to be true.


I agree that it's simple, but it's not too simple to be true. In fact, I've learned that most of life's secrets of success are simple. Too often a false intellectualism makes things too complicated to ever succeed. Yes, it's simply all about the Why.


The Miracle Inside


You're Why is your biggest, most significant, result-creating force in life! Goals are great, but a Why separates a goal-setter from a goal-achiever and a person that truly changes people's lives. Another way of looking at your Why in life is to think of it as your ultimate reason or purpose for living.


Your Why makes all the difference in your life . It separates you from the crowd. A strong Why will not only make you get up in the morning, but it will make you happy, passionate and want to live your life to the fullest!


My goal is for you to "Find Your Why." Discover that driving force inside of you and feed it with the right words, the right people, the right books, the right motivation and the right inspirational messages. If you do that, then the force - your Why - will emerge and drive you to success. Do you realize that you have a miracle inside you? We just have to extract it and