22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Transformation Tool #6

Gradually Choosing Better Thoughts (Abraham"Hicks


In their bestselling books, Jerry and Esther Hicks offer a life"changing technique that is easy to use no matter your level of development.  They encourage you to start from where you are right now and then deliberately choose a thought that makes you feel just a little bit better.

Let‘s use an example so you can see the technique in action.  Imagine that you are in the midst of serious financial troubles.  You lie awake at night wondering how you are going to pay your bills; your income is not enough to cover everything so you are falling further and further behind, and your anxiety and fear continue to grow.

When you‘re stuck in a situation like that, your dominant thoughts will probably be something like this: “I don‟t know what I‟m going to do.  I feel so powerless.  I feel so scared about my financial future.  I need to come up with more money but I don‟t know how.  Terrible things could happen if I don‟t get this situation straightened out fast!”  Obviously these kinds of thoughts are disempowering, which will only keep you feeling stuck.

Using the Abraham"Hicks technique would involve choosing a thought that makes you feel a bit better than those other thoughts do.  A good thought might be: “I want to believe that everything will work out eventually.”

Keep repeating that thought for several minutes, and you will find that you do begin to feel a bit more hopeful and less frightened.  Then you would choose another thought that makes you feel even better, like this one: “I have made it through tough times before, so I‟m sure I can do it now too.”  Once again, stay with this thought for several minutes until you notice that you‘re starting to feel stronger.  Then choose still another thought that makes you feel even better:  “I do believe that things are going to work out for me, even if it takes a little more time.”  Keep going like this until your fear has been completely replaced by optimism, hope and courage.

This method usually works extremely well because you‘re not trying to force yourself to leap straight from negative thoughts to positive thoughts, but rather taking a more gradual approach.

This can help you avoid feeling like you‘re lying to yourself, like we covered in the section on Affirmations.  Just take your time and transition very gradually.  The best part about this technique is that consistent practice will give you more control over your thoughts than you would believe possible " dramatically boosting your confidence and sense of control.

Having difficulty reaching for that next better feeling thought? Modern mystic Joel Bruce Wallach teaches a revolutionary technique for tuning into, and gently raising your vibrational state.

By simply tracing a self created ruler with your finger anyone can learn to rise above the fear sensation.  Listen in free (or read the transcripts) as Joel takes us through this transformational process in an Exclusive Evolution Ezine teleseminar

Reader Contribution:

The technique you do is by having a conversation with yourself starting right where you are now emotionally, be that anger, fear, etc. on whatever subject you may be dealing with. The point is not to try and solve the problem or conquer the world in a single moment. Just start at whatever feeling is in that moment pouring through your body. Give it a little expression; understand there is value in the emotion you are feeling no matter what that emotion may be.

Then try to find in your line of thinking any thought that feels a little bit better. Don’t worry if there are moments that you fall back to the old habit of worrying. Just start with the process each time something comes up and keep trying to turn your thought to something better. I had doubts at first that doing it would actually do anything. It just seemed I was venting and saying phony words. After a few days of doing this during one of my conversations, I cut loose with sarcasm about what I was doing and chuckled. It was in that moment I understood that I had improved how I felt. The way I had just previously felt was dark and nasty.

I know that doesn’t sound like a success of any sort but the ability to find sarcasm instead of the depression creates a lighter load so to speak. Something that small immediately creates an improved condition from the one before. You do need to continue doing this each time you start to feel any kind of upsetting feelings. I just kept doing this, even if the relief was just barely above venting.

Eventually each emotion will give way to a different one and if you are always trying to make the conversation go in a set tone of a better thought than the ones that were proceeding; your emotional level rises up the scale.

A piece of advice my previous failed attempts were due to my trying to go from a feeling of fear to that of security in an instant. It was impossible no matter how much I wanted it and knew it existed for me. I had been caught up in the emotions of what was going on. There was a slow start for me but it picked up quickly the more I found myself using it and finding better thoughts. " Kim