22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Transformation Tool #3

Connecting with Pure Positive Energy

One of the most relaxing ways to dissolve fear and reconnect with your inner self is by spending time in the presence of pure positive energy: nature, children, or animals.

Natural settings like parks, forests, beaches, gardens, or even your own back yard are virtual treasure troves of positive energy.

Sitting quietly or strolling slowly as you gaze around at all of the beauty and abundance of nature can have a powerful restorative effect on your mind, body and spirit " and it takes very little time to really feel a difference!

Start by consciously letting go of scattered or fearful thoughts and attuning to the sights and sounds around you.

Breathe deeply, enjoy the feeling of sunshine warming your face and gentle breezes stirring your hair, and allow yourself a few minutes to fully relax.

Listen to the birds singing, watch small critters foraging for food, and within minutes you will feel your stress levels begin to drop spontaneously.

Even better, close your eyes and try to feel the positive energy flowing from your surroundings into every cell of your body. With every breath, imagine that you are inhaling positive energy, which then spreads throughout your entire body.

If you don‘t have any natural settings to enjoy near your home, you might buy an audio CD of natural sounds like bird calls, rainforest sounds, thunderstorms, babbling brooks, or wind chimes to enjoy whenever you like.

Reader Contributions:

I pat and play with my dog. Dogs are known to have a high vibrational frequency which is why they are such good healers for people.

When I was a therapy assistant, I took my dog to work with me and she would have the most effect on not only the happiness of the people there but their progress too. " Deb


If at all possible I go and spend time with my young son or my cat and straight away I feel protective and this eases a lot of my fear. The nurturing instinct is very strong this takes away most initial fears, but then later in meditation I confront the fear feeling braver but I use my own technique.

While meditating I imagine I’m my 4yr old son or myself at four and I do what all 4yr olds do and I question my fears till they’ve all been answered then I imagine I’m my cat sitting outside a mouse hole and any fears that come out I attack them play with them, examine them from all my cat angles and I usually find my mind wanders to now more important thoughts and I know the fears have gone.


Just close your eyes and pretend you are there, soaking up positive energy.

Spending time with children is another great way to reconnect with positive energy, simply because they are so carefree and happy most of the time.  They haven‘t yet learned how to limit their thinking and therefore have vibrant, active imaginations.

If you have children of your own, spend an hour or two building a blanket "tent" in your living room and make believe you are camping in the wilderness.  Or gather some art supplies and create something fun.  Or take the kids to the park and run around to purge nervous energy from your system.

If you don‘t have children of your own, simply visit a nearby park and observe them on the playground for 30 minutes or so.  Notice how enthusiastic, joyful and fun"loving they are, and feel those same qualities awakening within yourself.

Animals are also a great source of positive energy.  Spend 30 minutes gently petting your cat or playing fetch with your dog, or you can take your dog outside for a brisk walk " and watch how quickly your tension dissolves.  If you don‘t have pets of your own, you could offer to walk a neighbor‘s dog or volunteer at an animal shelter for a few hours a week.

However you choose to do it, basking in these simple sources of pure positive energy for just a few minutes a day can help minimize fear and boost your mood.

Transformation Tool #4

Staying in the Present Moment

One of the most challenging aspects of fear is that it can often twist your perspective so dramatically that you can‘t keep a balanced view of the situation that triggered your fear.  Your fear response is usually deeply connected to your limiting beliefs, which creates a sort of "filter" through which you will see most of your life experiences.  This filter will assign meaning to everything that happens to you, even where no such meaning really exists.

Here‘s an example:  Imagine that you recently applied for a promotion at work, and part of the application process involved writing and submitting a detailed report to your boss.  Several days after you submitted your report, your boss approached you with a serious expression on his face and asked to speak privately with you at the end of the day.

What would your first reaction be?  Would your boss‘s stern expression trigger feelings of fear and anxiety?  Would you jump to the conclusion that he must not have liked your report?  Or would you consider unrelated possibilities, like the may be deep in thought or concerned about an unrelated situation?  Would you remain optimistic that your report was high quality and you still stand a great chance at getting the promotion?

Your underlying beliefs will make all the difference in whether you feel fear or confidence in this type of situation.  If you have a

Reader Contributions:

It’s very easy and at the same time difficult for a lot of people, we can call it duality, it’s what about our life here is on this planet, love is present all the time, surrounding you, universal love, everybody can feel it. Fear is not rational, we create it. So if you want loss your fear, then don’t create it. It is so simple. fear don’t exist, love do. " Roberto Durante


My approach to fear is simple.

Move my attention to the present moment.  Feel fully, the emotion of fear. Allow it to be. The worst thing that can happen is to try to fight the fear. You can’t, you just let it be by being in the Now. It will eventually dissolve by itself, and it has worked wonders for me many times, over and over again.

This is the simplest and most effective way I have used in my life, and you can use it anywhere. anytime. " Tan Jun Yang strong belief that you are not "good enough" (or the quality of your work is lacking somehow), you will naturally jump to negative conclusions.  If you feel confident about yourself and your work, you will probably not feel worried.

When you feel that your beliefs may be creating fearful emotions as in the example above, there is a simple technique you can use to diffuse them and center yourself again.  In the first moment when you notice your fear and anxiety beginning to rise, stop what you‘re doing and take a few minutes to tune into your bodily sensations.  Notice that your shoulder muscles may start to feel tense, your breathing may become rapid and shallow, your heart rate may speed up, and so on.

Begin first tuning into these feelings, and acknowledging that they are happening.  You can even say to yourself, “I can feel my shoulders getting tight and tense.  My hands are getting clammy. I‟m really feeling nervous right now.”

Then, start deliberately calming these reactions by breathing slowly and deeply, relaxing your muscles and mentally staying in the present moment.

Resist the temptation to let your thoughts race ahead and worry about what may happen, what it might "mean" for you.  All of those are merely perceptions " not necessarily what‘s really happening.

Stay in the present moment for as long as it takes to feel calm again.  If you simply avoid letting your thoughts race ahead to frightening scenarios your fear should fade easily.