6 Ways to Sunday, How to Cope with Relathionship Breakups by Terry Clark - HTML preview

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Do not let sadness, resentment and anger affect your communication and new relationship with your ex. It is natural for you to get angry about a decision about your kids that they have taken without consulting you first. However, you have to try to resolve matters amiably. Try not to be stubborn. Try to make suggestions rather than stating your decisions. Encourage your ex to do the same.


Never resolve any matters in front of your children after the relationship break-up. You should certainly talk with your ex when your kids are around. However, when you have to resolve an issue of any type, you should do it privately so that you can protect your kids from listening to mommy and daddy fighting again. You would certainly not want that.


Finally, make your children feel as comfortable as possible in the new situation after the relationship break-up. Avoid using them as messengers between you and your ex partner. Put a sufficient amount of time and effort to explaining the new situation to them and what steps they will need to take to adjust. Establish drop off times and a routine and a schedule for packing before your kids go to their dad/mom.

How to Cope if Your Ex Broke it Off


You didn't want to end the relationship, but your partner ended it. What to do next? How to cope with the relationship break-up? Use the following tips to recover more quickly and get your life back.


Accept the fact that the relationship is over. Do not seek any contact with your ex. Try not to try to meet them "by accident". There is no point in trying to fix things between you and a person who does not want to be with you. It is true that you may have had great moments together, but the reality is different now. Don't focus on the past.


Allow yourself to grieve. This is part of accepting the loss after a relationship break-up. It is natural for you to be hurt and sad. It is normal to be anxious about the future that you were hoping to spend together with your partner. Experience these emotions fully. Allow yourself to feel sad and angry. This will help you overcome these emotions more quickly.


Do not blame yourself for the split. This is perhaps the most important thing that you should do if the relationship break-up was initiated by your partner. The fact that they decided to end it does not mean that there is anything wrong with you. Even if you were not the perfect partner, this does not mean that your partner did not have the chance to try to fix things between you before initiating the split.


Accept that you are a great person who just could not match another person. Do not lower your self esteem just because your partner left you. Do not think that you are incapable of being with someone else.


Avoid vengeance at all costs. You may be angry and hurt and you may want to hurt your ex too. However, you should consider the fact that they may be suffering too. In addition, think about the consequences your vengeance will bring. Will it make you feel better to see your ex suffer or will it hurt you even more?


A relationship break-up is not the end of the world. After grieving for some time, make a plan for your present life as a single. Find time for yourself to get the relaxation you need. Find fun things to do. Go out with your friends. Meet new people.


Use all of these tips to recover after a relationship break-up. Remember that it is up to you to make things better.


How to Cope when Your Ex Finds a New Partner


There are a number of things that can make a relationship break-up even worse than it already is. If your ex finds a new partner right after the break up, this can certainly make you feel even more devastated than you would be otherwise. Read on to find out how to avoid this and how to get on with your life better than ever before.


Do not focus on your ex's new partner. Try not to ask friends and acquaintances about them. More importantly, do not ask yourself why your ex has got over you so quickly and whether their new partner is better than you. It is natural to feel an urge to think such things, but the truth is that you will end up being more hurt, sadder and angrier than before.


Focus on yourself. The fact that your ex has a new partner does not mean that there was or is something wrong with you. You are still a wonderful person with lots of excellent qualities. You will be able to see this clearly if you do not compare yourself with your ex's new partner.


Improve your life as much as you can. There are so many wonderful things in