22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Transformation Tool #9

Connecting with Your Source Through Prayer

Prayer can be one of the fastest and easiest ways to soothe fearful thoughts and feelings, simply because the act of praying occupies your mind so completely that you can‘t be focused on fearful thoughts at the same time.

There are several types of prayer that can ease fearful thoughts:

Petitioning Prayer

This is the type of prayer that most people are probably familiar with, which includes asking the universe for a specific outcome.

Examples: “Please heal this disease; please protect my son today; please help us to pay our bills more easily . . .” and so on.

When it comes to fear, this type of prayer is most helpful if you deliberately turn over your concerns to a higher power and believe that they will be taken care of.

For example:  “I don‟t know what to do about this situation and I‟m really scared; I am turning it over to you to be transformed and healed.  Thank you, Amen.”

Then concentrate on letting go and allowing the higher power to handle it for you.  If fearful thoughts threaten to take over your mind again, simply repeat the process of turning the situation over and letting go.

Affirmative Prayer

Affirmative prayer is one of the more empowering types of prayer because you are affirming to the universe your belief that all will be well, instead of "asking" for it to be so.

For example, instead of "asking" the universe to handle something for you, you would instead affirm that you KNOW that it will turn out in the most positive way possible:

“Even though this situation frightens me, I know that you are taking care of it and I know that it‟s all going to work out fine.  Thank you.”

Gratitude Prayer

Prayers of gratitude can be immensely comforting simply because they boost your emotional state and make you feel very happy, which makes it nearly impossible for fear to remain in your consciousness.

Gratitude prayers are simple: either write or state aloud all of the wonderful things in your life that you are grateful for, and give heartfelt thanks for them.  Just a few minutes of this activity can dissolve fear and leave you feeling confident and inspired.

Silent Communion

Believe it or not, you don‘t have to speak or write a single word in order to connect with your source.

Instead, you can simply close your eyes, breathe deeply and imagine that a cord of brilliant white light travels from the universe through the top of your head and down into your heart center.  Imagine this light slowly filling your entire being, dissolving all fearful feelings and filling you with joy and peace.

This form of prayer could accurately be called meditation or visualization " except you would be deliberately focused on feeling your connection to the universe.

Ultimately it does not matter which type of prayer you use, as long as you are using it to help shift your focus away from fear and toward more peaceful thoughts.

Reader Contributions:

Let me share a simple prayer that reinforces my belief and confidently face all my fears and eventually live happily every moment. That is, as follows: “GOD, I am always in your presence for all are within You. Let Your presence live in my pure heart and sound mind that I continually do all good and right deeds for the love of You. Amen” " Roman Sermon Tolentino


When fear strikes, I console myself that it is not permanent, that it will blow over and I put trust that with prayer, I can overcome it.  I believe that I have been put here for a reason and that there is protection in what I believe in. " Charlotte


I release my fear through prayer, trusting God implicitly for He has NEVER failed me yet. I confess my fears to Him and ask Him to help me deal with it according to His plan for my life. I focus on overcoming my fear and what I want to happen, I live as if it’s already so. Sometimes my fears confront me head on and I am forced to deal with them but once God helps me to do so I realize I spent more energy running from my fears than I did in overcoming them. I feel liberated as opposed to the trapped feeling which comes from avoiding your fears. In fact one does not start to LIVE until one can face ones fears knowing that you WILL overcome. My faith is in my creator who will Never fail me or you IF YOU BELIEVE. God bless you. I love you all. " Cary Green