22 Powerful Tools to Transform Your Fear into Happiness, Peace, & Inspiration by Evolution Ezine Readers - HTML preview

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Transformation Tool #10

Purging Fear with Automatic Writing

Automatic writing is the process of writing without conscious planning or thinking " in other words, simply pouring out the words onto paper without censoring yourself, editing, or directing the flow of thoughts in any deliberate way.  This is a powerful method for working through fear" based thoughts because it enables you to bypass your conscious mind and connect with stronger, subconscious thoughts that could be triggering your fear.  Even better, the technique is very easy to do; simply put pen to paper and let anything at all pour out onto the page.  Write and write until you feel like you have nothing left.

Not sure where to start?  Try an open"ended statement like one of these:

* “I feel scared right now because . . .”

* “I don‟t know what to do about . . .”

* “I feel powerless about . . .”

By the time you‘re done writing, you should feel lighter and more peaceful, like a burden has been lifted off of your shoulders.  Here is a good example of the type of situations this process can be used for:  Using Automatic Writing to Release Fear