Lesson 3
The Habit of Giving
People often ask me things like, "John, what is the main habit of multi -million dollar entrepreneurs, life-changers and dream achievers?" There is no question at all in my mi nd that the number one habit of all of those people is giving.
Before we move on to discuss the ultimate success factor, which is the manifestation and development of your Why in life, I want to discuss this one habit that will have a great impact on your level of success. It's the habit of giving.
As you begin developing your Why and reading other Champion Why Cards in this book, you will see that many people like you want to help others by giving away a percentage of their success. When I read some of my student's Why Cards, I see things like "I want to donate $10,000.00 dollars to my favorite charity" or "I want to tithe $50,000.00 to my church.”
I believe that we are all born with the desire to bless others . We all want to give back. We have an inbred need to make other people's lives better. I believe that we are created in God's image, and he is very generous. Therefore, it's only reasonable to believe that we as human beings are generous. It's only the negative scripts in our society like "always look out for number one" that turn us from generous to selfish. I've learned that the best exercise in the world is to reach down and lift someone up. The sad thing is that we lose sight of helping others when we are so focused on ourselves.
You really do want to give financial blessings to others; you want to give your time; you want to invest your energy in noble causes. Based on your need as a human being to give to others, you must make the decision to include the habit of giving time, money and ene